Sunday, October 14, 2007

Turkey says it will restrict US access to Iraq
by Corina Ciubotaru

Recent talks in the U.S. Congress have led to a proposal to accuse Turkey of genocide. In the time of World War I, the Ottoman Empire fell to pieces and many Armenians living in Turkey fell victim; the troubled times were not forgotten by either Turks or Armenians and now, groups of Armenian-Americans living in the United States have brought their lobbying actions to a blissful end. President Bush has strongly opposed the decision to name the acts as genocide because now, Turkish authorities announced they would stop allowing U.S. forces to pass through the country on their way to Iraq and use the bases there. Turkey is a neighbor to Iraq and Incirlik air base has been intensely used to carry troops and supplies to the war zone, whose own streets are extremely prone to roadside bombs. What's even more disturbing to the Bush administration is that Turkey now intends to hunt down Kurd rebels in northern Iraq, thereby destabilizing the area. Turkish and Iraqi officials have already met to discuss these attacks. Meanwhile, Turks deny genocide ever happened since the Armenians were not intentionally exterminated; recently, two journalists were convicted for republishing an interview where their then editor Hrant Dink referred to what happened in that period as genocide. Dink, a very outspoken critic of the Turks for the way they handled that situation, was killed in January in front of his newspaper. The Turkish ambassador in America was called to consultations a few days ago and he is due back in about a week.

related story:;_ylt=Ar6xcy84HTGf46GO0OLVSv2s0NUE
by Corina Ciubotaru
for PocketNews (

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