Africans marched in the name of their independence
by Zivka Deleva
The world is still stunning about French president Nicolas Sarkozy decision to invite former colonial countries to participate in the Bastille Day march. They were suppose to celebrate 50 years of independence exactly from the country that impoverished them for good for decades. What an irony, once again the politics stuck. The forces from 13 colonies have come to France to march down the Champs-Elysees on the countries national day’s celebration. As politicians say the invitation is a form for the French state to pay attention to “African veterans”. The public didn’t praise the fact that some African state’s leaders have participated in the! parade. Out of all the sub-Saharan former colonies, only Ivory Coast didn’t accept the invitation in the behalf of the bad relations between the two countries. By this event, France may be proud that it has given the African countries their independence, when on the behalf of the truth, African people had to fight against French to win over their liberty – the principle that the French state literally is based on. But, there is another point of view. According to some Human Rights organizations, some of the African leaders weren’t supposed to participate on the celebration, due to their dirty past on the human rights issue. They even wrote to Sarkozy that “it would be no small paradox that during a celebration of the values of the Republic, these values should be flouted by the presence of torturers, dictators and other predators of human rights, and that instead of pursuing them, France honours them." Sarkozy denied all the accusations of the ! 220;colonial nostalgia”. 14 July 1789 is considered the ! date whe n modern French republic has been constituted.
by Zivka Deleva for Cantell TV ( |
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