Thursday, October 29, 2009

Un top al tarilor
by Claudia Sonea

Ce credeti ca inseamna cuvantul "prosperitate"? In conformitate cu definitia data de dictionar, este o stare infloritoare, mai ales de din punct de vedere financiar, dar exista si alti factori care trebuie luati in considerare. Cand este vorba despre prosperitatea unei tari, cei mai multi oameni s-ar gandi la bunastare financiara, care determina fericirea si sanatatea. In cazul in care exista fonduri si locuri de munca, atunci rezidentii unei tari ar fi fericiti si ar avea bani sa investeasca in programe de sanatate. Doar ca nu este intotdeauna asa, dupa cum va arata si Indexul Prosperitatii Legatum din 2009 prin analiza si compararea a 104 tari pe ba! za prosperitatii lor de ansamblu. Daca Hong Kong este primul atunci cand vine vorba de fundamentelor economice, este in schimb pe locul 18 pe scara de bunastarea fizica a populatiei. Mai mult decat atat, Hong Kong se ocupa pozitia 60 in topul "institutiilor democratice", ceea ce inseamna ca guvernul nu este transparent in ciuda pretentiei de a fi democratic si garantarii drepturilor si libertatilor cetatenilor sai. Asa cum este, locuitorii Hong Kong-ului nu pot fi coplesiti de emotie sau foarte fericiti. Primele 5 tari care au reusit sa obtina cel mai inalt rang pe Index-ul prosperitatii sunt Finlanda, Elvetia, Suedia, Danemarca si Norvegia. Aceste tari au obtinut un scor bun la categoriile "Fundamente economice", "Pentru antreprenoriat si inovatie", "Institutii Democratice", "Educatie", "Sanatate", "Siguranta si securitate", "Guvernare", "Libertatea Personala" si "Capital Social ". Este asadar bine sa traiesti intr-o tara no! rdica, mai ales daca esti o femeie pentru ca egalitatea de san! se intre femei si barbati ajunge la 82.2 la suta, cea mai mare din lume. Cu toate acestea, ei nu par foarte fericiti si indicele nu are nici o categorie de fericire pentru o imagine clara a starii emotionale a locuitoriilor. In ceea ce ma priveste, indicele este defectuos si nu prezinta mare incredere, avand in vedere ca financiar China este pe locul 29 si Emiratele Arabe Unite pe pozitia 38. Toate tarile din lume depind de petrol si gaze din tari precum Rusia si Emiratele Arabe Unite si asta nu are nici o importanta? Verificati Indexul si dati-va cu parerea, pentru ca ceea ce credeti ca poate modifica clasamentul. Nu pleca, mai sunt multe de spus ...

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How countries are rated
by Claudia Sonea

What does the word “prosperity” tell you? According to the dictionary it is a flourishing state, especially financially, but there are other factors to be taken into consideration. When talking about the prosperity of a country, most people would think about wealth, which determines happiness and health. If there are funds and jobs, then the residents of a country would be happy and would have money to invest in health programs. But that it is not always the case, as the 2009 Legatum Prosperity Index will show by analyzing and comparing 104 countries based on their overall. If Hong Kong is the first when it comes to e! conomic fundamentals, it is on the 18th place on the scale of the physical wellbeing of the population. Moreover, Hong Kong is occupying the 60th position in the top of “Democratic Institutions”, which means that the government is not transparent in spite of the pretence of being democratic and guarantying the rights and freedoms of its people. As it is, the residents of Hong Kong cannot be thrilled with excitement or very happy. The first 5 countries that managed to get the highest ranking on the Prosperity Index are Finland, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway. These countries got a good score on “Economic Fundamentals”, “Entrepreneurship and Innovation”, “Democratic Institutions”, “Education”, “Health”, “Safety and Security”, “Governance”, “Personal Freedom”, and “Social Capital”. It is good then to live in a Nordic country! , especially if you are a woman as the gender equality reaches! 82.2 pe rcent- the highest in the world. However, they don’t seem very happy and the index has no category for happiness for a clear image of the residents’ emotional state. As far as I am concerned, the Index is faulty and not very reliable, considering that financially China is on place 29 and United Arab Emirates on the 38 position. All the countries in the world depend on the oil and gas of countries like Russia and UAE and they consider that as being without any importance? Check for yourself the top and give your opinion, because what you think may change the top made. Don’t go away, there is more…

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Vtora runda na glasanje sledi na izborna izmama vo Afganistan
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Na 7 noemvri narodot vo Afganistan kje ima vtora runda na glasanje, po izbornata izmama što beše otkriena od istražuvači na ON. Spored faktite, na pretsedatelskite izbori što se održaa na 20. avgust, pretsedatelot Hamid Karzai ne postignal 50 procenti, potrebni za da go izbegne glasanjeto spored koe izbiračite treba da gi rangiraat kandidatite po red na svojata volja. Kako što izjavi pretsedatelot Karzai, toj celosno ja počituvaše odlukata na Komisijata za nezavisni izbori za da organizira vtora runda pomegju nego i poranešniot minister za nadvorešni raboti Abudalh Abdulah. Hamid Karzai isto taka im se obrati na a! fganistanskite žiteli da dojdat i da glasatt ušte ednaš, so cel da obezbedat stabilna figura i edinstvo za zemjata vo koja tie živeat. Okolu 200 šefovi zadolženi za glasanjeto bea otpušteni dosega i kje bide prilično teško za vladata da najde soodvetni i kvalifikuvani zameni, osobeno koga stanuva zbor do glasačkite mesta za ženite. "Teško e da se vidi kako može vtorata runda da ima kredibilitet, dokolku ženskata bezbednost i pristapnost do izbornite mesta ne se podobri dramatično," reče Rejčel Rajd, istražuvač za "Hjuman Rajts Voč" vo Kabul. Očigledno, amerikanskata vlada se podoslobodi od pritisokot, štom pretsedatelot Karzai se soglasi na vtorata runda, so ogled na toa deka glavnata cel na administracijata na Obama vo slučajov, e legitimna vlada vo Afgansitan koja bi došla na sila na transparenten, zakonski način. "Megjunarodnata zaednica e 100 pro! centi posvetena da pomogne za da se realiziraat ovie izbori", ! reč e pretsedatelot na amerikanskiot Komitet za nadvorešni vrski pri Senatot, Dzon Keri, "NATO e posveten, ISAF isto taka, na sekoj možen način, so cel da se napravi uspešno glasanje. Znaeme deka kje bide teško i deka kje bara žrtva, no nie sme posveteni na ovoj napor." Uspešna realizacija na izborite e krucijalna za adminstracijata na Obama da dobie javna poddrška vo SAD za vojnata vo Afganistan i na toj način da se oslobodi od talibanskata zakana.

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Honorer Poe
by Claudia Sonea

Des esprits brillants sont rarement compris et souvent considérés avec l'envie. L'histoire est pleine des hommes dont la génie ait été morte dans la pauvreté, mal comprise et profondément détestée. Edgar Allan Poe est un exemple de ce que la société met à mort l'esprit de ceux qui osent de ne pas s'adapter. Juste comme ses contemporains à travers l'océan, Balzac ou Wilde, Poe a été marginalisé en dépit d'être un génie littéraire dont les travaux influencent profondément la littérature partout dans le monde. Après qu'il soit mort dans la ! pauvreté, sans même avoir un enterrement approprié, ses ennemis qui l'ont persécuté pendant sa vie, continuaient d'écarter leur haine et essayaient de détruire sa réputation. Juste comme ses histoires, la vie et la mort de Poe sont entourées par le mystère, qui a en fait offert l'arme parfaite à ses rivaux, particulièrement à Griswold qui est parvenu à devenir un exécuteur littéraire de l'auteur. La seule biographie de Poe est en fait éditée par Griswold et bien qu'il y ait beaucoup de mensonges (comme la toxicomanie) et demi-vérités, les gens l'acceptent et leur réaction était tout à fait l'opposé de ce que l'éditeur avait prévu, parce que les gens ont aimé l'idée de lire les livres d'un homme si controversé. Des surhommes sont dédaignés dans la vie et félicités après leurs décès! . Est-ce que cela les a fait du bien ? Après la vie dans ! l'expuls ion et la mort d'un chat parasite, comment une éloge éternelle a-t-elle pu se rendre à eux ? Nous ne saurons jamais la réponse, mais ils vaulent la peine d'au moins essayer de les faire justice et d'apprécier l'esprit de génie, leur travail, tout en vivant au coté de l'homme dont les actions sont corrompues par l'intensité de ses passions. Ce dimanche, Baltimore honorera l'auteur et à l'occasion de 200ème anniversaire de sa naissance, il obtiendra finalement l'enterrement approprié pour une grande vie d'esprit. Soit son âme se repose dans la paix !

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Po odhalení volebného podvodu čaká Afganistan druhé kolo hlasovania
by Zuzana Zelenakova

7. novembra sa ľudia v Afganistane postavia k volebným urnám už po druhýkrát, keďže vyšetrovacia komisia podporovaná OSN odhalila volebný podvod. Podľa zistení prezident Hamid Karzai v prezidentských voľbách, ktoré sa uskutočnili 20. augusta, nezískal požadovaný počet 50 percent hlasov, nevyhnutný na to, aby sa nemuselo uskutočniť ďalšie kolo. Podľa vlastných vyjadrení prezident Karzai plne rešpektuje rozhodnutie nezávislej volebnej komisie o konaní druhého kola hlasovania, v ktorom bude súperiť ! o priazeň voličov s bývalým ministrom zahraničných vecí Abdullahom Abdullahom. Hamid Karzai takisto apeloval na obyvateľov Afganistanu, aby prišli k volebným urnám i po druhýkrát a pomohli tak zabezpečiť stabilnú budúcnosť a jednotu pre krajinu, v ktorej žijú. Približne 200 vedúcich lokálnych volebných komisií bolo prepustených a zdá sa, že pre vládu bude nesmierne zložité nájsť vhodných a kvalifikovaných ľudí, ktorí by ich nahradili, najmä čo sa týka volebných stanovíšť pre ženy. „Pokiaľ sa neurobí niečo s bezpečnosťou žien a ich prístupom k hlasovacím urnám, je ťažké si predstaviť, že by druhé kolo mohlo byť dôveryhodné,“ hovorí Rachel Reido! vá z Medzinárodnej organizácie na ochranu ľ! ;udsk 53;ch práv v Kábule. Americkej vláde sa očividne uľavilo po tom, čo prezident Karzai súhlasil s druhým kolom volieb. Jej hlavným cieľom v tomto prípade je legitímna vláda v Afganistane, ktorá by sa k moci dostala zákonnou a transparentnou cestou. „Medzinárodné spoločenstvo je stopercentne odhodlané napomôcť úspešnému priebehu týchto volieb,“ hovorí predseda komisie pre zahraničné vzťahy amerického senátu John Kerry. „NATO je odhodlané pomôcť, Medzinárodný krízový manažment je odhodlaný pomôcť všetkými možnými spôsobmi, aby prebehlo druhé kolo tak ako má. Vieme, že to bude ťažké a že si to bude vyžadovať obete, no sme pripravení to podstúpiť.“ Úspešn! 33; zavŕšenie volieb je pre vládu prezidenta Obamu kľúčové pokiaľ chce získať podporu americkej verejnosti pre vojnu v Afganistane a zbaviť sa tak hrozby Talibanu.

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Second round of voting follows election fraud in Afghanistan
by Zuzana Zelenakova

On November 7 people in Afghanistan will see a second round of voting after an election fraud has been discovered by UN backed panel of investigators. According to the findings President Hamid Karzai did not reach 50 percent, required to avoid the runoff, in the presidential poll on August 20. As President Karzai stated he respected completely the decision of the Independent Election Commission to organize a second round between himself and former foreign minister Abdullah Abdullah. Hamid Karzai also appealed on the Afghan citizens to come to vote one more time in order to secure a stable future and unity for the country they live in. About 200 election chiefs have been fi! red so far and it will be quite difficult for the government to find proper and qualified replacements, especially when it comes to voting stations for women. "It is hard to see how a second round can be credible unless women's security and access to the polls is dramatically improved," said Rachel Reid, a researcher with Human Rights Watch in Kabul. Obviously US government has been relieved by President Karzai agreeing to the second round as Obama administration´s main goal in this case is legitimate government in Afghanistan that would come to power in a transparent, lawful way. "The international community is 100 percent committed to helping to carry out this election," said U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry, "NATO is committed, ISAF is committed — in every way possible in order to make the runoff a success. We know that it will be difficult and it will require sacrifice, but we are committed to this effort." Successful completion of! elections is crucial for the Obama administration to get the ! public s upport in the US for the war in Afghanistan and thus to get rid of the Taliban threat.

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Le Tsunami en Samoa
by kristina leskova

Nous vivons trop rapidement. Et alors il n'est pas possible d'attraper toutes les choses dont nous voudrions bien le faire. Parfois la puissance de la nature est plus forte que l'humanité. Et juste en quelques secondes nous devons parler et écrire au sujet d'un désastre. Il n'importe pas s'il s'agît d'un tremblement de terre, d'un feu, d'une inondation, d'un tsunami, d'une têmpete à d'une autre chose. Tout cela arrive très rapidement et cause la mort des personnes ou des dommages catastrophiques. La nature est plus forte qu'un homme et nous ne pouvons pas nous casher devant elle. Nous vivons dans un monde si matériel et nous ne faison! s pas attention à la nature. Je pense que tous ces désastres sont un certain genre de vengeance de la nature. Si nous ne prenons pas soin de la nature, il ne prendra pas soin de nous. Mercredi il y avait un tremblement de terre énorme au Samoa. Et il n'y avait qu'un tremblement de terre, mais ceci a continué avec le tsunami qui a tué beaucoup de gens. Les derniers rapports indiquent qu'il y avait plus de cent victimes. Et entre les victimes, il y a au moins trois enfants. Le Samoa occidental est un état autonome et attend l'aide d'Australie et de Nouvelle Zélande. La vague est venue jusquà 800 mètres dans l'intérieur de le Samoa occidental. Nous ne pouvons pas dire combien de personnes ont été tuées. Puisque beaucoup de gens pourraient être amené dans la mer par les vagues. Les vagues avaient la hauteur d'environ quatre mètres et ont endommagé beaucoup de demeures. Les officiels ont rappo! rté un tremblement de terre d'une magnitude puissante de ! 8.0. Sor t de citoyens ont été averti contre le tremblement de terre et ont quitté la côte. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre était à 18 kilomètres au-dessous du fond de mer et à environ 195 kilomètres de la ville principale du Samoa.

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Loša navika:pušenje
by Claudia Sonea

I pokraj toa što na site kutii za cigari pišuva “Pušenjeto e opasno po zdravjeto”, lugjeto prodolžuvaat da ne popuštaat vo nivnata štetna navika. Sepak, koj bi možel da bide iznenaden, ako se smeta deka toa e legalna rekreativna droga. Najverojatno i Kanabisot mnogu skoro kje bide prifaten isto taka, kako što negovata popularnost sé povekje se zgolemuva i stanuva četvrtata rekreativna droga posle alkoholot, kofeinot i tutunot. Vo denešnicava postojat sé povekje pritisoci i na lugjeto im treba da najdat begstvo. Dodeka edni izbiraat pomalku bolni načini za da se oslobodat od stresot, postojat mnogu! drugi koi naogjaat srekja vo šišeto ili vo supstancite što se apsorbiraat preku jazikot. Megju supstancite što predizvikuvaat srekja, cigarite se najupotrebuvanite, glavno zatoa što ne postoi zakon koj bi možel da gi spreči lugjeto od pušenje i opštoto mislenje e deka predizvikanata šteta e pomala. Kako i da e, pušenjeto e mnogu opasno zašto postepeno gi ubiva odnatre kako gniež, i tie što pušat, no i tie koi mora da go vdišuvaat čadot, što vo suština e ušte poopasno. So cel da ja zgolemi javnata svest na zdravstvenite rizici predizvikani od navikata na pušenjeto, postojat mnogu kampanji i nekoi zemji duri postavuvaat visoki danoci za cigarite. Neodamna, zemji vo cel svet zabranija preku zakon da se puši na javni mesta (kako restorani ili kafeterii) ili tie pobaruvaa podelba pomegju pušači i nepušači. Na primer, od ovoj ponedelnik, vo Sirija p! ušenjeto e zabraneto na javni mesta (restorani, kafeterii! , kinosa li, teatri, učilišta i javen transport). Iznenaduvački e što najžestoki borci protiv pušenjeto se Arapite (Egipet, Liban, U nijata na Arapskite Emirati, Irak) koi imaat tradicija na pušenje. Što e so Evropejcite, koga kje se razbudat tie i kje go pomirisaat ušasniot čad koj ubiva ?

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Nobelovata nagrada ja dobiva…
by Barbora Misakova

Godinašnive Nobelovi nagradi bea celosno senzacionalistički. Prvata i verojatno najgolemata senzacija beše toa što Barak Obama ja dobi Nobelovata nagrada za mir. Drugo iznenaduvanje beše pobednikot za ekonomija – za prv pat vo istorijata nagradata otide vo racete na žena –Elinor Ostrom. Taa ja podeli ovaa nagrada (isto taka i 1.4 milioni dolari) so Oliver Vilijamson. Ostrom so nejzinite istražuvanja na zaedničkite izvori kako šumite, mestata za ribolov, naftenite polinja i drugi, pokaža deka tie možat da bidat menadzirani uspešno isto taka od narodot, ne samo od vladata ili privatni kompanii. Ne znam k! oga i kade točno ovaa ideja iznikna prv pat, ako toa beše samo nejzina ideja, no e povekje od efikasna, isto i vo rabotata so Ciganite, denovive. Namesto da gi ignorirame, podobro e i poefikasno da gi vklučime vo proekt, kako što reče Ostrom: „Go igoriravme faktot deka gragjanite možat da napravat i važnosta na vistinskoto vklučuvanje na angažiranite lugje.“ Drugiot dobitnik Vilijamson go fokusiraše svoeto istražuvanje na kompaniite i pazarite i nivniot način na rešavanje na konfliktite. Rezultatot beše – kompaniite se tipično podobro sposobni otkolku pazarite za da gi rešavaat konfliktite, koga konkurencijata e ograničena. Mnogu eksperti gledaat vo negovoto delo nekoj vid instrukcii kako da se spravat so kolosalnite finansiski kompanii i da se misli deka osobeno deloto na Vilijamson bi moželo da pomogne da se oformi debata za finansiskata kriza i da inspirira istra&! #382;uvanje koe bi moželo da pomogne da se zaštitime! od nov debakl. Godinašnite Nobelovi nagradi gi dobija pet ženi i 11 Amerikanci (od 13-te Nobelovi pobednici, toa e povekje od zadovoluvačka brojka, što mislite?)

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Un obicei prost
by Claudia Sonea

Ce, e rau sa fii nationalist? Cred ca ar trebui ca romanii sa inteleaga faptul ca daca iti iubesti tara si o pretuiesti nu-i o rusine. Americanii isi invata copii de mici ca tara lor e cea mai grozava tara de pe Pamant. Si sunt chiar mai comunisti decat Ceausescu. Stii ca la ei copii se ridica in pauza si canta imnu Americii? I-a incearca tu sa dai jos un steag American sau sa-l pangaresti, sa vedem cum reactioneaza ei? Poate ca esti nascut pe acest teritoriu, dar asta nu e suficient ca sa fii roman. Stramosii nostri au luptat ca noi sa putem spune ca suntem o tara, un neam, ca avem o limba a noastra. Milioane de romani au murit pe campul de lu! pta (de-a lungul timpului), doar pentru ca sute de ani mai tarziu sa ajunga alte tari NATIONALISTE ca Ungaria sa ne conste aceste drepturi dobandite cu greu, iar un "bosgor" ca tine sa spuna ca nu are nimic. Deh, suntem o tara atat de mica incat nici nu ar trebui sa se stie de existenta noastra, insa chiar si faptul ca noi acum ne bucuram de computere i-se datoreaza unui roman, Europa e crestina datorita unui roman (insa in afara de Papa care i-a lasat o inscriptie funerara tres jolie, nimeni nu-si mai aminteste de el). In ce alta tara de pe glob, minoritatiile pot sa-si vorbeasca propria limba si refuza sa o vorbeasca pe cea a tarii de resedinta? Nu am nimic cu ei, dar atunci cand intru intr-un magazin in Cluj (care e tot pe teritoriul Romaniei din cate imi aduc eu aminte) ma astept sa fiu servita in romaneste si nu sa mi se spuna in maghiara ca nu intelege limba romana. Spune ca sunt comunista, nationalista, xenofoba si cum mai vr! ei tu, daca asta inseamna ca imi iubesc tara si spun adevarul ! despre c e cred si ce vad. Sunt una dintre cei care s-au saturat sa stea si sa perie pe straini, care i-a atitudine si isi pastreaza demnitatea. Poate nu voi reusi sa schimb nimic, dar macar incerc, asa cum a incercat si Daicovici si a castigat.

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A bad habit: smoking
by Claudia Sonea

In spite of having written on all cigarette pack “Smoking is dangerous to your health”, people continue to persevere in their harmful habit. Yet, who could be surprised, considering that it is a legal recreational drug. Most probably Cannabis will be soon accepted too, as its popularity has increased in time, getting to be the fourth recreational drug after alcohol, caffeine and tobacco. Nowadays there are more and more pressures and people need to find a refugee. While some choose less harmful ways of getting rid of the stress, there are many others that find happiness in a bottle or in the substances absorbed thro! ugh lungs. Among the substances providing happiness, cigarettes are the most used, mainly because there is no law preventing people from smoking and the general opinion is that the harm produced is smaller. However, smoking is very dangerous as it kills gradually from inside like the rot both those who do it and those who have to inhale the smoke released which is in fact even more dangerous. In order to raise public’s awareness on the health hazards caused by the habit of smoking, there are many campaigns and some countries even set high taxes on tobacco. More recently, countries all over the world prohibited through law to smoke in public places (like restaurants or cafés) or they imposed a separation between smokers and non-smokers. For instance, starting this Monday, in Syria smoking was banned from public places (restaurants, cafes, cinemas, theatres, schools and on public transport). It is surprising that the fiercest fighters again! st smoking are the Arabs (Egypt, Lebanon, UAE, Iraq) who have ! a tradit ion on smoking. What about Europeans, when will they wake up and smell the terrible smoke that kills?

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Nobelovu cenu získáva...
by Barbora Misakova

Tohtoročné udeľovanie Nobeloviek bolo plné prekvapení. Prvým a azda najväčším bolo udelenie Nobelovej ceny za mier americkému prezidentovi Barackovi Obamovi. Ďalším, no asi o niečo milším prekvapením, bolo prvé víťazstvo ženy v ekonomike. Tou šťastnou bola Elinor Ostrom, ktoré vyhrala toto významné ocenenie (spolu s 1.4 miliónmi dolárov k tomu) spolu s Oliverom Williamsonom. Ostrom so svojim výskumom verejných zdrojov akými sú napríklad lesy, rybárske oblasti, ropné polia a iné ukázala, ! že tie môžu byť spravované a riadené aj obyčajnými ľuďmi, nielen vládou či súkromnými spoločnosťami. Neviem, kde presne sa táto myšlienka zrodila a či bola práve ona aj jej prvotnou autorkou, no podobnou metódou sa dnes snažia niektorí sociálni pracovníci pracovať aj s Rómami. Lepšie ako ich ignorovať je zapojiť ich do spoločného projektu, ako povedala Ostromová: „To čo sme ignorovali, bolo všetko to, čo občania vedia urobiť a dôležitosť reálnej účasti.“ Spolu výherca Oliver Williamson zameral svoj výskum na spoločnosti a trhy a ich spôsob riešenia problémov a konfliktov. Výsledkom výskumu bolo, že spoločnosti sú lepšie ako trhy pri riešení svojich problémov, keď je o! bmedzená konkurencia. Mnoho expertov vidí v jeho pr&! #225;ci niečo ako návod na to, ako zvládnuť kolosálne finančné spoločnosti a mnohí si myslia, že najmä Williamsonova práca by mohla prispieť k ďalšiemu smerovaniu debát o finančnej kríze, a tak inšpirovať ostatných, aby hľadali možnosti ako predísť ďalšiemu debaklu. Či sa to naozaj aj podarí a tieto teoretické práce nájdu v reálnom svete skutočne uplatnenie je otázkou, na ktorú zatiaľ málokto pozná odpoveď. Jediné, čo vieme s istotou je skutočnosť, že tento rok išlo päť Nobelových cien ženám a jedenástim Američanom (čo je z celkového počtu 13 odmenených uspokojivé číslo, čo poviete?).

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Nobel Prize goes to...
by Barbora Misakova

This year’s Nobel prices were all about sensation. The first one and probably the biggest one was that Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. Another surprise was a winner in economics – for the first time in the history the prize went to a woman – Elinor Ostrom. She shares this prize (and also $1.4 million) with Oliver Williamson. Ostrom with her research of common sources such as forests, fisheries, oilfields and others showed they can be managed successfully also by common people not only governments or private companies. I don’t know when and where exactly this idea arose for the first time, if it was only her idea, but it is more than effective! also in the work with Gypsies these days. Rather than ignore them, it is much better and efficient to involve them into the project, as Ostrom said: “What we have ignored is what citizens can do and the importance of real involvement of the people involved.” Co-winner Williamson focused his research on companies and markets and their way of resolving conflicts. The result was: companies are typically better able than markets to resolve conflicts when competition is limited. Many experts see in his work some kind of instruction how to handle colossal financial companies and think that especially Williamson’s work could help shape financial crises debate and inspire research to help prevent another debacle. This year’s Nobel prizes came to five women and to eleven American citizens (from the 13 Nobel winners it is more than satisfying number, what you think?)

related story (sgx15599):
by Barbora Misakova
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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Vo čest na Po
by Claudia Sonea

Brilijantnite umovi se retko razbrani od sredinata i mnogu često na niv se gleda so zavist. Istorijata e polna so genijalni lugje koi umrele vo siromaštija, nerazbrani i dlaboko omrazeni. Edgar Alan Po e primer deka opštestvoto može da go ubie duhot na onie koi se osmeluvaat da ne se snajdat vo nego. Isto kako negovite drugari-sosedi preku Okeanot, Balzak ili Vajld, Po beše marginaliziran, i pokraj toa što beše literaren genij čii dela vlijaat dlaboko na literaturata vo cel svet. Otkako umre vo siromaštija, bez duri i da ima dostoen pogreb, negovite neprijateli koi go obvinuvaa cel život, prodolžija da ja šira! t nivnata omraza i se obiduvaa da ja uništat negovata reputacija. Isto kako negovite prikazni, životot i smrtta na Po se obvitkani vo misterija, što vo suština, im ponudi sovršeno oružje na negovite rivali, osobeno na Grisvold koj uspea da stane literaren pogubuvač na pisatelot. Edinstvenata biografija na Po vo suština e uredena od Grisvold i iako toj naveduva mnogu lagi (kako što e zavisonosta od droga) i poluvistini, lugjeto ja prifakjaat i nivnata reakcija beše prilično sprotivna na toa što nastojuvaše izdavačot, zašto lugjeto ja sakaa idejata da čitaat knigi za takov kontroverzen čovek. Genijalcite se omrazeni dodeka se živi i mnogu faleni po nivnata smrt. Što dobro toa im nosi nim ?Otkako živeat kako otpadnici i umiraat kako zaskitano mače, kako bi moželo večnoto veličenje da im nadomesti go nadomesti toa? Nikogaš nema da go doznaeme odgovorot! , no tie go zaslužuvaat našiot trud da se obideme da! ja done seme pravdata i da go počituvame genijalniot um, negovite dela, a da gi ostavime zad nas lugjeto čii akcii se korumpirani od intenzitetot na nivnite strasti. Vo nedela, Baltimor ke mu oddade počit na pisatelot i na 200-godišninata od negovoto ragjanje, toj konečno kje go dobie soodveten pogreb, kakov što zaslužuva. Neka počiva vo mir !

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by Claudia Sonea
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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Zemjotres vo Indonezija
by kristina leskova

Poslednata sreda imaše silen zemjotres vo zapadniot del na Indonezija. Toj ošteti stotici zgradi i mnogu lugje bea povredeni i za nesrekja, isto taka, ubieni. Ovoj zemjotres isto taka ošteti hoteli vo gradot Padang, koj e smesten na zapadniot breg na Sumatra. Epicentarot na zemjotresot beše lociran 80 km pod morskoto dno i 45 km od gradot Padang. Vlastite proglasija ušte eden zemjotres vo istata oblast samo nekolku časa podocna. Vibracijata možeše da se počuvstuva isto taka vo Dzakarta, Malezija i Singapur. Dzakarta e oddalečena 960 km od Padang. Pa, možete da zamislite kolku silen beše toj zemjotres. No, za &! 2;itelite ova ne e prviot zemjotres i isto taka, ne i posleden. Ovie ostrovi se smesteni vo Pacifičkiot Okean i vo ovaa oblast, zemjotresot e prilično normalen fenomen. Oficijalno, brojot na žrtvite se zgolemi na 704 lugje. Mnogu od lugjeto zaginaa vo hotel vo Padang. Spasuvačkite ekipi se obidoa da baraat lugje pod konkretnite ruševini. No, kolku dolgo možete da živeete bez hrana i voda? Denes e sedmiot den otkako se sluči zemjotresot i timovite za spasuvanje koristat teška oprema za da bidat vo možnost da ja rekonstruiraat oblasta. No, životot prodolžuva ponatamu i iako ima familii koi gi izgubija svoite rodnino, tie mora da rabotat i nivnite deca mora da odat na učilište. Povekjeto od rodninite ne veruvaat deka može da ima nekoj živ, no tie gi čekaat barem telata. Toa e tažna prikazna, mnogu lugje umrea, deca izgubija tatkovci ili majki i ovie lugje ne znaat koga kje se sluč! i drug zemjotres.

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Onorandu-l pe Poe
by Claudia Sonea

Mintile sclipitoare sunt rareori intelese si de multe ori privite cu invidie. Istoria este plina de oameni de geniu care au murit in saracie, neintelesi si profund detestati. Edgar Allan Poe este un exemplu al felului in care societate ucide spiritul celor care indraznesc sa iasa din tiparele obisnuite. La fel ca vecinii sai peste Ocean, Balzac sau Wilde, Poe a fost marginalizat, in ciuda faptului ca a fost un geniu literar al caror lucrari au influentat profund literatura de peste tot din lume. Dupa ce a murit in saracie, fara sa aiba parte macar de o inmormantare corespunzatoare, dusmanii sai care l-au persecutat in timpul vietii sale, ! au continuat sa isi raspandeasca ura lor si au incercat sa-i distruga reputatia sa. La fel ca povestirile sale, viata si moartea lui Poe sunt inconjurate de mister, care de fapt reprezinta arma perfecta pentru rivalii lui, mai ales pentru Griswold care a reusit sa devina executorul mostenirii literare a scriitorului. Biografia lui Poe publicata de Griswold care este, de fapt, plina de minciuni (cum ar fi dependenta de droguri) si jumatati de adevar, a fost acceptata de oameni si reactia lor a fost exact opusul a ceea ce editorul dorise, pentru ca ideea de a citi cartile unui astfel de om controversat a fost rapid indragita Oamenii de geniu sunt dispretuiti in timpul vietii si laudati dupa moartea lor. Dar ce mai conteaza pentru ei? Dupa ce au fost proscrisi in viata si au murit ca niste caini vagabonzi, cu ce i-ar putea ajuta o lauda vesnica? Noi nu vom sti niciodata raspunsul, dar merita efortul de a incerca sa i-se faca dreptate si sa i-se aprecieze minte! a de geniu, lucrarile sale, lasand deoparte omul ale carei act! iuni sun t corupte de intensitatea pasiunilor sale. In aceasta duminica Baltimore va onora pe scriitor si la aniversarea a 200 de ani de la nasterea sa, el va avea in sfarsit parte de o inmormantare corespunzatoare pentru o mintea sclipitoare ca a lui. Odihneasca-se in pace!

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by Claudia Sonea
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Honoring Poe
by Claudia Sonea

Brilliant minds are rarely understood and often regarded with envy. History is full of men of genius who died in poverty, misunderstood and deeply hated. Edgar Allan Poe is an example of society kills the spirit of those who dare to not fit in. Just like his fellow neighbours across the Ocean, Balzac or Wilde, Poe was marginalised in spite of being a literary genius whose works influence deeply literature all over the world. After he died in poverty, without even having a proper funeral, his enemies who persecuted him during his life, continued to spread their hatred and tried to destroy his reputation. Just like his stories, Poe’s lif! e and death are surrounded by mystery, which in fact offered the perfect weapon to his rivals, especially to Griswold who managed to become the literary executor of the writer. The only biography of Poe is in fact edited by Griswold and although there are many lies (like the drug addiction) and half-truths, people accept it and their reaction was quite the opposite of what the publisher intended, because people loved the idea to read the books of such a controversial man. Men of genius are despised in life and praised after their deaths. What good does that do to them? After living like outcasts and dieing like a stray cat, how could an eternal praise make it up to them? We will never know the answer, but they worth the trouble of trying to do them justice and appreciate the genius mind, his works, while leaving beside the man whose actions are corrupted by the intensity of his passions. This Sunday, Baltimore will honour the writer and at the 200th anniver! sary of his birth, he will finally get the proper funeral for ! a great mind life his. May he rest in peace!

related story (sgx15558):
by Claudia Sonea
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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Zemetrasenie v Indonézii
by kristina leskova

Minulú stredu bolo na západe Indonézie zaznamenané silné zemetrasenie. Poškodilo stovky budov a mnoho ľudí bolo zranených a nanešťastie v dôsledku zemetrasenia aj zabitých. Toto zemetrasenie spôsobilo aj poškodenie hotelov v meste Padang, ktoré sa nachádza na západnom pobreží Sumatry. Epicentrum tohto zemetrasenia sa nachádzalo 80 kilometrov pod morským dnom a 45 kilometrov od mesta Padang. Úradníci zaznamenali ďalšie zemetrasenie v tej istej oblasti a to len o niekoľko hodín neskôr. Otrasy mohli byť pociťované dokon! ca až v Jakarte, Malajzii a Singapure. Jakarta je mesto vzdialené 960 kilometrov od mesta Padang. Takže si vieš predstaviť, aké silné muselo byť toto zemetrasenie. Lenže pre obyvateľov tejto krajiny to nie je prvé a bohužiaľ ani posledné zemetrasenie. Tieto ostrovy sa nachádzajú v Tichom oceáne a v tejto oblasti sú zemetrasenia pomerne častým javom. Oficiálne počet obetí vzrástol až na 704 ľudí. Väčšina týchto ľudí zahynula práve v hoteli Padang. Záchranné posádky sa snažili hľadať ľudí pod betónovými troskami. Lenže ako dlho vydrží človek bez jedla a vody? Dnes je to už siedmy deň od vypuknutia zemetrasenia a záchranné tímy využívajú ťažkú techniku, aby mohli túto oblasť z! rekonštruovať. Lenže život ide ďalej ! a hoci j e tu množstvo rodín, ktoré stratili niektorého svojho príbuzného, musia ísť do práce a ich deti do školy. Väčšina z príbuzných už neverí, že by tam mohol byť ešte niekto nažive, ale čakajú aspoň na telo svojho príbuzného. Je to smutný príbeh, zahynulo množstvo ľudí, deti prišli o svojich otcov a matky a títo ľudia stále nevedia, kedy môže prísť ďalšie zemetrasenie.

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Earthquake in Indonesia
by kristina leskova

Last Wednesday there was a strong earthquake in west of Indonesia. It damaged hundreds of buildings and many people were injured and unfortunately also killed. This earthquake also damaged hotels in the city Padang which is situated on the western coast of Sumatra. The epicenter of that earthquake was located 80 kilometers under the sea bottom and 45 kilometers from Padang city. The officials reported another earthquake in the same area only few hours later. The vibration could be felt also in Jakarta, Malaysia and Singapore. Jakarta is 960 kilometers far away from Padang. So you can imagine how strong the earthquake was. But for the citizens this is not the first earthquak! e and also not the last. These islands are situated in Pacific Ocean and in this area earthquake is quite common phenomenon. Officially the number of victims increased to 704 people. Many of the people were killed in hotel in Padang. Rescue crews tried to search for people under the concrete debris. But how long can you live without food and water? Today is the seventh day since the earthquake happened and the rescue teams are using heavy equipment to be able to reconstruct the area. But the life goes further and even though there are families who lost their relatives, they have to work and their children have to go to school. Most of the relatives do not believe that there could be somebody alive, but they are waiting at least for the body. It is a sad story, many people died, children lost their fathers or mothers and these people do not know when another earthquake will come.

related story (sgx15545): http://new! com/s/ap/20091006/ap_on_re_as/as_indonesia...
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Cunami vo Samoa
by kristina leskova

Živeeme prebrzo. Taka, ednostavno ne e vozmožno da gi fatime site raboti što bi sakale. Ponekogaš, mokjta na prirodata e posilna od čoveštvoto. I za samo nekolku sekundi nie morame da zboruvame i da pišuvame za katastrofa. Ne e važno dali se slučil zemjotres, požar, poplava, cunami, nekoja bura ili drugo. Site tie doagjaat mnogu brzo i predizvikuvaat smrt na lugje ili katastrofalni šteti. Prirodata e posilna od čovekot i ne možeme da se zaštitieme od toa. Živeeme vo materijalen svet i nie ne se grižime za prirodata. Mislam deka site ovie šteti se nekoj vid odmazda na prirodata. Ako nie ne ! se grižime za prirodata, taa nema da se griži za nas. Vo sredata se sluči ogromen zemjotres vo Samoa. I nemaše samo zemjotres, prodolži i so cunami koj ubi mnogu lugje. Poslednite izveštai velat deka ima povekje od sto žrtvi. I megju žrtvite se najmalku tri deca. Zapadna Samoa e avtonomna država i očekuva pomoš od Avstralija i Nov Zeland. Branot dojde 800 metri dlaboko vo zemjata vo Zapadna Samoa. Ne možeme da kažeme kolku lugje zaginaa. Zašto mnogu od lugjeto možea da umrat od branovite koi udiraa vo moreto. Branovite bea visoki okolu četiri metri i tie oštetija mnogu zdanija. Vlastite prijavija mokjen zemjotres od 8 stepeni. Mnogu od gragjanite bea predupredeni za zemjotresot i mnogu od niv go napuštija bregot. Epicentarot na zemjotresor beše 18 km pod morskoto dno i okolu 195 km od glavniot grad na Samoa.

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