Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Bush Welcomes Pope With All Respect

Yesterday was definitely a special day not only for American president. Unbelievable welcome greeting due to 6 days long visit of Benedict XVI in US was held in White House. Indeed. Except of fact of Benedict's first visit of the States and 2 years anniversary, being a head of Roman Catholic Church, His Holiness has celebrated his 81st birthday.Bush, known as a strict, pure and first fiddler person, even in the matter of diplomatic welcomes really surprised everyone including White House personnel, media and public as well. Red carpet, huge crowd greeting pontiff on sunny South Lawn, ubiquitous waving flags in the colors of America and Vatican, 21 gun salute, both national anthems and Bush himself playing a role of excellent host created a perfect image of White House pageantry.The visit continued inside with cheerful singing 'Happy Birthday song' and four level creamy cake. Everyone, even president seemed very excited. One must say, that pope received warm welcome with polite justice, yet confirming himself as a humble man of God. Almost 45 minutes lasting private dialogue between both representatives followed the party. According the White House press spokeswoman Dana Perino, Benedict focused on issues of human rights, religious freedom, poverty and diseases in Africa, Israeli-Palestinian dispute and terrorism. Worth saying, that they have found themselves in common opinions concerning gay marriage, abortion, eutanasia and embryotic stem cell research. Pope followed his speech with the critics on Bush environmental politics and asked for improving immigration laws. Although Benedict's papacy features different philosophies than his ancestor, popular John Paul II, he has set up on a tour of skidding the religions. As he claimed, his presence should bring a Church a refreshment and a new message of hope. He believes his mission will have further more consequences than settlement of ongoing sexual abuse scandal in American Church. During his stay he met American Bishops of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, discussing the problems.Despite of released mood during the visit, pope's arrival had been followed by the protest meeting of almost 200, demonstrating against the sexual abuse in Catholic Church.

related story:;_ylt=An9NUbyW.kf82jc9YAankVms0NUE

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