World Cup 2010: no change for Africa?!
by Barbora Misakova
There is no one who would dispute about grandiosity of FIFA World Cup 2010. Not only football teams but also people from the whole world were traveling hours and hours just to be there – in South Africa. Before anything was started, questions arose: How will it help Africa? Will it bring something positive to Africa? Will World Cup change anything in Africa? Many dreamers believed that World Cup will bring money and so also help to this developing continent. But the truth is a bit different. It has been just two days since World Cup ended and there is a fear again of a new wave of violence. In Yeoville, a neighborhood of Johannesburg where many immigrants live, reside! nts fear that a new wave of xenophobic violence will break out. Two years ago there were 62 people killed and many more injured or displaced when armed groups of residents attacked immigrant workers. Immigrants were and still are accused from increasing crime rate and monopolizing the few jobs available. Impoverished black South Africans are desperate because instead of fulfilling the World Cup’s promises how well it all could be the reality is still the same – and the tensions between residents and immigrant communities remain high in Yeoville. As said 29-year-old Blanchard, a Congolese student: “By repeating over and over that the World Cup was going to be something extraordinary, some South Africans ended up believing that a miracle was going to happen. But today, the situation is the same. So here and there we are hearing these people, frustrated at not getting anything out of the World Cup, saying that as soon as it is over, they will drive us out.! 221; As the World Cup dream is over, the time for action has c! ome.
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by Barbora Misakova for Cantell TV ( |
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