Monday, May 3, 2010

Suspect Car Bomb in Times Square
by Claudia Sonea

United States of America is the country of all possibilities. It is a heaven for those who want to fulfil their dreams of getting rich, famous, powerful, for those who want to make a statement through a terrorist attack. From the 19th century and up to present day in US have been recorded multiple acts of terrorism. Between 1865-1980 the Ku Klux Klan organized campaigns of terrorist violence in order to overthrow the reconstructionist governments and to re-establish segregation, George Metesky used bombs to protest against the local electric utility, Black Liberation Army carried out a series of bombings, robberies for the liberation and self-determination of black people. Due to the involvement in other countries’ affairs, the terrorist attacks have increased in frequency and are mainly attributed to organizations coming from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. Last Saturday, in Times Square a car bomb was discovered! by a street vendor after failing to ignite properly. The police did not reveal any suspects and there is no prove that the bomb was in fact the work of a terrorist organization. However, US officials like Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano rushed into hypothesizing the car bomb as an act of terrorism which could be linked to Islamist groups or to a domestic cause. Usually organizations like al Qaeda have more carefully planned acts of terror and their bombs are not only more sophisticated than the one from Times Square, but they also are more successful. Taking into consideration that its engine running and the hazard lights flashing, the implication of a serious terrorist group can be ruled out. Most definitely, it was the work of an amateur with the purpose of creating panic or maybe to make a statement. In a video posted on Youtube alleged members of Pakistani Taliban claim responsibility for the bomb,! but Al Jazeera said reliable sources from inside the organiza! tion den y any involvement in the failed car bomb. The device and its failure have been redeemed by several groups without any evidence or verified data. Currently, the police is still investigating and they are searching for a white male in his forties after having checked the surveillance footage. At the Senate Intelligence Committee's annual threat assessment hearing that was held in February the nation's top security official, Leon Pannetta, and the FBI Director, Robert Mueller, warned of imminent terrorist attack on US soil. Believe it or not, but two months later, the attack actually took place. Coincidence or real deal, how should the car bomb place in Times Square be regarded? US residents have developed a sort of indifference towards all things related to terrorism. Frequent incidents made them stronger and accustomed them with small explosive devices (in 2009 a bomb exploded out in front of a Starbucks in New Yor! k City destroying a bench it had been placed on), shooting rampages (in Little Rock, Arkansas Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, an American Muslim opened fire on a U.S. military recruiting office), aircraft hijackings (on 25.12.2009 Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempted to detonate an explosive on an aircraft enroute from Amsterdam to Detroit), mass car bombings, etc.

related story (sgx17146):
by Claudia Sonea
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