Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Thai reconnection
by Milota Sidorova

Don't close your eyes, watch out your head, don't give up. There is something serious going on in Thailand. This monring I woke up hearing the warning news for tourists coming to Thailand. They would be better off the country, or the capital or they should stay only in touristic areas.Riots and protests in Bangkok have taken place and last for several weeks. And it's been amazing that it has come so far. I admired people able to go to the streets and risk their lives just to express their disagreement with current government and military regime ruling the country.The violence took place in the streets and the crowds were smashed by army troops. Blood was spilled and the rio! ts cost 37 civilians. But the violence seemed not to be finished. Protests have been reduced, yet thousands of people laid down in peacefull demonstration. Yet, their or maybe declining international image forced government to respond. Opposition Red Shirt, Weng Tojirakarn was given an offer to continue talks with upper house of Parliament. The condition would be simple – to stop the fighting on both sides. Earlier this month Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajva offered an ultimatum for anti-government protesters. Every one had had to leave the streets before Monday. People, however stayed. Leaders of Red Shirts got the offer. Although it seems the violence could be stopped, the governmental report is far from reality outside in the streets. Although it seems the talk efforts were accepted, so far they've always failed in the past. Both sides are more than careful. So even if it's one step forward, no one seems to be trusting each other.

related story (sgx173! 26): http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/as_thailand_politics;_ylt=AnQe.dV...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

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