Thursday, October 18, 2007

Last peace lost.
by Barbie Kunkelova

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan stated on Tuesday on Press TV that Turkey did not mean that a military incursion was imminent by trying to get the consent to attack the Kurdistan Workers' party (aka PKK) from the government. There are already 1,500 Turkish soldiers stationed in northern Iraq which upsets the US Parliament & president G.W.Bush tried to convince Turkish officials it is not a good idea to delete the last piece of Iraq that remained calm and clean of fighting and violence since 2003 (when the conflicts with the US started). Those soldiers are supposed to be monitoring the area and sending information straight to the government. This is an ominous fact because over ten years ago, when Turkey attacked Kurds with troops of 50,000 soldiers for the last time, the results were catastrophic. One of the great results was the horrific increase of the oil prices. If this happens again, the absolute cut of oil supplies from northern Iraq is easily to come up. Now they estimate the amounts as follow: 3,800 Kurds spying outside and 2,300 inside Turkish territory. According to Yahoo News, after a debate on whether they should attack the Kurds or not, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki's close aide said publicly that the two Prime ministers decided that Iraqi soldiers are going to get rid of the inside Iraq's Kurds and Turkish soldiers will try to handle the Kurds inside Turkey. Mr. Erdogan, however, wanted to summon all the Kurds back into Iraq, to keep them under control. Turkey would love to show the world it has been underappreciated for no reason & that it has all the strengths and vitality to deal with the Kurdish problem on its own.

related story:;_ylt=Apq5xfK3lFvW.E7EbYP1V6us0NUE
by Barbie Kunkelova
for PocketNews (

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