Wednesday, May 26, 2010

No trace of the kingpin, but innocent people lost their lives
by Zivka Deleva

More than 60 people have been killed in the massive police action in Jamaica's capital Kingston against drug gang members who support the narco boss Christopher "Dudus" Coke. Jamaican forces literally entered one house to another to find the kingpin, but only innocent people suffered, and most of them, civilians. Among the victims, there also is a baby. What an irony, what has a baby done bad to deserve this destiny? This dangerous criminal is wanted by the United States and Jamaica government wanted to deport to the US. According to the US Justice Department, he is the "world's most dangerous narcotics kingpins." In the last twenty years, he has led a gang that is smugglin! g marijuana and crack cocaine, especially in New York region. He might stuck in prison for a life time, if normally, his guilt is going to be proved. The kingpin is even trying to negotiate with US representatives through his lawyer. Kingston is in the middle of a bloodshed. And after all, the drug lord is still free. People die on the both sides. Who is going to convince the parents of that child that it's death is for the "land they love". These are the words of leading Labor Party, that tried to calm down the citizens, naming the raids as "inescapable and unavoidable". "We hope that out of the national crisis there will come a rebirth of Jamaica, the land we love." My oh my! Local residents protest in the behalf of Coke, who is winning over their support, by giving money to the impoverished people, offering them jobs and education. It is easy to catch a fish when it is hungry!
by Zi vka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

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