Friday, July 23, 2010

Serbians cry for Kosovo
by Zivka Deleva

No one wants to lose part of its property. People fight for a single foot in their yard, not even when parts of your country are endangered by the enemy. In that situation, you get angry, you get emotionally, you just to anything not to let go the thing. That is not always possible, no matter how much one state does for it. the most actual case in which the ego is hurt, and especially if one knows that that people's ego is genetically always very big, now is Serbia. That is the biggest initiator of conflicts in the team of the countries from ex-Yugoslavia in the late 20 years. They started the bloody war in 1991 when countries split the union they lived in more than a cen! tury. However, the southern parts of the Serbian territory where Kosovo was situated is no longer Serbian part. Few years ago Albanians from Kosovo were explicit that they don't want to live in a brotherhood with Serbians, if they ever were unified. I don't see why shouldn't Serbians just let it go. You can't give someone something by force, you can only take away something by force. If certain community wants that, who are you to say no? Kosovo people are not the only ones that want to be "free". The same destiny follow the Basque people in Spain and many more. The world is afraid that if one achieves the independence, that would encourage others to do the same. The International Court of Justice these days opened the question of whether Kosovo's independence was legal. Though, the Court doesn't see what is the problem, Serbians' President Boris Tadic doesn't give up and said that Belgrade will never recognize Kosovo. “The government will now consider further st! eps” - what do you say about this, don't you see some ne! w proble ms in the neighborhood? Say what you want, Kosovo people got what they wanted.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

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