Sunday, June 27, 2010

Bomb killed Greek civil protection minister's top aide
by Magdalena Rosova

Another parcel bomb exploded at Greek ministry on Thursday at 8.15 p.m. The explosion killed Georges Vassilakis, a top aid to the minister of civil protection. Ever since 2008 there were several bomb attacks of leftist militants in Greece. Thanks to police force the Greek cabinet minister successfully escaped unhurt from the ministry. The bomb exploded right next o his office on the seventh floor of the ministry and killed one of his closest aides. Civil Protection Minister Mihalis Chrysohoidis said he had losst a valuable and dear colleague. The killed minister's adjutant was father of two children. Police spokesman Thanassis Kikkalakis told that the bomb had been wrapped ! in a package and had exploded in the hands of the man as he had tried to open it. No one else was injured. The worst riots of leftist militants raged in 2008, since that there were several series of bomb attacks. This year Greek police arrested and suspended six members of the militant group Revolutionary Struggle. Chrysohoidis took the minister office in 2009 and promised to get rid of the militants in the country. He was in the function of minister also in a previous spell, when he successfully dismantled Greek lethal guerrilla group November 17. Greece is now in a deep economic crisis and last month it has literally won a bailout package of 110 billion euro from the countries of European Union an the International Monetary Fund. I may Greeks filled streets for an anti-austerity demonstration and three people died in a petrol bomb attack on bank. In March, a bomb exploded outside on a street in Athens, a boy was killed and his mother and sister were injured.

relat! ed story (sgx17691):
by Magdalena Rosova
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