Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Farmers need our support!
by Barbora Misakova

We cannot feed our children on crude oil or paper profit. Money are needed, that is true, but “green papers” themselves can be eaten neither. We need bread, meat, milk. More than money we depend on agriculture and farmers! But those in France are on the ropes. The grain prices and revenues are tumbling down and French farmers are anxious and angry. Emergency aid measures are needed, that is why thousands of farmers travelled across the country on their tractors to get to the streets of Paris on Tuesday. More than 1,500 tractors and banners “Don’t sell out agriculture.” was able to see on the capital’s iconic squares and boulevards. Cereal! , sunflower and rapeseed producers are desperate. “We can no longer make a living out of what we produce.” said Yves, a 44-year-old cereal and rapeseed farmer from north-east France. The price of produced wheat is higher than the price it is actually sold for. Farmers are losing money and EU subsidies are getting smaller and smaller. Farmers ask for swift and concrete government measures. The question of reducing tax burden weighing on farmers is also concerned with us. Unfortunately, not everyone is realizing it. While Linda, 34 came to Paris with her 7-year-old son to support the farmers, Bruno, a retired electronics engineer was more excited to see the tractors. As one of the farmers said, they just need prices to be regulated so they honestly reflected what the product is worth. “We can’t deal with the unstable prices and fluctuations we’re seeing today. We’re not traders or speculators, we’re men of the land.” he said. An! d these men of the land are our real breadwinners.

rel! ated sto ry (sgx17113):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

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