Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Horst Koehler resignes as President of Germany
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Monday, May 31, Horst Koehler announced his resignation from the post of German President. Decision, that has been widely considered a surprise came after Horst Koehler became an object of criticism due to his comments on the country´s military deployments abroad. Many called the move an overreaction and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in particular must have been frustrated by its timing. Merkel, along with other European leaders, is currently battling the eurozone debt crisis as well as her sinking popularity. Now she has to put and extra line on her to do list, to find a capable person that could fill the presidential post. "I regret that my comments could lead to! a misunderstanding about an important and difficult question for our nation," said Horst Koehler in a statement on Monday. Upon his return from a trip to Afghanistan, where Germany keeps 4,500 troops he said that "in emergencies, military intervention is necessary to uphold our interests, like for example free trade routes, for example to prevent regional instabilities which could have a negative impact on our chances in terms of trade, jobs and income." Later he was overwhelmed with criticism that by his comments he is altering already fragile and unstable public acceptance of Germany´s foreign military missions and that he has twisted a NATO mission against terrorism into economic affair. Reportedly, Angela Merkel learned about his decision to resign only a while before he officially announced it. 'I deeply regret this resignation," said Chancellor that canceled her trip to Italy to see German soccer team preparing there for World Cup. "I must add that I of course t! old him also I respect his decision to resign." Until a suitab! le succe ssor is found, the head of the upper house of parliament Jens Boehrnsen will act in place of the president.

related story (sgx17429): http://www.france24.com/en/20100531-president-horst-kohler-r...
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

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