Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Blood and ignorance fall upon Israel
by Milota Sidorova

Violent attack on humanitary fleet trying to reach the shores of Gaza shocked the world yesterday. Groups of activists and international passengers aimed to deliver humanitary aid to help Palestinans. Althouhg they were sailing through international water space, Israeli representatives announced they would block the mission. One could expected violence, but the reality has exceeded the worst projections. Israeli ships attacked the boats and killed up to 20 civilists and hurt dozen more people. According press activists on the boats were unarmed, compared to Israeli part.These people went there risking everything they had – their lives. This act of the greatest love an! d courage should be celebrated all over the world. People, even Israeli citizens reached supporting arm to the other side. This is the action many politicians, many inhabitants living on both sides can't even think of. But Israel politics brutally stoppped them.But look around you – how is the world reacting? The media seem to pass this problem with just few lines and reports, it seems like nothing has happened. Israel has laid a censorship upon its media and journalists, even video material has been caught. These days, members of OSN are discussing what has happened there – there are many, including Turkey and Palestinian attorneys who express open anger over Israeli behavior towards all the world. According Turkey, Israel has supported a piracy, because it attacked and taken over international fleet in international water. By killing passengers it contributed planned and well prepared mass murder. Israel is suggesting the opposite – the area belonged to! Israel, although this decision is not respected by the intern! ational community. According Palestinian attorney, Israel was ignoring any rule or law. U.S. according to Joe Biden's words - “having no such friend” as Israel, U.S. diplomacy strangely make no comment until the task is being investigated. And this silence from Washinghton is at least unusual. Washinghton is doing nothing, it doesn't say even a word toward its nuclear friend. Is it waiting until things get worse of fade in media silence?

related story (sgx17427): http://www.france24.com/en/20100531-un-security-council-meet...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

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