Tuesday, December 4, 2007

President is leaving
by Natalia Holvova

There are moments in every single state when impressive person has to leave. That person led the country for years and it is hard if those years were successful. Even if this person was bad leader this moment can be nostalgic and sentimental. This is going to happen in Venezuela. President Chavez was not reelected in Sunday's presidential election. He is leaving the office. If there are people whose personality is beaming brighter than all the others, he stays in the hearts of his staunched forever. Chavez acted as a gentleman. He was sad because of election results; on the other hand he declared happiness that Venezuelans are allowed and able to vote freely and without any pressure. He sees this fact as a maturity of democracy in the country. Some people were happy, some people were crying. As always when big man is leaving, some people love him, some people hate him. This is a destiny of the leaders. They can not be only loved and there is nobody who was only hated. Visible and clever man on the top of the country is always somehow contribution. An important man is leaving the office but as it usually is in cases of important people neither this man is leaving forever or giving up the power he has in the country. There is hope for his fans that he will be close enough to help them and far enough for his enemies to compete with them on the political field.

related story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071203/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/venezuela_constitution;_ylt=AvEEkcHrx4pWVUgfzk.1.h6s0NUE
by Natalia Holvova
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)

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