Thursday, July 22, 2010

What will they do with that North Korea?
by Barbora Misakova

Why should they worry that nobody likes them, if they have nuclear and ballistic missile weapons programs that could destroy all their enemies? It was meant to be just a joke, but reality shows it differently. North Korea actually lies heavy on many states’ stomachs for these programs. Washington wages war against North Korea’s nuclear program for many years but there are still no positive results. United States in attempt to suspend North Korea’s illicit atomic ambitions are so forced to use a little threat in form of new sanctions on this communist country. As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton informed Wednesday, these sanctions were designed to prevent! Pyongyang from funding weapons programs and spreading weapons of mass destructions. These measures were not directed at the North Korean people, as she said, but at destabilizing, illicit and provocative policies pursued by their government. Clinton, who is visiting South Korea together with US Defense Secretary Robert Gates, show support after the sinking of a South Korean warship with the loss of 46 lives. They also held talks with the South’s Foreign Minister Yu Myung-Hwan and Defence Minister Kim. It was the first such “two plus two” meeting in Seoul. Their joint statement was a warning for the North Korea that will have to carry “serious consequences” for its future aggression. The US sanctions are aimed to “increase our ability to prevent North Korea’s proliferation, to halt their illicit activities that help fund their weapons programs and to discourage further provocative actions.” said Clinton. On Thursday Secretary ! of State asked China to “take additional steps” to! press N orth Korea over its nuclear and military programs. But if accusations of number of US lawmakers and pundits fill up, China will never go against North Korea as it finds the status quo to be in its best interest.

related story (sgx17868):
by Barbora Misakova
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