Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Oil Tank explosion kills 230
by Claudia Sonea

Greed is one of the worst sins of mankind and it will be the one leading to our doom. In the rush for money, often people forget that other things have to be taken into consideration. Therefore, Earth’s resources are being exploited until exhaustion; nature is destroyed by deforestation, pollution caused by wars, nuclear experiments, factories, oil leaks, etc. However, greed can inflict directly damages onto people. For instance, the Democratic Republic of the Congo went through almost all the calamities mentioned above. In the 90s it was the second most industrialized country in Africa, boasting in the mining sector. T! hen after 1996, wars broke out causing an exhaustion of resources, famine, pollution, deaths. Moreover, wars have also led to the neglect and deterioration of the roads which are mainly responsible for the multitude of tankers accidents. Exploitation of the oil wealth had a good influence on the country’s economy and helped in the recovery after the wars. On the other hand, there are risks of major oil spills, improper disposal of drilling sites and pipelines, and there is little importance given to the precaution measures, to the ensuring of the tankers that transport the fuel. Bad roads, irresponsible drive and rush for transporting as much fuel as possible are the generators of hundreds of accidents not only in DR Congo, but also in Nigeria, Angola. This show the greed of the foreigners investing in oil basins without having any consideration of the damages created onto the local population. Nonetheless, the gre! ed that kills hundreds is that of the uneducated people. As DR! Congo w ent through the wars, economy deteriorated and Congolese would do anything for money to put food on the table. Thus, when oil tankers or pipeline explode poor people rush is carting the leaking fuel away in anything they can grab. Yet, they are unaware that the danger of explosion is high and that they should keep at distance. On Friday, 230 deaths have been registered following an explosion of an overturned fuel tanker. Many of those gathering around the tank to scavenge were children, but there were also collateral victims who happened to be in the cinema engulfed by the flames spreading from the explosion. Events such as that are frequent, but the locals don’t seem to learn their lesson. Who is more to blame, the greedy exploiters for not taking the precaution measures or the local uneducated people whose greed leads from the need for food?

related story (sgx17774): http://www.france24.com/en/20100704-bp-oil-spill-a-whale-sup...
by Claudia Sonea
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

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