Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Three veto weilding countries against Iran
by Zivka Deleva

The three major world powers, United States, China and Russia agreed on one thing - they stop Iran's nuclear program to take bigger dimensions. They have signed a draft about sanction resolution against Iran, and they are going to pass it to the UN Security Council. US, China and Russia are veto wielding permanent Security Council members and they can say no to God if they want. Two other members of the UN Security Council are Brazil and Turkey, but they agreed with Iran's deal to transfer much of its low enriched uranium abroad. "This announcement is as convincing an answer to the efforts undertaken in Tehran over the last few days as any we could provide. We are proceedi! ng to rally the international community on behalf of a strong sanctions resolution that will, in our view, send an unmistakable message about what is expected from Iran" - Clinton told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. US biggest problem concerning Iran is the state's stubbornness to continue with the enrichment of the uranium, no matter all the advises and warnings the world power's have given with months. Though Tehran insists on the attitude that their nuclear program is going to be used in peaceful purposes, still, the world is not convinced enough that behind this strategy doesn't lay an atomic program aiming to produce nuclear weapon. Before, Turkey has signed a deal with Iran, for much of the uranium to be brought on Turkish soil. Iran was hoping that if they agree on this accord, there won't be more sanctions, but obviously, they were wrong.
by Zivka Deleva
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