Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Will new war begin?
by Barbora Misakova

There is nothing what we need “more” than another war. But as it seems there is nothing what we should expect less than that. After unsuccessful negotiations with North Korea and sanctions that were imposed on this communist country, the conflict looks like insolvable. The days with no solution were flashing by too quickly and United States with South Korea have lost their patience. And even though their next step was not exactly the right one, there was nothing else they could do. Or was it? On Sunday, US naval vessels started up large set of military exercises together with South Korea. In this way US tries to underscore deterrence against North Korea which wa! s accused of sinking a South Korean warship Cheonan in March where 46 men were killed. U.S. naval vessels together with the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington began the drills by setting off from South Korean ports. While China had objected to the drills, North Korea warns the drills could engulf the region in war. As the North’s powerful National Defence Commission vowed on Saturday, a “sacred war” against US and South Korea can be launched at “any time necessary”. There are more than 200 aircraft and three destroyers involved in the drills which will be controlled by four Japanese military officers on carrier’s board. Pyongyang, known for voicing its anger in the past, is expected to come up with further provocations in coming months, said U.S. officials. After all, it was the North’s foreign ministry spokesman who said: “We are not the one who would be surprised by military threats or sanctions.”
related story (sgx17890):
by Barbora Misakova
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