Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"An Eye for and Eye Makes the Whole World Blind"
by Milota Sidorova

Oh, it's so difficult to speak even to describe things going on - for example in Moscow. There have been two suicidal bomb attacks in central Metro yesterday' s morning. We' ve already heard the results and reactions - 37 deaths, mostly young people, two female bombers dying along with them. We've heard angry politicians, President, Prime Minister talking of tough steps towards extremist's organizations, the end of the rope, mercy for these unhuman beings. Who could blow up dozens of innocent people on their way to school, to work, to doctor or everywhere else? No terrorist organization has been accused so far, but the hints point to North Caucasian region of Chechenya and! the case of "Black Widows possibly rising again" crossed the borders of Russia to get international attention for a while. But, tell me, dear reader, living in safe town, possibly with regular income, ambitions and group of friends or even family. What kind of picture can you get at first impression? Were they not human? Is this the simplfication of what comes to your mind? Were they were fanatists, selling their souls to violence, military regime or just revenge? No, it could be me or you. If it would happen the same that happened to them during Russia occupation of Chechenya, if you saw hatred Russians killing your family in front of your own eyes, it they destroyed your estate, stole the money, if they raped you what kind of future what be left for you? So called "terrorist" attacks are many times not terrorist at all - they point to something that was covered and shut up for more than a long time. These groups often feel great sorrow, injustice, so bloody injustice! they would do anything to taste even the slightest revenge. ! I don' t know if it was a Black Widow, but killing those innocent Russians could seem equal in her eyes, for killing innocent civilist of her country. There are two more things, no, three more things I want to tell - As Ghandi said "An eye for an eye, makes the whole world blind" I know this action won't ease the sorrow of such woman, nor it can comfort her, even if she survived and had to deal with the consequences of this crime till her last days. Revenge is not working. Not really. Though, I feel great anger for those women, being raped twice, maybe three time, because of the sacrifice they were willing to take. Extremist groups are very comfortable recruiting these women, because of their despair. They simply use them to do the dirtiest work, they wouldn't do by themselves. And many of them gain enormous provisions if this woman succees and kills herself. These groups are very often cooperating with the power groups of the country. The woman is a double looser. What does she g! et for herself? The honorable death in the circles of comrades and her name accused among billions out there? And the third loss is coming as soon as politicians, responsible for massacres label them terrorists and instead of finding every possible way to peace and apologize, they provoke greater anger, war tastes and intolerance among people. The world today is scared to death from the word terrorism, but no one really knows, what the terrorism really is. Politicians do profit from such actions as well, because it gives a space for extreme and emergency solutions. And the war song carries on and on. History teaches us, there will be always people who profit and those despair ones who make the profit. At any cost.

related story (sgx16883): http://www.france24.com/en/20100329-medvedev-govt-act-withou! ...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

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