Friday, September 17, 2010

Mexico celebrates 200 years!
by Barbora Misakova

Mexican “el grito” also called “Cry of Independence” is one of the most significant celebrations in the country. Every year the days from Sept. 15 to 16 are the days of honoring the 1810 war that threw off Spanish rule and this event has assumed an almost mythic status. Each year on the night of September 15, the President of Mexico rings the bell of the National Palace in Mexico City. After that, he repeats a cry of patriotism with the names of the important heroes of the Mexican War of Independence. After the three shouts of “Viva Mexico!” he rings the bell again and waves the Flag of Mexico to the applause of the crowd. But while past ! years were under sign of people celebrating on the streets, this year’s grito may be the most subdued ever, as fears of violence keep vast number of Mexicans off their plazas. Drug war that in the past 3 ½ years has killed more than 28,000 people is terrifying everyone. Mexico had to fight many years against their inner enemies such as president-dictator Porfirio Diaz that turned Mexico into one of Latin America’s most disgraceful oligarchies, where most of the population lived little better than dogs. These days Mexico is facing another challenge – narco-violence and drug industry which is one of the biggest barriers in Mexico’s egalitarianism. But Mexico has also a lot to celebrate this week. Its democracy is taking deeper root and its economy is far more modern and productive than it was 16 years ago. And President Calderon with his anti-narco campaign and sweeping reforms that as he hoped would modernize and professionalize Mexico’s dy! sfunctional judiciary, is trying to ensure long-term instituti! onal cha nge! Let’s then shout: “Viva Mexico!”

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by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

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