Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Volcano eruption in Sumatra
by Milota Sidorova

2010 saw several weather and seismic extremes and few months after Icelandic volcano stopped European and transatlantic airtraffic, another volcano has been awaken. More than 18,000 Indonesians left their homes in villages under Sinabung that erupted on Sunday. Sinabung located on Northern Sumatra raised its activity and produced huge cloud of smoke and ash, small stones and sulphur covering the sky up to 1,500 meters high. Scientists shot some seismic activity on Friday, but the major explosion appeared on Sunday. The red alert reached the highest level of emergency and officials gave order to evacuate whole population within six-kilometre area, but according news, most of! them escaped hours before lava erupted from the crater. Smoke was replaced by lava period that took about 15 minutes before whole volcano erupted followed by flames, noise and earthquake. The ash covered the area to a distance 30 kilometers including vegetable farms of local residents. The ash mixed with rain can produce thick and sticky layer that can destroy whole crops. Although there were no reports of victims, officials said two people died of heartattack and many suffer from breathing difficulties – a strong smell of sulphur remains in the air. Most of residentials wear breathing masks. According official news, the airtraffic wasn't dropped for this volcano activity2,460-metre Sinabung erupted after 400 years or relative peace. Indonesia lies on a deep reef between earthplates and is often a target of seismic activities such as eruptions, earthquakes or tsunami.So far scientists didn't specify the period for the villagers to stay away from their homes, but it ! may be “at least” a week, said Disaster Management! Agency spokesman Priyadi Kardono.

related story (sgx18103): http://www.france24.com/en/20100829-volcano-eruption-forces-...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Čileanskite rudari imaa po edna minuta so svoite bliski
by Zivka Deleva

Dramata so 33-cata zaglaveni čileanski rudari sé ušte e drama. Kutrite lugje kje ostanat vo rudnikot, dodeka timovite za spasuvanje ne najdat najdobar način za da gi ivlečat ottamu. Vikendov tie go napravija prviot pogole čekor za da iskomuniciraat so nivnite familii i rodnini. Veruvale ili ne, da se slušne glasot na nekoj što vi znači posle 24 dena, sigurnasum deka može da ve potrese. Za da bide fer sprema site, sekoj od rudarite imaše samo edna minuta za da zboruva so kogo saka. Celata situacija bila tolku potresna, što samo čitajkji mi idat solzi vo očite, a ne pak da si tamu, ili ušte pološo! da bideš člen na familijata na nekoj što e zaglaven. Kako što veli edna žena, slušnuvanjeto na negoviot glas beše golemo za nejzinoto srce. Rudarite se blokirani vo rudnikot za zlato i bakar San Hoze od 5 avgust. Možebi nekoj bi kažal deka edna minuta razgovor so nekogo e malku, no koga ne ste vo možnost da pominete nekoe vreme so tie što gi sakate, I pet sekundi možat da značat mnogu . Na lugjeto sekogaš im treba barem troška uteha, na ovie lugje najmnogu. Ova ne e prviot kontakt što rudarite go imaa duri se zatrupani. Ispratija i pišani porkai I videosnimki preku dupkite. Vlastite velat deka kje go ubrzat spasuvačkiot process, no se čini deka tehnologijata sé ušte ne može da napravi sé. No, ministerot za rudarstvo Lorens Goldborn reče deka mnogu merki se prezemeni, no “ne postoi dostapna tehnogloija koja može da ovozmoži da se sprove! de spasuvanjeto za eden ili dva meseca” – objasni ! toj.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Chilean miners had one minute with their beloved
by Zivka Deleva

The drama with the 33 trapped Chilean miners is still a drama. The poor people are about to stay in a mine, while the rescue teams don't find the best way to get them through. The weekend they made the first bigger step to communicate with their families and relatives. Believe or not, to hear the voice of the one you care about after 24 days I am sure that can shake you up. Because it should be fair for everyone, each of the miners had only one minute to speak to who he wants. The whole situation was so touching, only by reading you get tears in your eyes and not to be there, or even worse, to be one of the family members. As one lady says, the hearing of his voice has been! a balm to her heart. The miners are blocked in the San Jose gold and copper mine since August 5. Maybe one will say that what is a one minute talk with someone, but when you are disabled to spend more time with your beloved once, 5 seconds can mean a lot. People always need at least a little quantum of solace, these people the most. This is not the first contact that miners had while they are in the blocked. They sent some written messages i video images through holes. Officials are trying to expedite the rescuing process, but it seems like the technology still can't do everything. But, mining minister Laurence Goldborne said that a lot of options have been taken, but "there is no technology available that would enable us to perform the rescue in one or two months" - he explained.
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Sentenced to 60 years still searching for the justice in Mexico
by Zivka Deleva

You definitely don't want to do a crime in Mexico because you'll get very well punished! Frenchwoman Florence Cassez is sentenced to 60 years and was convicted of kidnapping. She is trying to decrease the punishment with her attorney. According to them, Cassez is not guilty and the decision was "unconstitutional". One of the biggest moments that are to mention as violation of the Mexican constitution from the beginning of the process and the way this woman was arrested. It's been almost five years since Cassez is been arrested. And believe it or not, the operation itself was broadcasted on Mexican TV. I know it sounds crazy and off course it is not moral and legal to do, ! but maybe it is not bad to bring to reason everyone that plans to make a crime. But, according to Cassez, this case has been a fake and the whole police operation was fake, because she had already been arrested on the day when they broadcasted on TV. The woman tried to get some help from French president Nicolas Sarkozy who asked his colleague Felipe Calderon to replace the French citizen in her maternal country, so she could be close to her parents. But, no, this is Mexico and it has different roles. I suppose she should have think about her parents before doing such craps. Now she can cry as much as she want. Florence Cassez belonged to a kidnapping group named "Los Zodiacos". Her boyfriend who is a leader of the group was also arrested but he said that she had nothing to do with the case.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV ! (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Desperate choices...
by Milota Sidorova

What happens if 300,000 people suddenly decides to leave their city? What happens if one million of them have already left? What happens if this sum increases up to seventeen? What if usually life-bringing river reaches its 40 times volume?That is but a glimpse of a flood catastrophe size in Pakistani. According statistics it has been the worst and the greatest natural catastrophe in the country. And it is not over yet.Indus, the sacred river has threatened both, Northern and Southern regions and while Northern refugees fight with a disease standing upon the edge of a knife, Southern is getting more rains and the water. Last days 300,000 people decided to leave Thatta city,! fearing the floods. Although the major water flow in 2 kilometer distance from the centre, the army and workers fight frantically with the river. They try repair levee forces and safe another city from floodings. According some resource the main road connecting the city was flooded on Sunday. Officials approved electricity lines were alo cut from the same reason. The city fell into a “war state” - with closing every possible offices, services such shops and schools. People have left. But where?Even if there would be enough of refugee camps, the conditions wouldn't be sufficient. Most of them face diseases, malnutrition, mental decreases affecting especially children and older people. Home minister of Sindh region, Zulfiqar Mirza said people didn't wanted to go these camps, fearing lack of supplies. But what if this human mass carries on moving?How vulnerable it can be? What kind of food and shelter they get? What kind of disorder and chaos it may bring to offic! ials, humanitarian help and the country stability? Pakistan st! ands upo n the edge of the knife. This time the catastrophe didn't come from financial world, but from the nature. The whole country may fall back decades of a progress and the water keeps on flowing.

related story (sgx18095): http://www.france24.com/en/20100828-breach-levee-forces-thou...
by Zivka Deleva
for Cant! ell TV (http://cantell.tv)
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite ! choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Chile's trapped miners could be stuck until Christmas
by Magdalena Rosova

It may take over four months to rescue 33 miners trapped in Chile underground. The miners were trapped on August 5, when the mine collapsed. Miners are staying in an emergency shelter that is placed nearly half a mile below the surface. The rescuers are in contact with them thanks to a 6 inch wide hole that they drilled to the shelter. Now there are also another two holes which allows rescuers to deliver miners food supplies and fresh air. The miners have to wait until the escape tunnel will be drilled. Chilean officials advice miners to do something, exercise and use the time they have. Important is not to get too fat to squeeze through the escape tunnel. The only thing of! ficials do not want to share with the miners is the estimated time it could take to drill them out of the shelter. The officials also asked families to be careful in the letters they write. The miners need a lot of attention, care and psychological support. The miners know it will take time to rescue them but they do not know the details about the estimate. However, some experts think it may take far less than four months to dig them out. Some even say the tunnel may be done in 25 to 30 days. Lilianett Gomez, whose father is in the mine, thinks that the miners themselves knew the best it would not be quick. As miners they knew the work very well, she added. Chilean President Sebastian Pinera called with the shift leader of the trapped miners and asked him what they needed. The leader Luis Urzua responded: "That you rescue us as quickly as possible, and that you don't abandon us.”

related story (sgx18069): http://w! ww.guard ian.co.uk/world/2010/aug/23/trapped-miners-a...
by Magdalena Rosova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Roma, go home!
by Zivka Deleva

Let's get one thing straight - no one really wants Roma people in their countries. They are maybe the only folks in the world that are so numerous but with no country to call their own. They are the citizens of the world. But, unfortunately, the word citizen is weight too decent for them, I am sure that they do not feel like ones. Romania is maybe the country with the most Roma people that live in, but for sure, Macedonia's capital Skopje has the biggest Roma community in the world - Shutka! People there have education, live properly and they are pretty emancipated in the society. No one can convince me that some well developed country honestly want Roma people among them! . Everybody is trying to avoid the fact that they really do exist. The newest example is the the French people's. France wants to expel Romans that have origin from Romania, to return to their country. A lot of people refuse to enter the air planes and return to whatever calls home. And, more of that, France's officials say that they will "help" Romanian colleagues to handle the problem. With 300 euros France tried to motivate Roma people to leave the country. Now, France is going to teach Romania how to integrate Roma. It is easy to give advises when the luggage is removed from your shoulders. You are a hero if you handle the problem yourself. Everybody only transfers the problem from one to another. “The authorities in Paris consider the Roma to be Romania’s problem. In Bucharest, it is considered a European problem. It is not easy to reconcile these two visions” - says France 24. The number of the Romas that live in France are about 15.000 to 20.000.!
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

47 French soldiers are killed in Afhanistan since 2001
by Zivka Deleva

France is trying to find out whether the three soldiers that were wounded in Afghanistan were a target of a bad intention or maybe we are talking about a friendly fire. Only few hours before that incident, another gunfire happened where unfortunately, those two French boys weren’t as like to pass only with injuries, but they lost their lives. So, why is it so important how did it happen? I always wonder why do we always search for the one who is guilty. This incident happened in a operation south of Tagab. The number of the French soldiers that have so far lost their lives in the Afghanistan war is 47. French troops are in Afghanistan since 2001. About 3.500 French s! oldiers are situated in Afghanistan in the region near Kabul. They are on the NATO site and mission to fight the Talibans. French police is investigation what was the reason or the shooting. “There is no doubting the fact that the shots came from insurgents" – says Colonel Thierry Burkhard, spokesman for the headquarters of the French armed forces. French Prime Minister doesn’t give up to participate in the International Security Assistance Force, though in the beginning of the year, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner’s statement surprised the international public with the statement that his country is not going to send any more troops in Afghanistan. The deaths bring to 47 the number of French troops who have died in Afghanistan since 2001. I still wonder, how many people should die for the war to be successful?
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell ! TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

42 people died in aircrash in China
by Zivka Deleva

Almost half of the people that travelled with Chinese ERJ-190 jet have died in a plane crush! At least 42 people are dead and 54 are injured in one of the biggest air disasters in China. The black box is found and it is checked out attentively. The reasons for the catastrophe are still not clear. It happened near the airport in the northeast city of Yichun. The captain of the plane stayed alive, but he could not talk because his face was hurt. The Civil Aviation Authority of China admits that the plane's technical problems were nothing new. Some of the survived ones say that the plane jolted about six times very strongly. Most of the i! njured have suffered broken bones the most. How grieving is the image when you see members of the families waiting in front of the airport to identify the victims and praying that their close persons are not among the death ones. The plane was created in Brazil, from the "Embraer" company that sent condolences to the victims' families. That is OK, a moral thing to, but who wants to listen to someone saying how bad he feels when the one you love is already gone. As some media say, one of the factors that influenced the accident, was the bad visibility, that was less than 300 meters due to the heavy fog. Another problem broken turbine plates and flight control with system errors. At the end, why does it matter who's to be blamed when it has already happened. OK, someone should be responsible, but still those 42 people are not coming back.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

42-ca počinaa vo avionska nesrekja vo Kina
by Zivka Deleva

Rečisi polovina od lugjeto što patuvaa so kineskiot ERJ-190 dzet umrea vo avionska nesrekja! Najmalku 42-ca se mrtvi,a 54 se povredeni vo edna od najgolemite vozduhoplovni nesrekji vo Kina. Crnata kutija e pronajdena i e proverena vnimatelno. Pričinite za katastrofata sé ušte ne se jasni. Se slučila blizu aerodromot vo severnoistoťniot grad Jičun. Kapetanot na avionot ostanal živ, no ne možel da zboruva zašto negovoto lice e povredeno. Civilnata vlast za avijacija na Kina prizna deka tehničkite problemi na avionot ne bea ništo novo. Nekoi od preživeanite lugje velat deka avionot se tresel okolu šest! pati mnogu silno. Povekjeto od povredenite imale skršeni koski. Kolku e žalna slikata koga kje vidite členovi na semejstvata što čekaat pred aerodromot za da gi identifikuvaat žrtvite i se nadevaat deka nivnite bliski ne se megju mrtvite. Avionot e sozdaden vo Brazil, od kompanijata „Embraer“ koja isprati sočuvstvo do semejstvata na žrtvite. Toa e OK, moralno nešto da se napravi, no koj saka da sluša nekoj kolku lošo se čuvstvuva koga nekoj što ste go sakale vekje go nema. Kako što velat nekoi mediumi, eden od faktorite koi vlijaea na nesrekjata bila i lošata vidlivost, koja beše pomala od 300 metri poradi teškata magla. Drug problem bea skršenite turbini i sistemot na kontrola na letanje so mnogu greški. Na kraj, zošto e tolku važno da bide obvinet nekoj koga toa vekje se slučilo. OK, nekoj treba da bide odgovoren, no sepak, tie 42-ca ne se vrakjaat! .
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

When will it stop?
by Barbora Misakova

Every time some floods or landslides cause death of people or other problems I have to think when will it come here? When torrential rains will hit also my city and change it into oblivion? I am afraid what will happen next. But today it is Pakistan facing my fears as it battles rising flood waters. As United Nations informed, there are some 800,000 people cut off by surging flood waters and are in desperate need of aid. Torrent of monsoon rains washed away bridges and vital access roads, so there is no other way to get to these people than by air. That is the reason, why United Nations launched an urgent appeal yesterday for more helicopters. According to the United Nation! s, this is Pakistan’s worst humanitarian catastrophe. It has affected more than 17 million people, five million people are still homeless and around 1,500 of them have been confirmed dead. As John Holmes, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator said: “this requires an extraordinary effort by the international community.” Except money that are needed, Pakistani officials are warning of country’s fertile southern plains that can in a very short time face the risk of more flooding as the major river threatens to burst its banks. “We are working on a war footing. This is an extraordinary flood and we are at war with the extraordinary floods.” said Jam Saifullah Dharejo, Sindh province’s irrigation minister. Villages were swept away, but what is worse, there is a fear of diseases. “As human misery continues to mount, we are seriously concerned about the spread of epidemic diseases.”! ; Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said. Millions of people a! re survi ving on aid handouts and are in desperate need of food, shelter and clean drinking water. And my only desperate question is: When will it stop?

related story (sgx18056): http://www.france24.com/en/20100825-pakistan-battles-floods-...
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Uranium found in Moldova!
by Zivka Deleva

Three people including former police officers are being suspected to participate in the haul of 1.8 kg of radioactive uranium in Moldova. The police took over the radioactive substance from a garage in the capital Chisinau. Certain tests have been done in the United States that proved that we are talking about the type Uranium-238. According to experts it is valued at 9 million euros. This crime hasn't been the first one to the suspected. They have already been in charge for possessing radioactive materials in Moldova, Russia and Romania. The police still doesn't know the country where does the uranium comes from. For the records, this type of uranium is the most common a! mong the three isotopes of the uranium. From Uranium-238 a plutonium can be made, which is a a powerful material for nuclear weapon. Not only the three people were involved in the crime, the police is after few more to close the investigation. "Seven members of the criminal group came under suspicion of police in the middle of June when they started to look for ways of selling the radioactive material," - the Interior Ministry said. Moldova is one of the poorest countries in Europe and it is an easy target for any kind of smuggling to happen. Very often, narcotics, tobaccos are found by the police, as well as human trafficking. It is a kind of connection between the eastern and western Europe. Who was so smart to do such a thing? Whoever that was, he was very indiscrete to finish it well.
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Eight Hong Kong tourists killed in Manila
by Zivka Deleva

People in Hong Kong are devastated after eight of their compatriots were killed in a bus travelling in Philippine's capital Manila. A former police officer held under hostage a bus of tourists from Hong Kong and disappointed after the negotiations with the Philippine's police, decided to shoot. The world is accusing the strategy of the police in the country that hadn't been able to safe people's lives. In terms of precaution, the Hong Kong officials ask the people that planned to travel in Philippine to stay at home. A minute's silence as a sign of mourning happened at the stock exchange in Hong Kong. And flags are at half-mast, which as well is a sign of respect for the v! ictims. The bus siege lasted almost a day. The hostages that stayed alive blame the local police for not being effective on saving their close people's lives. There were terrifying examples, like the one of a woman that lost her husband and two daughters and her son is in intensive care in hospital. "The Philippine government... I can't accept this. Why did they do this to us? The gunman did not want to kill us. He only shot us after the negotiations failed" - the lady told Hong Kong officials. For the irony to be bigger, no one really knows what did the man that held the hostages wanted from the police, but one thing is for sure, they didn't make it to come to a common language. The gunman was killed, and seven of the hostages are transfered home. Philippine is one of the most visited touristic country in the South Asia.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cante! ll TV (http://cantell.tv)
! by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Few people arrested over negligence at the Cairo's Museum
by Zivka Deleva

Few heads have fallen on the case of the Van Gogh stolen picture from the Egypt’s Mahmoud Khalil museum. The head of the culture ministry’s fine arts section, three museum guards and one more official, due to their negligence on the case and the bad security at the museum where the master piece was stolen at day time. The painting known as “Poppy Flowers” is missing since Saturday. Interpol is participating in the investigation. No one knows whether it was on purpose or not, but people that were in charge to take care of the surveillance of the museum, though they had the money to do so, they didn’t fixed the camera system. And museum with su! ch a valuable collection hadn’t had the security system fixed in four years! It is estimated that the museum’s collection is worth hundreds of millions of dollars! This is not the first time for this canvas to be stolen. It also happened in 1977, but it was found few months later. The painting, one of the 30 floral works of the Dutch post-Impressionist master, is estimated at about 50 million dollars. As experts say, exactly this painting shows the beginning of the more colorful period in Van Gogh’s creative work. The whole case is very strange – the picture’s been stolen at daytime, it was cut from its frame. I still wonder, why didn’t the thieves take Paul Gaughin’s painting, too, that was right next to his Dutch friend. Few Spaniards that were so eager to see Van Gogh’s piece, were the first to discover that the flowers on the canvas were actually gone.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Ubieni osummina turisti od Hong Kong
by Zivka Deleva

Lugjeto vo Hong Kong se ožalosteni otkako osummina nivni sogragjani bea ubieni vo zaseda vo avtobus vo glavniot grad na Filipinite, Manila. Poranešen policaec držel pod opsada avtobus so turisti od Hong Kong i razočaran posle pregovorite so filipinskata policija, odlučil da puka. Svetot ja obvinuva strategijata na policijata vo zemjata što ne beše vo možnost da gi spasi životite na lugjeto. Vo uslovi na pretpazlivost, hongkonškite vlasti pobaraa od lugjeto što sakaa da patuvaat na Filipinite, da ostanat doma. Ednominutno molčenje vo znak na žalenje se sluči vo berzata vo Hong Kong. I znaminjata se na pola! kopje, što isto taka e znak na počit sprema žrtvite. Avtobuskata zaseda traela rečisi eden den. Založnicite što preživeaja ja obvinuvaat lokalnata policija što ne bila efikasna za da gi spasi životite na lugjeto. Užasni primeri možat da se posočat, kako što e toj na žena što si go izgubila svojot maž i dvete kjerki, a nejziniot sin e na intenzivna nega vo bolnica. "Filipinskata vlada...ne možam da go prifatam ova. Zošto ní go napravija ova? Voorušeniot čovek ne sakaše da né ubie. Toj pukaše na nas koga propadnaa pregovorite" - gospogjata im reče na honkonškite vlasti. Za ironijata da bide pogolema, nikoj vo suština ne znae što sakal čovekot što gi držel pod založništvo, no edno nešto e sigurno, ne uspeaja da najdat zaednički jazik. Filipini e edna od najposetenata turistička zemja vo Južn! a Azija.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

China: 43 found dead after a plane crash
by Milota Sidorova

Yesterday, China saw the first major airplane disaster in past six years. The nightflight heading from Harbin for Heilongjiang province city of Yichun crashed on grassy area about an hour after taking off. There were 42 dead people and 54 injured ones. This is again raising big concern about safety in Chinese airline companies that were ranked low past years. In fact airtraffic boom was drastically suppressed by Chinese government and huge investitions into high-speed trains all over the country. But some of them kept flying, including Henan Airlines that owned Brazilian-made Embraer E-190 jet crashin down late Tuesday.According surivors the plane crashed down after a seri! es of four or five strong turbulences coming shortly after the announcement for landing. Emergency exits broke down and many died in flames and toxic gas released after the crash. Despite of direct testimonies, the plane's two black boxes will be examined to find out exact reasons of the accident. So far there have been no signs of a previous fire during the flight or any kind of sabotage, as reported by state television. Victims were among 12 up to 55 years old including 4 children and state Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security officials. Vice Minister Sun Baoshu was among survivors but in the critical conditions. Bodies were found in diameter of 30 meters from the wreck.Henan Airlines cancelled all flights on Wednesday including regional flights. China Southern Airlines for instance dropped all night flights to the newly built airport in Yichun located in a forested valley.

related story (sgx18064): http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/as_china_plane_crash;_ylt=ArEL18U...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Van Gogh's “Poppy Flowers” stolen from Cairo museum
by Milota Sidorova

Curious and embarrasing incident has followed Egyptian Culture Ministry since last weekend.On Saturday one of Van Gogh's paintings of “Poppy flowers” was stolen from Cairo's Mahmoud Khalil museum. Although it wasn't the first theft of the very same painting, curious seems to be a background of the case. One of finest museums collecting European and Middle-East artists from 19th and 20th century was state funded and belonged under the Ministry of Culture, but even in this national organization it was found out security measures were less than miserable – according Egyptian press only 7 of 43 cameras and alarm system weren't working and there were more of &#! 8220;security shortcomings”. The theft of more than $50 million image was like an oil to the fire in highest circles – nine Culture Ministry employees were banned from leaving the country that weekend and suspicious visitors – Italian couple that was arrested by the police the very same day, was released on Sunday. Although Culture Minister Farouq Hosni announced Italians (two of total 10 Saturday museum visitors) were arrested for picture smuggling at Cairo airport, but rejected his own statement short after blaming subordinates for “inaccurate” information.So suspicious tourists were released and anyone possibly relevant in this case was nowhere to find – Mohsen Shaalan, the official claiming the police possesed the picture simply turned off the phone. So far, nobody knows where the picture is or if it was even found. Its economic value however is equall zero, since it is very well known painting and would be easily recognized by polic! e, collectors or smugglers during sales.

related story ! ( sgx18052): http://www.france24.com/en/20100823-egypt-orders-travel-ban-...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

33 Chilean miners alive!
by Milota Sidorova

This morning I have heard an interview with a psychologist talking about Chilean mining accident. Although an average death toll for instance just in China sums seven dead miner per day, in Chile a chance one in a million has happened – 33 miners almost claimed dead survived more than 17 days around 680 meters underground. They were all alive and healthy.Rescue teams that were lowering cameras just to localize dead bodies suddenly got the whole crew. That very moment, all of them became national heroes and the nation including President brought themselves closer to these survivors. Miners were lucky enough and found a cave that was solid enough and waited all the time! there. They said there were available water supplies and that way they could manage more than two weeks in the dark.The psychologist in that interview was asked what words of professional advice would give these men destined for at least another four months for a life in the mine. She was clever and humble enough to say – no words would be appropriate. These men showed their qualities and survived. This is more than a life experience, more than all of us will meet during our lifetimes.Then she pointed there would be another test for them – a boredom.Until now they were living with uncertainty, with doubts and a bleak future. But now when they know they will be spared, the mood in the group will probably change. The only solution is to make a daily order and management for everyone to kill rebelion and boredom. For some people this kind of stress may be much more difficult to endure – to wait slowly for a help to come. But this time it will take months and! if all goes well, miners will see the sunlight over the Chris! tmas. It 's a fact that Chileans treat these miners as best as they can – if they will survive, they will probably receive life retirement and will not ever have to work. Personally, I do feel the relief for these people, but it almost immediately bring me to thoughts of million of another miners that are not so lucky. Do they even get a space in our media reality? Most of them die unnamed and uncared. This is just a top of the ice, the cream on the cake.Maybe it's a good reminder for us to think of all the victims of highly dangerous professions.

related story (sgx18053): http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100824/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/lt_chi...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

33 čílskych baníkov nažive aj po 17 dňoch!
by Milota Sidorova

Dnes ráno som počula rozhovor s psychologičkou o čílskom banskom nešťastí. Hoci priemerný počet úmrtí napríklad len v Číne predstavuje sedem mŕtvych baníkov za deň, v Čile sa stal zázrak - šanca jedna k miliónu - 33 baníkov považovaných za takmer mŕtvych prežilo viac ako 17 dní asi 680 metrov pod zemou. Všetci boli nažive a zdraví. Záchranné tímy, ktoré pracovali už len s cieľom lokalizovať telá zosnulých po spustení kamery náhle objavila celú posádka. V t&#! 250; chvíľu sa všetci z nich stali národnými hrdinami, a národ vrátane prezidenta preukázal svoju blízkosť. Včerajší deň mal pre mnohých príchuť štátneho sviatku, pre mnohých bol však nedoceniteľný. Baníci mali to šťastie, že našli dutinu, ktorá bola počas kolapsu dostatočne pevná. Podľa správ poslali odkaz, že mali k dispozícii dávky vody, a tak mohli v tme prežiť viac než dva týždne.V rozovore sa psychologičky pýtali, aké slová odbornej rady by adresovala tímto mužom, odsúdených na život v tme najbližšie 4 mesiace. Prekvapil ma jej dôvtip a pokora: “Títo muži žiadnu radu nepotrebujú”. Preukázali totiž najväčšie umenie – prežili. V tej vete! bolo obsiahnuté všetko – vytvorili skupinu, k! torá ; sa fyzicky a mentálne podporovala – vytvorili si poriadok a pravdepodobne si ustanovili vodcu. Táto malá komunita je však vystavená ďalšej skúške – a hoci sú ako baníci pripravení na najhoršie podmienky, veľkým rizikom sa javí nuda.Doteraz žili s neveľkou nádejou na záchranu, avšak prežitie zabezpečovala práve táto neistota – teraz sa situácia upokojila. Vedia, že sa z bane dostanú. Medzi tým však uplynú možno aj štyri mesiace. Podľa všetkého sú však dostatočne skúsení nato, aby prežili tento čas, zaviedli si denný režim a efektívne predišli všetkým formám pomalého “šialenstva”.Vo svete tam hore už stihli niekoľkí miestni podnikatelia zorganizovať zbierku na pomoc rod! inám baníkov. Samotní baníci však po návrate na zem nebudú musieť už nikdy sfárať do bane. Odškodné a zbierky by mali pokryť ich životné náklady až do dôchodku. Táto správa ma potešila, áno, dokonca osvietila celé ráno. Ale pri tom všetkom radovaní ma napadli tisíce, možno milióny ďalších baníkov po svete. Zomierajú denne, mnohí z nich sa nikdy ani nedostanú do pozornosti našej mediálnej reality.Zomrú bezmenní. Pre nich neostane žiaden šťastný koniec.Zomierajú denne. A hoci sa dnes šťastie zo záchrany prežívame spolu s čílskymi baníkmi, skúsme si spomenúť na tých, ktorí pre náš komfort zomierajú bez toho, aby sme o nich vôbec vedeli.

related story (sg! x18054): http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100824/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/lt_chi...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Eight Hong-Kong tourists slashed dead in Manila
by Milota Sidorova

A murder on air was to seen on Philippines Tv yesterday. A disgraced Phillipine senior police official stepped into a bus kidnapping a group of Hong-Kong tourists in Manila. The actions of upcoming hours ended with terrible bloodshed. The blame for killing eight tourists and failed dialogue falls on the police and Philippines government. According survivals gunman didn't plan to shoot victims, but he did it after his demands were completely rejected. Mrs. Leung (one of survivals) said she lost her husband, her daughters (21, 14yrs) and her son was on intensive aid care. For this trgedy she blames the government. Police couldn't talk to the gunman and instead it tried to bre! ak bus windows and took over the bus – but the police officer responded with a fire ending with his death. But there were too many deaths before it all ended and the incident has gained a worldwide attention. Hong-Kong representatives and its tourism bureau adressed to all its citizens an urge message to return back to the country. They should be taken by extra flights, such as families of survivors and victims on their way to Manila. All Chinese citizens traveling to the Philippines are supposed to take extra caution and the same safety demands were adressed to its embassy in Manila. The capital is favorite touristic spot for thousands of Chinese and other Asian visitors. Hong-Kong and Beijing immediately demand a deep investigation and so far it has blamed Philippines President Benigno Aquino who was unable to communicate all Monday.

related story (sgx18051): http://! www.fran ce24.com/en/20100824-hong-kong-condemns-handl...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pakistan na hrane noža
by Milota Sidorova

Pakistan bojuje s najhoršou a najrozsiahlejšou prírodnou katastrofou v dejinách. Krajinu pred troma týždňami zasiahli ťažké monzúnové mraky, ktoré spôsobili mohutné záplavy v jej severných aj južných regiónoch. Podľa štatistík bola bytostne ovplyvnená asi tretina územia krajiny, obyvatelia, nútení opustiť svoje domovy nachádzajú dočasné útočiská v budovách viac ako 5000 škôl. Nastala masívna relokácia obyvateľstva, ale zdá sa, že prírodný živel e&! #353;te nepovedal svoje posledné slovo – v najbližších 24 hodinách meteorológovia v postihnutých oblastiach očakávajú izolované prívalové dažde. Voda zmietla dediny, podmyla pôdu a hoci na niektorých miestach klesla v zatopených oblastiach nie je možné vybudovať ani budovy, ani ďaľšiu potrebnú infraštruktúru – pôda je podmáčaná a nestabilná. Voda zmietla značnú časť pakistanskej produkcie ryže – základnej potraviny krajiny. Ryža okrem poľnohospodársky najvýznamnejšej plodiny predstavuje aj významný produkt ovplyvňujúci národnú ekonomiku. Tá je po katastrofe v ohrození.V ohrození sa nachádza celý systém – ľudia tvrdo kritizujú pomalé a neefektívne pomocné, vl! 25;dne opatrenia. Pomoc sa na postihnuté miesta nedost! 25;va v& #269;as, pričom to isté platí o medzinárodnej pomoci. Milióny povodňových utečencov, z ktorých okolo 3.5 miliónov tvoria deti žijú v dočasných táboroch v nedostatočných hygienických a potravinových podmienkach. V severnom regióne sa objavuje riziko nákazy, ktorá môže veľmi rýchlo zasiahnúť tisícky vyhladovaných ľudí žijúcich na jednom mieste.Pakistanský vládny a ekonomický systém čelí kríze. Destabilizácia obyvateľstva môže viesť k nepokojom a krajina sa môže pospiatky vrátiť niekoľko desaťročí dozadu. Nedostatok potravín, zničená infraštruktúra a nefunkčná vláda sú všeobecnými faktormi vzniku rôznych politických a vojenských hnutí boju! júcich (medzi sebou) o nadvládu v krajine.Zahraničnú pomoc v posledných dňoch kritizoval veľvyslanec OSN – krajiny vraj nepomáhajú dostatočne rýchlo v dostatočne veľkom množstve. Ekonomika však prejde pod drobnohľad Medzinárodného menového fondu, ktorý už v roku 2008 schválil program pomoci krajine vo výške 10.8 miliárd dolárov. Čiastka sa pravdepodobne upraví a Pakistan na krátkodobú záchranu svojej (ekonomickej) stability bude musieť prijať ďaľšiu pôžičku. Predtým však MMF podrobne preštuduje celý národný rozpočet a získa právo ovplyvňovať ho.

related story (sgx18047): http://www.france24.co! m/en/20100822-imf-review-pakistan-budg...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Pakistan on its cutting edge
by Milota Sidorova

Pakistan is fighting the worst-ever natural disaster. About three weeks ago heavy rains hit the country and caused floods affecting both North and South regions. According statistics about one third of the country was affected, around 5,000 schools have turned into temporary shelters for millions of flood refugees. But more are about to come, since another isolated rains are expected in next 24 hours. People are leaving their homes, claiming their areas turned into dangerous zones – water has destroyed much of the rice crops, the basic food supply and the core of Pakistani agriculture. Fields are being swept away, such as villages and the land transforms into no man's! land.The country is already on the edge of the knife. Natural catastrophe is affecting people's minds and economics as well – more are afraid that its government may fall or get real crisis. Public opinion changes into harsh critics of failed governmental actions. Except of millions of refugees including about 3.5 million of children living in temporary camps with poor hygienic conditions and food supplies, Northern part is facing potential disease. This could return the country back several decades and support any kind of political and military forces eventuelly leading into a state of general destabilization.World support has already received critics from OSN attorney – world is not helping Pakistani people enough although it is the worst catastrophe in their history.IMF decided to take control over Pakistani budget before it was going to offer a loan that was agreed on $10.8 billion in 2008.

related story (sgx18038): http://www.france24.com/en/20100822-imf-review-pakistan-budg...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

33 Chilean miners are alive!
by Zivka Deleva

I have been thinking a lot, who are the worst professions in the world, the most difficult ones? I would definitely, without thinking say that for me, the miners are maybe one of the bravest people! They play with death in every moment they enter the mines. Not rarely, but they play it badly. Like the example from 17 days ago in San Jose gold and copper mine, near the city of Copiapo in Chile. Thirty three miners were stuck in the mine and finally yesterday have succeeded to send some sign of life. They sent a note tied to a drill that was used to bore through to the mine, saying: “The 33 of us in the shelter are well”. The! ir families were so happy that had some sign of hope that they were alive and that everything would be just fine. The President Sebastian Pinera spoke on the television, addressed the people and expressed his alertness that he would do everything that's needed for people to be saved. He hopes that no matter how much time it is needed, the "happy ending" is what matters. The accident happened when the workers digged at a depth of about 700 meters when a rock collapsed. According to the rescue team, it would take at least four months before the miners come out. I have been wondering how will those people survive, but the rescuers have a plan for that, too. Through plastic tubes they are going to narrow borehole with food, hydration gels and microphones.

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Instead of higher wages, they got only rubber bullets!
by Barbora Misakova

Weather and money – these two things are complicating our lives the most, I would say. While there is actually nothing we can do to improve or even stop bad weather, one would expect that after so many years what human race uses the money, we will finally know how to use and distribute them properly. Strikes in South Africa prove the opposite. Teachers and health workers are striking in the streets over pay. Open-ended strike that has already lasted 3 days is fighting for higher wages for more than 1.3 civil servants especially nurses and teachers represented by unions. After two days of strikes several confrontations erupted between police and public employees. Polic! e fired water cannons and rubber bullets on Thursday to block some 150 striking workers who tried to enter Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital. Rubber bullets were also fired at striking teachers who tried to cross a barricade near a Johannesburg highway. Even though health workers, like police and immigration agents, are not allowed to strike, most of King Edward VIII Hospital’s staff had joined the stay-away. Doctors are the only workers there now and they must do everything from feeding patients to cleaning the hospital. As Nonto Beko, hospital’s spokeswoman has said: “We basically do not have anyone in the hospital except the doctors and the nurses from the army. People are all out striking.” These strikes are annual events in South Africa. This year public workers postponed their strike threat until after the World Cup. For all that, this gesture did little to close the gap with government over wages.

related story (sgx18029):! http://www.france24.com/en/20100819-south-african-police-fir...
by Zivka Deleva
for Cant! ell TV (http://cantell.tv)
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Santiago mayor found dead
by Magdalena Rosova

The body of Edelmiro Cavazos, the mayor of Santiago, was found on Wednesday. Few days before he was abducted by suspected members of a local drug cartel. The officials suspect he was targeted for his efforts to stop the corruption. Security forces found the body of the mayor near Mexico's richest city. Mexico's President Felipe Calderon, who is fighting against drug cartels himself, condemned the assassination of Cavazos. In his Twitter update Calderon wrote that the murder forced him to redouble his efforts to fight against the criminals. Cavazos, 38, was mayor from Calderon's conservative National Action Party. He was educated in the US. His body was found on a rural road! outside of Santiago. He was found blindfolded and with tied hands. The area was patrolled by heavily armed soldiers and helicopters as dozens of residents lit candles and wept in Santiago's square. According to the Alejandro Garza, attorney general in the state of Nuevo Leon, which includes also Santiago, Calvazos was shot three times. Garza accused drug cartels of being responsible for the murder. Governor of Nuevo Leon, Rodrigo Medina asked Calderon to send more troops to the area. Medina thinks that Cavazos had been killed because of his efforts to fight the corrupt police. The mayor of San Pedro Garza Garcia said Cavazos had been threatened directly by drug gangs also last year. Mayor Mauricio Fernandez said that when Cavazos had taken the office, the criminals had asked him to join them otherwise they had promised him to eliminate him. Santiago ha become a staging post for drug gangs that smuggle narcotics into the United States.

related story (sgx18031! ): http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38755444/ns/world_news-americas/...
by Magdalena Rosova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

4.6 million people still without shelter
by Magdalena Rosova

The United Nations said there are still about 4.6 million people without shelter in Pakistan. Pakistanis lost their homes after some three weeks of heavy floods that caused huge disaster in the country. The United Nations further describe the current situation in Pakistan as the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. The foreign aid in the country is already reaching about 20 million victims of the floods. However, critics blame the UN for the slow response to the crisis. The UN estimates that there are 6 million people dependent on humanitarian aid. These people desperately need food, shelter and clean water. There are concerns over potential outbreaks of infections such ! as cholera, typhoid and hepatitis. Maurizio Giulian, spokesman for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Islamabad, warns that roughly 4.6 million people still do not have any shelter. Furthermore, there are hundreds of thousands of people still on the move. They are already included in the number of people in need. Not all of them are considered as homeless as they may find their homes when the flood waters recede. Therefore the UN has decided to increase the initial figure of beneficiaries for tents and sheets from 2 million to 6 million. At a camp, survivors are troubled by terrible heat, bad sanitation and mosquitoes. Many people were forced to leave their homes just with some clothes on their backs and so had to drink contaminated water which caused them watery diarrhoea. On Thursday there is going to be the meeting of the UN General Assembly in New York which should fasten the delivery of aid. The UN received only half of the 460 million! dollars that it appealed for last week

related story ! ( sgx18028): http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/afp_asiapacific/view/...
by Magdalena Rosova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

La Russie, le Pakistan, l'Afghanistan et Tadjikistan à un sommet peu commun
by Magdalena Rosova

Un sommet rare des chefs d'État du Pakistan, de l'Afghanistan, du Tadjikistan et de la Russie a eu lieu dans la ressource de la Mer Noire le Sotchi mercredi. Le Président russe Dimitri Medvedev a promis le soutien économique et la coopération avec l'énergie aux autres chefs d'États. Les leaders ont convenu aux projets économiques qui devraient aider à apporter la stabilité à la région de la Mer Noire. Le sommet a adopté une déclaration qui soutient des intentions d'entrepreneurs de Russie, du Pakistan et du Tadjikistan d'aider à reconstruire l'infrastructure en Afghanistan. La subvention inclura aussi bie! n des industries d'énergie et de transport. Les chefs ont convenu que la priorité sera de finir le tunnel de Salang qui liera les régions du nord et du sud de l'Afghanistan. Des autres priorités sont des projets de pétrole et de gaz dans le nord du pays, une usine d'engrais, une station d'énergie électrique à Mazar-i-Sharif et une usine de construction des maisons à Kaboul. Le Président Medvedev a accueilli Hamid Karzai d'Afghanistan, le président de Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari et Emomaly Rahmon de Tadjikistan. Les chefs ont également décidé de travailler sur des projets régionaux. Tel est le projet CASE-1000, qui permettra d'envoyer de l'énergie de Tadjikistan en Afghanistan et au Pakistan. Le rapport indique que ces trois pays « soutiennent la participation de la Russie » à toutes les activités. Medvedev a indiqué au sommet qu'il avait voulu rétablir la coopéra! tion économique des quatre pays qui étaient prosp! 32;res p endant l'ère soviétique. « Je pense qu'il est raisonnable de retourner à l'ancienne formation pour essayer de donner l'impulsion additionnelle au développement économique (et) résoudre un grand nombre de problèmes urgents, incluant le développement social et d'énergie, » a dit Medvedev. Tous les quatre leaders ont convenu que la coopération économique était la clef au surpassement de tous les problèmes.

related story (sgx18037): http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/culture/Cleveland_takes_on_Wall_...
by Magdalena Rosova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Ca! ntell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

South Africa strike threatens economy
by Magdalena Rosova

In South Africa more than one million civil servants - police, nurses and teachers included – went on strike Wednesday to fight for higher wages. But the government still insists that better wages are not affordable for the country. The striker are warning that they would prolong the action and bring the government to a halt. But the strike is not expected to have a serious impact on the economy. However, prolonged strike may have an effect on commerce at home and trade abroad. Strikers are organized in unions which creates labor coalition. National spokesman for POPCRU police and prison guards' union, Norman Mampane, said they had nothing to lose but the chains that ! bound them. But the government of South Africa really can't afford to increase the incomes. Whatever deal is reached, it will increase state spending and restrain the government's efforts to bring its deficit down from 6.7 percent of gross domestic product. Therefore Public Services Minister Richard Baloyi told at news conference that the government had clearly demonstrated that its capacity to afford was exhausted. The deal with the strikers will cost the government about $690 million, which is more than was planned and therefore the money will have to be made somewhere else. Strikers in red T-shirts filled the streets holding cards with their demands above their heads. The strikes broke out in protest dances at schools, hospitals and government offices all through the whole country. It is expected that the deal with strikers will be reached in few days at the earliest.

related story (sgx18011): http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Africa/Africa-Monitor/2010/08...
by Magdalena Rosova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Russia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan at a rare summit
by Magdalena Rosova

A rare summit of the leaders of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Russia took place in the Black sea resort of Sochi on Wednesday. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev promised economic support and energy cooperation to the other leaders. The leaders agreed on economic projects which should help to bring stability to the region of the Black Sea. The summit adopted a declaration which supports intentions of businesspeople from Russia, Pakistan and Tajikistan to help rebuild infrastructure in Afghanistan. The support will include energy and transportation industries as well. The leaders agreed that the priority will be to finish Salang tunnel that will link northern and sout! hern parts of Afghanistan. Another priorities are oil and gas projects in the north of the country, a fertilizer factory, an electric power station in Mazar-i-Sharif and a home-building factory in Kabul. President Medvedev hosted Hamid Karzai from Afghanistan, Pakistan leader Asif Ali Zardari and Emomaly Rahmon of Tajikistan. The leaders decided also to work on regional projects. Such is project CASE-1000, which will enable sending power from Tajikistan to Afghanistan and Pakistan. The statement says that these three countries “support Russia's participation” in all activities. Medvedev said at the summit that he wanted to revive the economic cooperation of the four countries that was dated back to the Soviet era. "I think it makes sense to return to them to try to give additional impetus to the economic development (and) solve a whole number of urgent tasks, including in energy and social development," Medvedev said. The four leaders all agreed that economic co! operation was the key to overcome all problems.

relate! d story (sgx18012): http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/culture/Cleveland_takes_on_Wall_...
by Magdalena Rosova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Nezvyčajný summit Ruska s Afganistanom, Pakistanom a Tadžikistanom
by Magdalena Rosova

Nezvyčajný summit štyroch vodcov krajín Pakistanu, Afganistanu a Tadžikistanu spolu s Ruskom sa odohral v stredu v ruskom Sochi na pobreží Čierneho mora. Ruský prezident Dmitrij Medvedev sľúbil ostatným krajinám ekonomickú podporu a spoluprácu v oblasti energetiky. Vodcovia krajín sa dohodli na vzájomnej spolupráci na ekonomických projektoch, ktoré majú do regiónu okolo Čierneho mora konečne priniesť stabilitu. Summit prijal deklaráciu, v ktorej sa hovorí o podpore plánov podnikateľov z Ruska, Pakistanu a Tadžikistanu. Tieto p! odnikateľské plány majú napomôcť k prebudovaniu infraštruktúry v Afganistane. Podpora bude zahŕňať aj aktivity rozvíjajúce energetický a dopravný priemysel. Vodcovia sa ďalej dohodli na spoločnej priorite, ktorou má byť dokončenie tunelu Salang, ktorý bude spájať severnú a južnú časť Afganistanu. Ďalšími prioritami budú ropné a plynové projekty na severe krajiny, továreň na priemyselné hnojivo, elektráreň v Mazar-i-Sharif a továreň v Kábule. Prezident Dmitrij Medvedev na summite hostil Hamida Karzaia z Afganistanu, pakistanského vodcu Asif Ali Zardariho a Emomaly Rahmona z Tadžikistanu. Vodcovia sa rozhodli i na spoločných projektoch v regióne. Takým je napríklad projekt CASE-1000, ktorý v budúcnosti umožní prepr! avu energie z Tadžikistanu do Afganistanu a Pakistanu. V ! ofici 25;lnom stanovisku stojí, že tieto tri krajiny „podporia ruskú účasť“ vo všetkých projektoch. Medvedev na summite povedal, že by chcel oživiť ekonomickú spoluprácu štyroch krajín, ktorá sa datuje ešte do sovietskej éry. „Myslím, že dáva zmysel vrátiť sa (k spolupráci) a dať ďalší impulz ekonomickému rozvoju a vyriešiť tak celú radu urgentných úloh, vrátane energetického a sociálneho rozvoja,“ povedal Medvedev. Štyria vodcovia sa zhodli, že ekonomická spolupráca je kľúčom k prekonaniu všetkých problémov.

related story (sgx18014): http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/culture/Cleveland_takes_on_! Wall_...
by Magdalena Rosova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Floods in central, fire and heat in eastern Europe!
by Barbora Misakova

Where water is needed the most, there is drought and fires. And the other way round, where people need peace for a while and little bit of sunshine, there are storms and floods. While Russia has problems with heat and massive forest fires, people from central and western Europe face some of the worst floods in recent years. People living in Slovak and Czech Republic have now eyes for crying. Their houses and cars are damaged, many of them lost roof over their heads and weather is still unstable. Heavy rains over the past 10 days have flooded also parts of Poland and Germany and caused incalculable damages. According to France 24, the most serious damage occurred along the L! usatian Niesse river banks, on the border between Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic. Slovakians living near the upper Nitra river bank have troubles as well. Two people were killed as strong flow of water carried them away. Water flooded not only houses, but also buildings of local schools and businesses. While teachers, instead of having holidays, are working on cleaning classrooms and cabinets, Slovakian farmers are threatening people with mass laying-off. If they would not get immediate financial help from government, many of agricultural businesses will crash. As Slovakian Prime Minister Iveta Radicova said, first of all, government has to guarantee that people will have a place to stay and a roof above their heads. Farmers could get first financial aid in November 2010. There are 13.3 million Euros that would Slovak government use for helping people affected by this year’s floods. It is still questionable, what will happen in next few days…

rela! ted story (sgx18015): http://observers.france24.com/en/content/20100818-floods-dev...
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

France expelling Roma communities
by Milota Sidorova

Back to the history of Gypsies, one finds out they were always on the move. Moving nation, people without home and home everywhere. For centuries western system tried to seduce them and in many ways it succeeded. The system of owning a land, paying taxes and obeying more and more complicated rules certainly destroyed much of Gypsy culture. But once we look back, we find out that even our grandparents remeber living side by side with them. Feared, uneducated, perhaps criminals – that's what has remained of Gypsy image in many European countries.The blame falls on heads of both sides, in many troubled regions domestic population doesn't want to understand another way of! life, values and approaches, but on the other side, many Gypsy settlements and communities gave up everything positive their culture had and like solid mass, they persist the same way as 50 years ago. Stucked on one place they've never considered a home they don't want to learn, however there are always exceptions and examples of good cooperations between both sides. One of last countries willing to accept their moving way of life was France. The country that was always proud of its tolerance and democracy however, came to an end in Gypsy question. Not only French government killed the prohibition for free move, but started a campaign resulting in their return to their “home countries”. This week it officially reported around 700 Roma and Bulgaria Gypsies would be sent back home. With a little supply they will be expelled from the country.Recently more and more regions acted in that fashion, let's just mention the prefecture of the Val-de-Marne or Southern Bord! eaux banning them from station their caravans in the area.For ! Romanian Foreign Ministrer Teodor Baconschi it was a sign, imput for increasing xenophobic reacions. EU amounted criticism over French government for these actions, saying expelling them won't solve Gypsy problem. And it's obvious it won't – because although they return back to Romania, Bulgaria or any other country, they will come back as EU citizen with the right for free move. The projection is based upon empirical observations, when in last year many of illegal Gypsies simply returned back to France after some time. There is an estimation of 15,000 Gypsies living in France. In Romania they create ethnic group with official number of 530,000, but up to 2.5 million is expected since many of them simply deny their Roma nationality, fearing from discrimination.

related story (sgx18019): http://www.france24.com/en/20100819-flights-set-begin-t! aking...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

U.S. troops withdrawal?
by Milota Sidorova

As the time goes by towards autumn, pre-election mood appears in the U.S. politics.As both Congress parties face reelections, many politicians try at least officially stick up to their old promises. So does President Barack Obama who may be running out of time if spoken about Iraq mission. Complete U.S. army withdrawal from the country hit by invasive war for 7 years was planned before Jan 1st 2012. At least that was claimed in the U.S.-Iraq military pact from 2009.But some delays are certain. During Obama's presidency the number of soldiers in Iraq decreased from 140,000 to current 56,000. Another 6,000 is supposed to leave before Aug 31st . But there is almost one third f! rom the initial number to go. And some extensions have already been avised – according latest news, special and reduced U.S. troops should remain to train Iraq armies. Although Obama and White House representatives remains solid in the decision, his defence secretary, Robert Gates has suggested the presence of U.S. troops would very much depend on new Iraq government, since its formations were troubeld several times. And he underlined they would keep “open door” in case Iraq government ask for military support. For now on, words and promises hang in the air, but the reality has been already adjusted. According observers this point may jeopardize Obama's position, since he possesses almost major political support in Washinghton.Since beginning of US led invasion in 2003, operations took around 4,400 American and thousands more domestic deads.

related story (sgx18020): ht! tp://www .france24.com/en/20100819-us-cease-combat-months-e...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Pakistani people hungry and homeless
by Zivka Deleva

It seems like there is not one single day without some natural catastrophe to happen on some foot of the Earth. Now it's turn to poor Pakistani people. Devastating floods hurt millions of people and are suffering, asking for aid from whoever can help. People are hungry and homeless. The United Nations are asking for everyone who could help. About 460 million dollars are needed for the damage to be reduced, but aid groups say the response has been sluggish and flood survivors have lashed out at Pakistan's weak civilian government for failing to help. One of the most terrifying fact is that about 3.5 million children are endangered to get sick with some water-borne diseases. ! For about three weeks the rains don't stop and about one quarter of the country was hit. Not only people suffer, but more important their agricultural land is endangered too. This flood is the worst natural disaster that has ever happened in the history of Pakistani country. Donors are afraid that this disaster might influence badly the world economy. The World Bank promised to give 900 million dollars loan. Pakistani officials admit that they can not help themselves, if the world doesn't give them a hand for help. "We fear we're getting close to the start of seeing a second wave of death if not enough money comes through, due to water-borne diseases along with lack of clean water and food shortages" - Maurizio Giuliano, spokesman for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Around 1,600 people have died and whole towns and villages are being destroyed.
by Zi vka Deleva
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

World Bank to loan Pakistan $900m
by Magdalena Rosova

The World Bank will provide Pakistan a huge loan of 900 million American dollars. The loan should help Pakistan to recover from the floods that has ruined the country's economy. Over last three weeks floods were raging in Pakistan and they are often described as the worst humanitarian crisis in the world today. The World Bank stated that the money for Pakistan will come from the International Development Association, which is the bank's arm for countries with low-income. Pakistani government asked for this sum of money and the bank committed them to provide. The flood affected more than 20 million people. The crops in the country are completely destroyed, towns and village! s are ruined. The World bank expect the economic cost of the floods will be huge. It seems that the floods caused the worst damage in the housing, roads, irrigation and agriculture sectors. The crop loss is estimated to be around one billion dollars. When the water recede in September, it will be possible to asses the full impact on soil erosion and agriculture. The World Bank together with the Asian Development Bank and the United Nations were asked last week to cooperate on bringing assessments in the areas hit by the foods. The assessments should inform about the damages and needs. The two banks and the United Nations will work together and share information. They will also coordinate activities of donors. On Friday a global facility for disaster reduction and recovery rapid response team came to Islamabad. The team should help launch the assessment. The World Bank stated that without new wave of flooding the assessments could be finished by October 15.

related s! tory (sgx17994): http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/PROJECTS/0,,content...
by Magdalena Rosova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.