7.2 magnitude quake rocks Mexico-US border
by Barbora Misakova
What’s going on with our planet? There are still more earthquakes that are from one day to another stronger and even more dangerous. They are able to kill thousands of people just in few minutes. They are destroying houses, roads; they are even able to wipe the whole cities off the earth. The latest earthquake hit 173 kilometers east of Tijuana, Mexico. Los Angeles and Las Vegas were shaking as well – that is earthquake of 7.2 degrees on the Richter scale capable of. Tens of millions of people across two countries and three states were shaken by this quake. Though California was more scared than damaged, two people died in Mexico. The USGS reported three strong ! aftershocks within the hour what pointed again on warning of the American Society of Civil Engineers which last year said that 26 percent of US bridges “are either structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.” As seismologists warn the densely populated state such as California is inevitably in line for another huge tremor, the stress and fear is still huge. Lucy Jones, seismologist from California Institute of Technology said that each earthquake triggers a chance for a bigger one in the next few days. After the Haitian earthquake of magnitude 7.0 that killed about 230,000 people and a massive 8.8-magnituede quake in Chile is this one the third strong earthquake in these four months. It seems like every single month should bring us some kind of “surprise”. Earthquakes and tsunamis, heavy rains and subsequent landslides – all of them are threatens our life and we can do nothing. We can’t even make ourselves ready…
relate! d story (sgx16913): http://www.france24.com/en/20100405-major-earthquake-hits-ba...
by Barbora Misakova for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv) |
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