UN agreed to donate Haiti during 10 years.
by Milota Sidorova
Haiti can speak of great luck that strangely came out of great media attention, international aid and other interests. Representatives of United Nation met on its conference in New York on Wednesday to agree the plan of long lasting help for the country. The island state, hit by 7.0 magnitude in January was left in crucial situation – Not a stone upon a stone was left, more than 220, 000 died because of earthquake or immediate consequences and around 1.3 million people were left homeless. According humanitarian workers those people were relocated to temporary camps, left on mercy of regular food supplies and illnesses spreading all around. International workers said m! ore doctors and medicaments were in need – even more before the season of rains and hurricanes was about to start. Warm and rainy climate can accelerate spreading illness twice faster than it's been until now.Except of immediate aid, UN agreed to provide financial supplies for the country and help also with building infrastructure. The priority now is renovation of road system, schools and hospitals and governing headquarters. Haitian President Rene Preval said the international community was solid in this question and thanked it for being sympathetic to his people. The aim of the conference was to raise 3.8 billion dollars as the first investment of totally 11 billion dollars that should be provided during 10 years. Although members of the conference expressed satisfaction with the decision many of them objected the corruption that eats significant sum provided by international help. For example in Somalia, every second dollar, euro or another currency was stolen for! extremist groups fighting current government. UN has to prote! ct the a id so it could reach those who really need it.
related story (sgx16902): http://www.france24.com/en/20100331-earthquake-haiti-united-...
by Milota Sidorova for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv) |
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