Thursday, November 11, 2010

Iraqi equilibrium?
by Barbora Misakova

Instability is the Iraq’s second name. Three days of difficult negotiations finally resulted into longed-wished agreement. Iraq’s main factions have agreed on the top three political posts, informed on Thursday one party’s spokesman. Agreement which was discussed with success was finalized on Wednesday’s night and eight-month deadlock that had raised the specter of renewed sectarian violence was ended. Kurdish regional president Masoud Barzani said that incumbent Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s alliance would get the prime minister post. Former premier layd Allawi’s Sunni-backed Iraqiya faction would get the speaker’s post of parlia! ment and Allawi would head a new council of strategic policies. Negotiations that resulted in a “national parthership” government, as Barzani said, could help to stop a return to the factional fighting. However candidates for the top posts were not named so far – it should be formalized at a session of parliament later on Thursday. Lawmakers have said Jalal Talabani, a Kurd, will return as president. While Iraqi politicians praise the God for “a big achievement, which is considered a victory for all Iraqis”, tension that still exists between Shi’ite, Sunni and Kurdish factions will not disappear from one day to another. But Iraqi politicians are not the only one who appreciated this agreement. Also Obama’s administration valued this solution as a significant way out of double bind. As Antony Blinken, US vice-president’s adviser said, this agreement is an important step forward for Iraq. According to him, Iraqi leaders succeed! ed in creating control mechanisms and equilibrium which will n! ot permi t abusing of power by any of the factions.

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by Barbora Misakova
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