Haywards does it again!
by Claudia Sonea
Romanians have a saying: “the country is burning and the old lady is brushing her hair”. It seems to be an accurate description of Tony Hayward, chief executive of BP. The oil leaking from one of BP plc’s deep water oil well in Gulf of Mexico continues to cause serious damages to the environment, while Hayward is out to a yacht race and having a wonderful time with friends and family. It is not the first time when BP’s management shows a total lack of interest for the harm produced and the bad handling of the situation attracted public outrage. The efforts of capping the spill! ed oil are bearing fruits, but the process is too slow and the damages could be too great. The relation between the global energy company and the public was compromised by the inability of fulfilling the promises. Hayward should never consider a career in Public Relations as he is doing everything that someone in his situation should not be doing. After the April 20 blast killed 11 workers and caused a devastating oil spill, as the chief executive of BP, Hayward promised to remain in SUA until the situation is clarified, but less than a week later he flew to Britain in order to celebrate his birthday with his family. Criticism of the company’s response and the fact that the executives preferred to ignore the safety measures in order to cut money and save time; doesn’t scare any of the CEOs. Hayward is having a great time with his family, racing, while Carl-Henric Svanberg, BP’s chairman, speaks at private conferences! about the feeling of being on top of the world. Bravo to them! , but wh at about the spill?
related story (sgx17652): http://www.france24.com/en/20100620-bp-hayward-yatch-outing-...
by Claudia Sonea for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv) |
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