UN Nuclear Conference Faux pas
by Milota Sidorova
Personally I am afraid that the whole conclusion of currently held UN nuclear conference will fall into the media shadow just by one accident. Iran president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad openly accused UN from threating the rest of the world with Iranian nuclear weapons. He carried on and claimed U.S. to leave the global nuclear watchdog board. And it seemed that it was too much for some delegates. Pretending to get furious they left the room and walked out. One doesn't want to be cynical, but this was certainly disgusting piece of theatre. Americans, French, British, Germans, Finland, Moroccons and Czech republic delegates simply couldn't carried on listening to this lone voice.Sil! ly and tragic. First of all, this was neutral conference and they were paid for being there. Just like they are paid for making deals and get the best profits, they should be able to hear mystified voice of an “enemy”. Stupid and low minded step, this certainly was. Just look around about all this media buzz. Most of them are feeding and selling bulvar stories, instead of focusing on real solutions. Don't get misunderstood, Iran has its part of the guilt, by not responding to international community's demands. But, if we want to be fair, why don't we request the same from Israel, according Joe Biden, U.S. vice-president the “only” friend of U.S. in the middle East. Israel is suspected to have around 200 nuclear bombs. And despite of this, it is showing its free will, if it comes to international nuclear elimination deals. Why don't we request this from India that refused to sign elimination deal after Chernobyl catastrophe? India and Pakistan are lon! g term ignorants of peace efforts. Why don't we request the sa! me, exac tly the same from North Korea? It's generaly known that this country is pointing us the third finger to us. North Korea doesn't allow anyone to interfere its independency. I say, Iran is not the victim in this fight. But this fight is certainly not equall and certainly not fair enough. You know, there were no weapons of mass destructions in Iraq and still, the war has began. So, let's check real interests and intetions. And if we come to something, this delegate walkout will remain of unlucky and disgusting play.
related story (sgx17157): http://www.france24.com/en/20100503-iran-mahmoud-ahmadinejad...
by Milota Sidorova for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv) |
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