Thursday, July 15, 2010

Children in the riots in Northern Ireland
by Milota Sidorova

It´s been the third morning that people of Ardoyne in northern Belfast have awoken into the riots taking place around the city. This time even nine-year-old kids were taking their place in open fire demonstrations. These clashes followed Protestant marching season, typical by increasing tensions. According media sources, demonstrants were firing at the police. First Minister Peter Robinson expressed his admiration for the police handling the “most difficult circumstances”. Yet, there are more on the both sides who disliked the riots. According one of them, Martin McGuiness of Catholic republicans Sinn Fein a group aiming for united Ireland this “unres! t was a setback” against all the progress they have done past times. The riots were said to be evoked by the small group of “troublemaker” involving even children throwing the stones. For witness of the riots it's been a shock, definitely not a fair step. If the child grows up in such environment, the consequences are significant all his life. It's like teaching unconscious person to hate without any reason that would meant something for to him. It's like forcing sons to fight for the problems of their fathers, even if there was a slow process for finding a way. Even if both sides made their small steps towards each other. Bearing historical problems and injustice is definitely a setback. Statistics says that children had never been involved in violence even in the worst and most crucial times of Northern Ireland protests. Police was said to use a water cannon in response to the crowd.

related story (sgx17837):
by Milota Sidorova
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