Monday, May 26, 2008

People are shocked by possibility of new quake Beata Novomeska

People started to panic when they got to know that there is possibility of another earthquake. It was said on television. After enormous quake people were shocked, injured and some of them killed. Their nerves were stretched and they wouldn't bear another catastrophe. They rushed into the streets of their town in southeast of China early on Tuesday. People didn't want to experience something like that anymore. The quake killed more than 34,000 people and injured 245,000. In spite of that it caused enormous damages. The roads were jammed and people carried their bedding headed for open ground when they heard on television about another strong earthquake. The earthquake which affected China was the worst since 1976. Most of death people were in mountainous areas north and west of Chengdu. The losses are estimated about $9.6 billion. Many people are missing, they are buried under rubble or people don't know at all where they are. And everything is damaged so there will be done a lot of work to repair damaged buildings, things, roads and infrastructure. Many people across the country are trying to rescue missing people. The rescuers reached the remotest areas and rescue affected towns and cities. They were still block by rocks and mudslides. In Beichuan one woman was found alive under a mass of concrete. People were happy. Rescuers have unpleasant work to recover decomposing bodies. But someone has to do it. On bodies is splashed disinfectant to prevent disease. Premier Wen Jiabao ordered further efforts to prevent the spread of disease. The Foreign Ministry appealed to the international community to provide more tents for people who lost their homes.

related story:

by Beata Novomeska
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