Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Condoleezza on Pakistan
by Claudia Sonea

Cheers to all women occupying leading positions. Condoleezza Rice is an example of the power women have, intelligent, diplomatic and charismatic. She is the first black woman to serve as Secretary of State. During Bush's first term she was National Security Advisor, but even before that she registered success.
Everyone knows how important her work is. With only one call she made Pakistan President Pervez Musharaff to give up his plans of imposing a state of emergency in November 2007. It is true that not long after General Mushraff went and declared stated of emergency in spite of everything. In the election of February 18 Mushraff's own PML-Q was defeated, but US kept the relation with the country.
She stated that US is contempt with the fact that Pakistan has now a democratic elected government with Mushraff as President. Also the stress was laid on the fact that Pakistan has still to deal another important problem and that is extremism. It is not only the Afghanistan they have to take care, but also to the negative elements inside the country because extremism has deep roots and it would not be expelled so easily. Long-term measures are required to solve the issue, because up to now no effects have been noticeable.
Moreover, opium production, terrorism and corruption, governance issues and movement of the militants across the border are other problems that demand attention. Not to mention the poverty of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas. Condoleezza was relaxed and reaffirmed the fact that Pakistan is still US' ally and Washington's position. Cheers to you!

related story: http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/popup/;_ylt=AoQgrCX1iRZYGvsUCDAOp8Gs0NUE?rn=3906861&cl=9167679&ch=9052301

by Claudia Sonea
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