Tuesday, March 30, 2010

From the distance
by Milota Sidorova

The darkness, the smell of coal, taste of the sweat mixed with the ground, smell of petroleum, the weak light from the helmet, the only light that resembles of the world outside. It is the only company, the reminder that it could have looked different above. You remebered the touch of wind, grass, shadows of the trees, you could think of the laugh of your comrades after the shift. You remebered the dirty road out of the mine, sharp light contrast when you reached the entrance of the mine, It's amazing. Barely you could feel yourself, your muscles, breath and your eyes suddenly got burnt by the sunlight. You felt yourself again - you heared - how could be this true? You hav! e've been trapped for so long that you even forgot you had a wife and a daughter. She was in the school when it happened. When the Earth covered you. You could remeber that. Water, falling water, slashing, the sound was horrible and awesome at the same time, but you knew, you had this painful idea flashing your brain, you knew she was coming to embrace you. You saw the roof becoming the floor, you saw your friend buried under the hill of coal, blood and stone. Your only instinct was to get out of there. But you couldn't. You felt this was going to hurt, you imagined all the moments waiting for you outside this hell, you knew how strongly you wanted to survive. Come on, faster, leave them, get away, hit it, squeeze, machine, darkness. You knew it was only mistake. You didn't want to die like that. And even now, you don't believe it. You can see rescuemen getting away, stone by stone, just to reach your cold hand. You can see youself lying defronted along the road, untill t! he car comes to get you. You saw them - you saw your family, y! our daug hter couldn't even cry. They all went to silence and you couldn't do anything. In a moment you knew this was going to be aired to billions of people in evening news, before they went to bed, made love and carried on the other day. You saw yourself becoming the part of amuzing evening show for the rest of the planet. You heard that fucking businessmen talking of great sorrow about this loss. You knew you were not alone. And you knew this was not going to end... In memory of 2,600 miners who died last year of insufficient safe conditions in Chinese mines.

related story (sgx16885): http://www.france24.com/en/20100329-frantic-search-underway-...
by! Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

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