Monday, August 11, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses World News: Iran and nuclear weapons
by kristina leskova

Iran is a country in Central Eurasia bordered by Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey and Iraq. The largest city and the capital is Tehran. Official language is Persian. This country has large reserves of petroleum and natural gas. Iran is a founding member of the United Nations which aims are to stop wars between countries.
The UN experts are trying to investigate if Iran is working on nuclear weapons. But their investigation is in the end, because Iran does not cooperate with them. We can not exclude that Iran is working on nuclear weapons, but I think that it is the fault of America, because there existed a thesis that they will not fight against countries which own nuclear weapons. Yes, it is unbelievable, but Iran wants to protect his independence by the ownership of nuclear weapons. Iran has a big war potention, because this country owns modern rockets and it is capable to answer to any attack from other countries.
Iran is being suspected for violation of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. But Iran claims that he uses the atomic energy only for peaceful proposes. Ajatolláh Alí Chameneí, the spiritual leader of Iran, said: “Iran is not trying to produce nuclear weapons because the ownership of them has no meaning. Nuclear weapons have no addition because they can not be used.” There is one more organization which is interested in the investigation. It is the IAEA – International Atomic Energy Agency which is the world´s center of cooperation in the nuclear field. The Agency works with member States of United Nations to promote safe, secure and peaceful nuclear technologies. The nuclear weapon is a very serious topic which should be followed up.

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by kristina leskova
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