Wednesday, September 1, 2010

One of drug dealers catched!
by Barbora Misakova

Watching movies about mafia and drug dealers is quite far away from reality. Brutality of the real ones is unlike those in the movies…REAL! Tortured and murdered people with hearts or tongues cut out are much scary when you see it in the newspapers rather than in the movies. And the war against these people is a real saint war, which probably will never end up. Monday was a lucky day for Mexico’s federal police and President Felipe Calderon as Edgar Valdez Villarreal, also called as La Barbie, was arrested. This former Texas high school football player worked his way up from petty street dealer to one of major drug lords. Valdez, also after his arrest, probably ! still believes he is untouchable, at least the video where he sometimes looks up and laughs, shows so. Mexican police was chasing Valdez across five Mexican states for a year, what makes Calderon’s efforts for recovering and supporting his war on organized crime recovered, at least so far. However, authorities are not satisfied as there are much more “flies” to catch, including Sinaloa chief Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, Mexico’s most-wanted drug lord. Valdez told interrogators that he knew not only Guzman, but also the brothers Arturo and Hector Beltran Leyva and others. Computers, telephones and other equipment confiscated in Valdez’s three-level residence could be helpful with providing more information about his group and other people he was cooperating with. Valdez, as a U.S. citizen living illegally in Mexico, should be deported to the United States if Mexico agrees, or he could face prosecution in Mexico for drug-related crimes.!

related story (sgx18112):;_ylt=Ak8tMNwVM...
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

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