Afghanistan has problems with private security firms
by Nina Gotzmannova
The Blackwater incident in Baghdad last month, when the security team killed 17 people, is not the only one in the region. Also in Afghanistan they face problems with these guys. They are thinking if they are wearing a uniform, gun, have US passport and are located in the Middle East, they can do whatever they want. But these practices won't be tolerated anymore. Some of the organizations are suspected of robbery and murders. On Thursday were two of them shut down and next week it will be up to thirteen more. The names are not known, because among the companies may be firms guarding the Western ambassadors. The main problem with private security companies in Afghanistan is that they consider themselves above the law and do whatever they want. They terrorize Afghans, are disrespectful to local authorities and don't cooperate with authorities. The employees have committed crimes, such as robbery, illegal possessing of weapons or even murder. The last incident happens this week, when private guards killed two women in Baghdad. It is impossible for some "civilians" to act like the government or army forces, so these unlawful procedures must be stopped. In Afghanistan is operating about 59 registered security firms. According to Western officials there might me 25 more, which are working without a license. After the expected closing of several most discussed companies there may be finally law and order. Because if United States want to apologize their invasion into other countries by bringing there democracy, they should be really democratic, respect the law and not behave like the exact opposite of their own words.
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by Nina Gotzmannova for PocketNews ( |
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