Another rock
by Claudia Sonea
I don't know why, but there are some rocks and metals in the world that fascinate people and are considered to be precious. At this moment on the market, platinum is the most expensive metal, gold is the next precious metal that has a high importance for the global economy and last but not least, there is silver. When referring to precious rocks it is enough to mention the most important one: DIAMDOMND.
Kings and Queens, pirates and the wedding ring have made a symbol out of the diamond and it is in consequence very expensive. The paradox is that this expensive rock is nowadays exploited in the poorest parts of the world like Africa by greedy developed countries. This is the situation of the southern African kingdom of Lesotho who is famous for giving four of the world's 20 largest rough diamonds. Instead of getting at least half of the profit, they get only 30 percent, while the rest is taken by a leading British-based global diamond mining business called Gem Diamonds. The company is proud to present the mines it has on its web page Letšeng, in Lesotho; Ellendale in Australia; Cempaka in Indonesia. The question is how well the other governments are paid.
One of the world's largest diamonds has been discovered in the Letseng Mine on September 8- it weighs according to experts in Antwerp 478 carats. The value is estimated around $12 million, now imagine with 6 million dollars how many things could be improved in Lesotho. Unfortunately nothing is done to improve the situation of the people in Africa. Instead of making donations campaigns, they should take interest into this matter: "Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime". Help them to take advantage of what the nature blessed their territories with and prevent from being coned.
related story:;_ylt=AuMrCmqeywMOt51XtbLCekCs0NUE
by Claudia Sonea for PocketNews ( |
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Labels: CantellTV, Chris Cantell, Christopher Cantell, digital broadcasting, SigEx Foundry, SigEx Telecom, World News
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