High-speed train killed 12 people
by Barbora Misakova
There are few things I will probably never understand. First of them is why some people have to hurt animals and the other is why people can’t learn from others’ mistakes. Latest news from Spain about tragic train accident just makes me wonder again. Why are some people so irresponsible and carefree? Why are they risking their own lives and what is more also lives of other people? Latest Wednesday’s night was the saddest one from a June 2003 when collision between a passenger train and a freight train in southeastern Spain killed 19 people. This time at least 12 people were killed and 13 were injured when a high-speed train struck a group of youths crossin! g a railway track in northeastern Spain. At the Castelldefels Playa station a group of revelers celebrating the annual San Juan (Saint John) mid-summer festival wanted to get to the beach and even though the station was equipped with a pedestrian underpass, they chose the shorter way – across the rails. Unfortunately, many of them will never get to the beach again and will never see bonfires and fireworks there. As Fernando Ortega, one of the witnesses told Spanish media, a large number of people got out of the train at the same time so “most decided to jump across the tracks and cross to the other side of the station” to avoid the crush of people. No one expected the northbound express train. Josep Maria Soto, the head of the regional emergency services, told Spain’s TV3 television that the cause of the accident is under investigation. The position of the first victims indicates so far they were hit by a train.
related story (sgx17693! ): http://www.france24.com/en/20100624-several-revellers-killed...
by Barbora Misakova for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv) |
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