Monday, September 20, 2010

Nuclear employees kidnapped in Niger
by Milota Sidorova

Five days ago seven people were kidnapped in Niger. Five of them were French, including married couple, one was from Madagascar and one from Togolese. But all of them were working in nuclear programs – according to official reports they were kidnapped overnight Wednesday to Thursday by a group of gunmen. But so far French officials and Nigerien authorities haven't been sure who was behind the accident – the possibilities were at least two – Areva nuclear firm employe, his wife and five more workers of another French company, Sogea Satom were ambushed by a group of local Touareg rebels or by al Qaeda's North African affiliates. The group was able to break! through two layers of security guards – this fact seemed to be supporting a theory the attack was carefully planned. French officials suggest they would do „everything to help the hostages“, but so far they have been considering possible scenarios for the abduction. There were several Touareg's kidnappings in last years, they successfully managed to take over an executive with the Chinese uranium company in 2007. They were always trying to pressure uranium mining companies in the region and hopes that the hostages would come back unharmed were high. There was no case of a murder of foreigner in Touareg community, but it could be different if Al Qaeda was behind it. Although they kidnapped and released dozens of foreigners, they also executed at least two hostages after open attack between the group and French army in Niger back in July 2010. The recent act would also had a symbolic meaning – kidnapping of employees of nuclear companies should be a w! arning sign for France that draws about 80 percent of its elec! tricity from nuclear resources, mostly coming from Niger.

related story (sgx18218):
by Milota Sidorova
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