Sunday, October 14, 2007

Heal the news.
by Barbie Kunkelova

"What's going on, daddy? Why are you watching shooting and imprisoning again? You watched it yesterday and before that too! Let's watch Sponge Bob!" "No, Anthony, let me finish the News before mom summons us for dinner. It's because the world is so violent and bloodthirsty, the people shoot each other every day. Every single day. See the numbers in the corner about the man's head? They read Thursday." "But Thursday is today, daddy. And a week ago too!" "Exactly, and this Thursday a bad accident happened in Iraq, which is very far but it happened because of Americans." "We had an accident??" "Kind of. American soldiers were on a raid, a mission in Baghdad, and attacked Al-Qaida's soldiers. And they were very violent, they killed 34 people! 34 people dead on one Thursday, imagine that, Tony." "Dad, why were they on a mission? Do you like them? And kids too?" "Yes, children were killed too, by accident. But terrorists also. Fifteen of them. Bad things are happening in Iraq since they discovered the mass destruction weapons few years ag &" "Like big weapons?! Like - " "Yes, very big, bad! And our president didn't like that, so he sent war on those weapon makers. Since then the Iraqi public scene has not been alright. Invasions are better than inspections, you see. And no, I don't like them." "What color were the weapons, daddy?" "President never found them." "So why are the soldiers & " "Tony, hold your breath, I'm going to switch to the Pakistan News. I need to know what Musharraf's destiny is." "And then we'll watch Sponge Bob!" "Yes, dear, that's all a man could dream about after watching world news &a peaceful piece of sponge."

related story:;_ylt=AuAjcY5ju0sf_dgcrgzOoSms0NUE
by Barbie Kunkelova
for PocketNews (

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