Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pursuing personal interests
by Claudia Sonea

Politicians are the one who will bring the Apocalypse. They have no regards for the ordinary voter who trusted them and put them in charge. Yet, only the ordinary voter has to suffer from the wars they start and the measures they take. Did Bush lose anyone dear to him in Iraq? Did Obama lose anyone he loved in Afghanistan? There is an overwhelming feeling of sadness and frustration that instead of focusing on real issues that their countries have to deal with, politicians are concentrating on getting money, power, on plotting. Let’s take a look at the latest conflict. The European Union is going through a ver! y difficult period with the euro’s depreciation, with the debt crisis, but instead of having all their attention on finding a solution, the governments of member countries are trying to bully Iran. No one sees the fuel enrichment plant as a good thing, but it is too late to do anything about it and the fact that Iran agreed on a solution to appease the spirits, should have made the countries to back down. However, that is not possible, because Iran’s President decided to broker a deal with Brazil and Turkey and not with the coalition formed by US, France and Russia. Apparently, the West is afraid that Iran is not using the uranium to create radioisotopes for medical purposes, but it is intended for a nuclear bomb. In order to clear such fears, the coalition mentioned previously suggested taking the low-enriched uranium and make the rods necessary for the research reactor. Now, Tehran’s government did not refuse the offer, the! y only refused to hand over the material to the coalition, whi! ch howev er did not manage to dismiss the new UN sanctions. Whether, the country is preparing for a nuclear mob or not, I don’t believe is so disturbing as it is the fact that a new conflict is on its way due to the irrational sanctions that UN is insisting on taking. Shouldn’t they wait and see what happens in three months from the moment Iran agreed to move more than half of its nuclear material to Brazil and Turkey? Stay connected and pray for a world without conflicts….

related story (sgx17430): http://www.france24.com/en/20100531-iran-has-developed-20-pe...
by Claudia Sonea
for Cantell TV (http://cantell! .tv)

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