Ices are melting. And what?
by Barbora Misakova
Let’s start with terrifying survey: while average global temperatures have increased 0.74 degrees C in the past century, the mercury in the Arctic has risen at least twice as quickly! Don’t you still feel endangered? O. K. let’s continue: in the last few summers the Arctic ice cap decreases on record. In 2007 for instance ice cap dwindled to a record-low extent of 4.3 million square kilometers. It is still quite unclear for you? Never mind. Now try to imagine that Arctic summers will be almost ice-free within 30 years, not 90 years as was predicted before. Ice surface is not only smaller, but also thinner. While the ices are melting, the sea-level is risin! g. It has increased from 1.8 millimeters a year to 3.4 millimeters in the past 10 years. We are hearing, for quite a long time, that the time for collective and immediate action on climate change is now, but we are still doing nothing. But ice melting won’t wait till we activate. The time for collective action was many years ago, when we really could stop this mess. But what can we do now? Didn’t we get to the loop? Aren’t we living in the age, when the only “action” is actually climate conference? Can the simple words save the world? Hardly. But it seems to me, like we all were just relying on the slogans and empty mottos. But they cannot change the way we live and they cannot even force us to change our attitude to nature and climate changes. So why do we constantly talk about something, we probably don’t want to change?
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by Barbora Misakova for PocketNews ( |
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