Thursday, October 28, 2010

Twelve miners died in China
by Zivka Deleva

Whenever you mention miners, I have the feeling that the news is going to be bad. I wasn't wrong this time, too. Now, we are not talking about the Chile's case of 33 trapped miners that thanks God are alive and got through three months later. But, I am talking about dozens of Chinese miners that were killed in a flood in the southwestern part of the country. This industry is extremely dangerous and it is not rarely for it to be hit badly. What really happened? As Chinese Xinhua news agency reported, the accident happened when about 50 miners in the Machang town were working underground. The flood hasn't been deadly dangerous for all of them. Fortunately, 38 of them achiev! ed to save their heads. Now, who's fault is this, would be answered right after the police investigation is going to be finished. Mine industry is one with the biggest consequences in this country. Only in the last year, about 2.600 people were killed, not only in the mine industry, but all job-related accidents. This number is even higher. The last bigger accident happened just two weeks ago, when 37 people lost their lives in a gas outburst in the central part of the country. It is inevitable to notice that mines' security is one of the most important thing on which the science of this industry should be focused. Miners shouldn't be left only on the God's whish and on the message that stands on the top of the mines' entrances - Good luck! After such human disasters, who would actually think of being such a worker? Maybe the poor ones that doesn't really have a big choice.
by Zi! vka Dele va
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Are we cursed?
by Barbora Misakova

Is human race cursed? Do we vanish from the earth surface soon? And what will finally destroy us? These are the questions occupying heads of many survivors. Last few years, that resemble coming end of the world, are making our attempt to forget just impossible. If we are not going to be perished in this era yet, then inhabitants of Mentawai Islands in Indonesia are tested – and twice! Not only tsunami, but also volcano was the root of death toll of more than 340 people. What is more, tragedies like this one always let hundreds others missed. With growing time there is still smaller chance for surviving. Tsunami which washed away hundreds of wooden and bamboo homes als! o displaced more than 20,000 people. Mount Merapi volcano, in central Java, killed at least 33 people and injured about 17 of them. And many more are missing and maybe will never be found. While President Susilo Bambag Yudhoyono rushed home from a state visit to Vietnam, first cargo plane loaded with tents, medicine, food and clothes landed in this area. But the aim to help is not that easy to put into effect. Chaos and fear is everywhere, people don’t want to leave their homes, but there is no other chance. Corpses in body bags and ruins that hide other dead bodies – that is very grim situation. Those who stayed alive are more afraid than ever before – there is not surprise, the volcano killed also caretaker of the mountain’s spirits just when he was kneeling face-down on the floor and praying…

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by Barbora Misakova
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Potrupani so gjubre!
by Barbora Misakova

Zamislete ja najužasnata mirizba što možete. Zamislete toni (ili točno 2,400 toni) na gjubre istureno pred vašata kukja, ležejkji na ulicite. A sega zamislete deka toa ne e samo vašata fantazija, ami realnost! Šut što se naogja vo Italija dovede do javni protesti vo zemjata. Celiot problem so gjubreto krena vreva poradi javniot bes poradi predložena gradska deponija. Gjubreto beše natrupano i demonstrantite počnaa duri i da dodavaat drugo gjubre. Toa e načinot na koj tie velat "ne". Dodeka lugjeto od italijanskiot grad Napoli, gi pokrivaat nivnite lica poradi stravot od mirizbata i otrovnoto gjubre, Italija se! soočuva so sankcii od Evropskata Unija. Namesto da bidat isčisteni ulicite na italijanskiot grad, islednicite vo Napoli istražuvaat dali členovi na lokalnata mafija se vklučeni vo ovoj protest. Ne e samo ednomesečniot protest, ami toj stana nasilen vo minatata nedela. Demonstrantite "postojano se sudiraat so policijata nokje, frlajkji molotivi kokteli protiv kamionite za gjubre i palejkji gi kolite" - informiraše Rojters. Iako vladata veti brza akcija vikendov, sudirite prodolžija. Obvinitelite se somnevaat deka členovi na Kamora - napolskata mafija, koja pravi bogatstvo od nelegalno deponiranje i gorenje otroven otpad. Iako mafijata obično izbegnuva da bide podaleku od mestoto na nastanot, spored obvinitelite, ovoj pat bi moželo da bide različna situacija. Spored niv, členovite na Kamora možat da bidat inflitrirani megju demonstrantite i namerno da go poddržat protestot. Kako što veli ekolo! 53;kata grupa "Legambiente" reče: "Kamora go pretvora otp! adot vo pari so decenii vo i okolu Napoli".

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by Barbora Misakova
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Iran:U.N. = 1:0
by Zivka Deleva

The international community can yell and advise as much as she wants, but Iran still is going to achieve what it has on its "nuclear" mind. These few years have been a real Tom and Jerry race between the Organization of the United Nations and Iran's government on the issue of the nuclear weapon program. As every day would go by, Iran would have announced a new step into the improvement of the nuclear energy program. This time, Iran chose something less provocative for the Community. It started to load 163 fuel rods into the reactor core of its first nuclear power plant that is built in the southern port city of Bushehr. The process should be done in two months. The thing is! , this object didn't come under U.N sunctions as others did. The Organization wasn't concerned a lot about the devise that was built with the help of the Russian Government and it is directly watched by the U.N. nuclear monitoring agency. Iran celebrates these days the victory over the opposed international community due to the accusations that Iran's plans weren't at all peacefully and good-hearted, but that behind the whole program was hiding a nuclear weapon strategy. I believe that the United States and the United Nations are still not convinced enough about the change of mind of the Iran nuclear experts and government, and they promised with eyes wide open to follow every step that Iran is going to overtake. The first sanctions that the United Nations Security Council has sentenced to Iran was the one for the enrichment of the uranium. That was theirs first suspicion that "something smells in the state of Iran". The government's answer then was that they needed t! he fuel for a network of nuclear power facilities, where the f! irst sta tion was exactly Bushehr.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

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Buried in trash!
by Barbora Misakova

Imagine the most terrible smell you can. Imagine tons (exactly 2,400 tons) of rubbish poured just in front of your house, lying on the streets. And now imagine this is not just your imagination but reality! A garbage strike which takes place in Italy has led to public protests. The whole problem with trash has arisen because of public outrage over a proposed city dump. The trash was piled up and protesters started even adding to it another trash. This is the way they are saying “no” to it. While people from Italian city Naples are covering their faces due to fear of the smell and toxic waste, Italy is facing sanctions from European Union. Instead of cleaning the! streets of this Italian city, prosecutors in Naples are investigating whether members of the local mafia are involved in this protest. It is not only one month lasting protest, but it also turned violent over the past week. Demonstrators are “repeatedly clashing with police at night, throwing petrol bombs against garbage trucks and setting cars on fire” informed Reuters. Even though the government promised swift action at the weekend, the clashes have continued. Prosecutors suspect members of the Camorra – Naples’ mafia, which makes a fortune from illegally dumping and burning toxic waste. Although mafia usually prefers being away from the spotlight, according to prosecutors this time it could be different. In their opinion members of the Camorra can be infiltrated among the protesters and be intentionally supporting the protest. As the Legambiente, environmental group said: “The Camorra has been turning waste into cash for decades in and arou! nd Naples.”

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by Barbora Misakova
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Indonesia´s most volatile volcano erupted Tuesday
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Mount Merapi, located on the border between Central Java and Yogyakarta, Indonesia, is the most active volcano in Indonesia erupting regularly since 16th century. Some time ago, scientists informed the public about an increasing seismicity from the volcano that has been first recorded in early September. On 25 October 2010 the Indonesian government raised the alert concerning Mount Merapi to the highest level,4 , and prompted villagers to retreat to safe distance. People living within 10 km from the volcano were evacuated. However, there were many of those who refused to leave and simply continued their everyday activities working the fields. So far, the eruption claimed a! t least 28 lives, most of them due to burns and respiratory failure caused by the ashes. Among the dead was also an elder, Mbah Marijan, known as the volcano´s spiritual gatekeeper. However, the scientists fear the worst might not still be over. There is danger of the volcano releasing deadly gases and debris. "It's a little calmer today," said Surono, the chief of Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation. "No hot clouds, no rumbling. But a lot of energy is pent up back there. There's no telling what's next." Up to present day, Mount Merapi has already claimed many lives. In 1994, 64 people were killed. In 1930, 13 villages were destroyed and more than 1,400 people died. On Wednesday, many evacuated people returned to their homes to continue their daily activities despite officials´ warnings. "We'll do everything we can to stop them," said Hadi Purnomo, the district chief in the town of Sleman. "There's no life there. The trees, farms, houses are s! corched. Everything is covered in heavy gray ash." Indonesia h! as more active volcanoes than any other country. Mount Tambora, for example, is known for the most violent eruption in history in 1815.

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by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Kolerata vo Haiti mu se zakanuva na glavniot grad
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Za povekjeto od nas, kolerata e bolest od minatoto. Osobeno vo 19.vek se slučija nekolku strašni pandemii. Kolerata poteknuva od indiskiot supkontinent. Preku trgovskite pateki toj se proširi vo cel svet. Za žal, kolerata e prilično česta deneska vo razvienite zemji. Vo drugite delovi na svetot toa se sprečuva preku filteriranje i hloriranje na vodata. Vo momentov Haiti se bori so kolerata. Pričinata za širenjeto na zarazata bi možela da se locira vo uništuvačkiot zemjotres vo januari 2010 godina, što imaše vlijanie na ulovite za život vo državata. Zasega, povekje od 250 lugje počinaa i nad! 3.000 se zarazeni. Prvite slučaevi za bolesta bea zabeležani minatata nedela. Simptomite vklučuvaat strašna dijarea, dehidracija, treska i bolki vo stomakot. Isto taka može da predizvika i gadenje. Simptomite se javuvaat nekolku dena posle infekcijata. Vo Haiti, lugjeto stravuvaat deka kolerata bi možela da stigne do glavniot grad Port-o-Prins, so negovite naširoko rasprostraneti siromašni zoni. Zasega, pet pacienti so kolera bea prijaveni vo glavniot grad, kako i da e, site tie bea izolirani slučaevi. "Postojat značaen broj pacienti vo bolnicata Sveti Nikolas vo Sveti Marko, koja nema kapacitet da se spravi so itnosta na kolerata" - reče Federika Nogaroto, koordinator na Sv.Marko. "Najvažnoto nešto e da se izoliraat pacientite so koelra od drugite pacienti, za da možeme najdobro da gi istretirame tie lugje što se zarazeni i da spreťime ponatamošno širenje na bolesta. Toa isto taka! kje ja osposobi bolnicata da raboti kolku može ponormaln! o. Posta vivme poseben, izoliran centar za tretman na kolera vo glavniot grad so pomoš na rabotnici". Posledniot pat koga Haiti doživea pandemija na kolera beše vo 60-te godini

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cholera outbreak in Haiti threatens to reach the capital
by Zuzana Zelenakova

To most of us cholera is a disease of the past. 19th century in particular saw several cholera pandemics. Most likely, cholera has its origins in the Indian subcontinent. Through the trade routes it spread all over the world. Unfortunately, cholera is quite common sight today in developing countries. In other parts of the world it is prevented by filtering and chlorination of water. Right now i tis Haiti that struggles cholera outbreak. The reason for the spread of the disease might be traced back to the devastating earthquake in January 2010, that had an impact on living conditions in the country. So far, more than 250 people died and over 3,000 are infected. The first ca! ses of the disease were recorded last week. Symptoms include sever diarrhea, dehydration, fever and abdominal pain. It may also cause vomiting. The symptoms develop suddenly several days after infection. In Haiti, people fear that cholera could reach the capital of Port-au-Prince with its widespread poverty zones. So far, five cholera patients have bee reported in the capital, however, all of them being isolated incidents. “There are significant numbers of patients in St. Nicholas Hospital in St. Marc, which does not have the capacity to handle a cholera emergency,” said Federica Nogarotto, MSF emergency coordinator in St. Marc, Haiti. “The most important thing is to isolate the cholera patients there from the rest of the patients, in order to best treat those people who are infected and to prevent further spread of the disease. This will also enable the hospital to run as normally as possible. We are setting up a separate, isolated cholera treatment cent! er now Authorities are confident anough about preventing the s! pread of cholera to the capital with the help of aid workers. .” Last time, Haiti experienced cholera pandemic in the 1960s.

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by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Friday, October 22, 2010

Strong quake hits off Mexico's Baja California
by Magdalena Rosova

There was a powerful quake of magnitude 6.9 in the Sea of Cortez off Mexico's Baja California on Thursday. The quake struck towns on both sides of the narrow sea. Fortunately, no one reported immediate major damage or injuries. Building of the tourist resort of La Paz on the Baja California peninsula were shaken in the strong quake. The resort is famous for its whale watching. The qake shoo buildings also along the coast of the state of Sinaloa. An assistant to the mayor of Ahome in Sinaloa, said they had been in the town hall when the quake hit. They all run out, the quake caused only minor damage to the facade of the building. Emergency officials in Sinaloa did not recei! ve any reports of serious damage. However, they are investigating reports of evacuating some buildings. In the cities of Guasave, and Los Mochis and Culiacan, hotels and public buildings were evacuated. The quake did not impact operations of Sempra Energy, a company operating a liquefied natural gas import terminal on the Pacific Coast of Baja California. The center of the quake was in the south of the Sea of Cortez, the place is also known as the Gulf of California. It lays 65 miles south of Los Mochis in Sinaloa on the mainland. The center of the quake was only 6.2 miles below the seabed, which is very shallow. According to the Pacific Tsunami center, the quake did not cause a tsunami. But the center agreed the quake could cause local waves.

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by Magdalena Rosova
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French unions still in war!
by Barbora Misakova

No one wants to capitulate. While Nicolas Sharkozy says he understands striking people and he has no right to criticize them, he will never let them to hold ordinary people and the French economy as hostages. Union resistance is still tough. Streets of Lyon are full of destroyed cars and broken displays. Policemen have arrested more than 2,000 people yet, but as it seems, the “war” will keep continuing. Overhauling of the pension system is vital to ensuring that future generations receive any pensions at all, says Sarkozy. It is a choice many European governments are facing as populations live longer and government debts soar. But French unions are defending. By! their words, retirement at 60 is a hard-earned right and it will not be abandoned so easily. They not only claim that the working class will be unfairly punished by the pension reform, but they also fear it will be the first step in ending an entire network of benefits. The biggest threat of this year’s strike is the luck of oil. As the strikers are blockading two key oil terminals, the problem isn’t so much finding the oil, but getting it in to the country, said Jean-Louis Schilansky, the head of the national petroleum industry body. The gas and oil shortages have hit many sectors of the French economy. As the unions announced two more days of protest nationwide – next week and the week after, maybe the government’s prediction of 2 percent economic growth next year will not be fulfilled that easily.

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by Barbora Misakova
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Thursday, October 21, 2010

1.3 million Afghan votes thrown out!
by Barbora Misakova

Preliminary results from the last month’s Afghanistan parliamentary elections have been released. While Western authorities were last month talking about success, Afghan president Hamid Karzaj wasn’t that sure. As he said, shortly after the election rooms were closed, it was too soon for Afghanistan to draw any conclusions from election and its organization. After month there are numbers that can shock. As Associated Press informed, there were more than 20 percent of ballots thrown out because of fraud. According to election commission chairman Fazel Ahmad Manawi, it means there were about 1.3 million votes disqualified. From the total number of 5.6 million vote! s, it is nothing insignificant. But as leaders from European Union has stressed, these elections highlighted “the will of the Afghan people to create future of their own country.” OSN also valued courage of Afghan people and their decision to use their own democratic right to vote. However these elections were as much about courage, as about fear. Taliban which was threatening people with attacks of voting rooms, was discouraging many voters, especially those illiterate ones. More than 300 of terrorization cases say more about the daily reality in Afghanistan than any other political statement about national courage. People are afraid, their lives, just like the lives of their family members are more important than so long promised democracy. But there were also problems with voting stations – some of them were not opened at all and in some of them was lack of ballot papers or other material . Anyway, western representatives still consider it was success. ! As they say, for the country with no experience with democracy! system these election’s results are optimistic.

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by Barbora Misakova
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Historic seizure of marijuana found in Mexico
by Magdalena Rosova

The police in Mexico disclosed 105 tons of marijuana. It is the biggest seizure of marijuana that the police has found in many years. Its price on the black market in the United States would be at least two millions euro. During the police operation eleven people were arrested. One policeman and one suspicious were injured. More then ten thousands of packages with drug were found in several houses and cars in Tijuana. The city of Tijuana is on the border with American Sand Diego. Army officials initially estimated the value of the found drug of 4.2 billion pesos which is about $340 million. But after they counted all 15,300 packages they found out that the weight of the dru! g is even bigger - 134.2 tons. The drugs probably belonged to Sinaloa cartel. Gunfight started when convoy of cars started shooting on the ordinary police city guard. Just after the shooting army troops came to the place to support the police guard. After that army searched through the city and found out packages of marijuana hidden in the houses and cars. The drug was assigned for the black market in the United states. Mexico is a transit area on one of the several tracks for drug smuggling especially from South American Colombia. It is also one of the biggest producers of marijuana in the world. Mexico's president Felipe Calderon promised to repress the drug cartels in the country. Since he became a president four years ago, at least 30 thousands people died in the fight with the cartels.

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by Magdalena Rosova
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When the going gets tough!
by Barbora Misakova

Being in France now is more than dangerous to life. All the romantic images which you see when someone says “Paris” are gone. No Eiffel Tower, no Seina, only anger, violence and streets full of people. While youths in masks are smashing storefronts in the France’s main city, hundreds of flights to and from the country are canceled every day and drivers are looking for gas. But “there are [still] people who want to work, the immense majority.” said President Nicolas Sarkozy. Thursday will be another “testing” day, as students plan a day of mobilization with a demonstration in Paris hours before the Senate is to vote on the retirement! measure. Even though France remembers a long tradition of street protests, the current one is particularly worrisome as it has touched the vital energy sector. While young French are scared of increase of retirement age (from 60 to 62), current pensioners are afraid that the pension system they were years working for, will go bankrupt. According to unions, the move would erode France’s near-sacred tradition of generous social benefits. As one of protesters said: “France wouldn’t be what it is today if the generations, that came before us hadn’t taken to the streets.” Except Paris, the most violent clashes occurred in Lyon. Increase of retirement age was Sarkozy’s priority reform, but its fulfillment will be the last nail in the Sarkozy’s political coffin. Polls show him as unpopular as ever – from 1000 surveyed people, 61 percent gave Sarkozy negative rating.

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by Barbora Misakova
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Chechnya parliament in bloodshed
by Zivka Deleva

Six people have died and another 17 were wounded in the Islamic attack of Chechnya’s parliament that happened yesterday. The insurgents have chosen a brazen suicide raid to make some noise in the country that on the other hand doesn’t know of what the peace looked like. Though some politicians, including Russians that the southern region of the country is peaceful already they happen not to be right. One of the reasons why this riot is happening right now might be the recent Russia’s interior minister to Grozny. I still don’t know, how comes today when we live in such a world of technology, in the time of the intelligence services and smart methods! of pointing out the enemies, some country’s security can be hurt. In this example, three fanatic men have succeeded to enter the parliament building. One of them only entered the room and killed himself. The two others just run into the building shouted “God is great” in Arabic language. What fanatics! They swore in God’s name and at the same time were killing people! No one really knows how did the two people died, but that on the other hand is the last thing that is important in the case. As media reported, Russian political leaders, the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and President Dmitri Medvedev had offered any kind of help that Chechnya would need in confronting the military attacks and its consequences. It is so funny that some members of the Parliament are still trying to convince the international public that North Caucus is the secure place to be and live. But, that is so hard to believe, especially after such kinds of bloodshed. `
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (
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Ništo, osven vetar
by Milota Sidorova

Prikaznata za čileanskite rudari me potseti na pesna od Merilin Menson. “Dozvoli mi da te sakam” – tie ve sakaat koga ste na naslovna strana, a koga ne ste, tie sakaat nekoj drug. Ova e gorčlivata i sarskastičnata situacija na lugje što ja vkusile slavata. Toa e ironijata na lugje koi edvaj izbegnale rečisi sigurna smrt i preživeale vo uslovi vo koi povekjeto od lugjeto vednaš bi se otkažale. Najinteresniot del doagja koga celata nacija, ne, ne, celiot svet beše začuden od nivnoto spasuvanje. Sekoj važen svetski medium beše tamu, izvestuvajkji od nastanot koga kapsulata “Feniks” gi k! revaše nagore, eden po eden. Eden po eden izlegoa od tamu i site tie gi osetija blicovite na kamerite na mediumite. Pretsedatelot si ja završi rabotata i site oligarsi im vetija plati do krajot na životot. Tie bea praktično milioneri koi bea slobodni da izberat da napravat što sakaat. Samo dokolku vetuvanjata bea ispolneti. No, ne bea. I denes povtorno, svedoci sme na ušte edno poglavje od nivnata životna prikazna. Nevraboteni lugje što se vrakjaat vo nivnite domovi. Kompanijata što go rakovodeše rudnikot bankrotira – I čovek mora da kaže, deka toa beše i edinstveniot kraj. Kompanijata se oslobodi od odgovornosta i ostavi iljadnici lugje nevraboteni. Rudnikot beše eden od pogolemite centri za rabota vo oblasta i ja noseše kakva takva ranlivata stabilnost. Rudari, vklučuvajkji gi i tie 33-ca dzvezdi, se vratija doma za da dobijat ništo drugo, ami veter. Što kje pravat? Kje proda! vaat slatki? Slušaj, drag čitatele, nema ništo ! poiluzor no od mediumskata slava i vetuvanjata na bogatite lugje. Vkusi go, stani popameten I pomisli na onie što pominaa niz pekol za da dobijat ništo. I misli na milioni drugi rudari što kje umrat neznajni, samo zatoa što tamu nema da ima medium i komercijalna pobaruvačka za drugi glavni vesti.

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by Milota Sidorova
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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nothing, but wind.
by Milota Sidorova

Story of Chilean miners reminds me of Marylin Manson's song. Let me tell you – they love you when you are on the cover, when you are not, they love another. This is the bitter and sarcastic situation of people who tasted the fame and glory. This is the irony of people who barely escaped a certain death and survived in conditions in which most of people would immediatelly give up. The most interesting part comes after whole nation, no, no, it was the whole world stunning at their resurrection. Each important world media was there broadcasting Phoenix capsule taking them up, one by one. One by one got out and all of them tasted flashes of media cameras. President did h! is job and rich oligarchs promised them life long salaries. They were pracitcally millionaires who were free to choose doing anything they wanted. If the promises would had been kept. But they were not. And today again, we witness another chapter of their life story. Unemployed people returning back to their homes. The company who ran the mine ended in bankruptcy – and one has to say, it was the only expected end. The company got rid of responsibility and left thousands of unemployed people. Mine was one of major job centers in the area and pulled its economic, yet vulnerable stability. Miners, including those 33 stars returned home to get nothing, but wind. What are they going to do? Selling candies? Listen, dear reader, there is nothing more illusive than the media fame and richmen's promises. Taste it, get wiser and think of those who went through hell to received nothing. And think of million of other miners who will die, unknown, just because there won't be medi! a and commercial demand for another breaking-news.

r! elated s tory (sgx18426):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fi! ngers.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Rescued miners come back to live
by Magdalena Rosova

They used to be ordinary miners that no one knew about. But now, they have become national heroes. Outside the hospital, where miners were placed to be examined, there are reporters, TV producers, publicity agents and journalists desperate to hear their adventurous story. The miners were successfully rescued on Thursday and consequently they were given fashionable sunglasses that should protect them from the bright light. After 69 days buried under the ground in the darkness their eyes have become very sensitive and that is the reason they need to wear sunglasses. Just one day after their rescue the miners wearing hospital bathrobes posed for a group photo with Chilean Pres! ident Sebastian Pinera. For more than two weeks no one knew whether the “los 33”, as they were known, is alive or not. The men say it was the unity that helped them to survive. Until they are in the hospital, they under the care of a government operation that has protected them. The rescuers did a good job, the rescue campaign was carefully coordinated and all miners are in good conditions. But once they walk out the hospital doors, they have to take care of themselves. It seems they will not have a chance to take a rest. Their first day of fresh air they were probably the 33 most in-demand people on the planet. For example a Greek mining company offered the miners holidays on the sunny Aegean islands. But they have much more offers. Soccer teams in Madrid, Manchester and Buenos Aires want them in their stadiums, President of Bolivia invited them at his palace and many others from all over the world invites them to come.

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Rescued miners do not want to dislose details
by Magdalena Rosova

On Friday, the first three rescued Chilean miners rescued the hospitals and joyfully celebrated their new lives of national heroes. Overnight they have become stars not only in Chile, but also all over the world. All 33 miners have decided to tell their story all together. That is probably the reason why no one of them have told any dramatic details of 69 days spent trapped 1 kilometer beneath the Atacama desert. Just few hours before his rescue, Omar Reygadada, a 56 year old electrician, said his daughter that the miners agreed to divide all their earnings from interviews, media appearances, movies or books. They have also told their family members not to tell anything to ! the media without their permission. Hundreds of reporters came on Thursday to small provincial capital to watch how the men are being rescued through a narrow hole that took a month to drill. A shift foreman at the San Jose mine was rescued as the last one and he told The Associated Press that they have hired an accountant that will track their income from public appearances and divide it to all miners. Pablo Ramirez, 29, had lowered himself into the mine after it collapsed and tried to reach his friends. Today he said that the miners will speak together as a group and will provide all the details. Ramirez together with another roughly 360 miners have no job because the government closed San Jose mine as unsafe. As an experienced miner he has good job prospects, but his rescued friends have absolutely different prospects as they are now the most in-demand people on the planet.

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by Magdalena Rosova
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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Návrat na svet.
by Milota Sidorova

Nebudem klamať. Včera som strávila niekoľko hodín nalepená na obrazovke a sledovala koniec čílskej story. Dráma 33 baníkov, ktorí strávili v podzemí 69 dní sa posunula do záverečného štádia – a včera sa záchranárom podarilo na povrch dostať posledného z nich. Príde mi to vlastne veľmi krásne, už vďaka tomu, že je to na všetkých svetových mediálnych kanálch. A o to krajšie, pretože správy zvyčajne vyhľadávajú tie bombastické a negatívne správy. B! aníkov sa na povrch podarilo vytiahnúť cez jednoduchú spúšťaciu kapsulu s príznačným názvom – Fénix. Baníci po jednom nastupovali do len 50 cm širokej kabíny a vydali sa smerom nahor. Pomaly, pomaly. Prekonanie tých 600 metrov trvalo asi 15 minút. Skúšam si predstaviť tú situáciu. Strávim v tme 69 dní, zažijem extrémne sociálne podmienky, neviem o svete tam hore takmer nič a opäť, vojdem do mechanizmu, ktorý je mojou pôrodnou cestou. Smerujem na povrch. V tesnom priestore, nie širšom ako rakva. Stúpam nahor. Fénix pri operácii, ktorá trvala okolo 34 hodín nezaznamenal žiadne technické poruchy. Pri povrchu sa združilo takmer celé Čile. No, nie možno celé, ale početná skupina záchranárov a blízkych a počas celej! akcie bol prítomný súčasný prezident! . Ten os tal aj potom, čo média stratili záujem. Avšak s posledným z nich prepukli veľké emócie. Ľudia v čílskych mestách sa združovali na verejných priestranstvách a sledovali tento proces cez obrazovky. Zvláštne, veľmi dojemné vidieť masy ľudí smiať sa, modliť a plakať zároveň. Ak by tu bol nejaký historik, povedal by, že toto je moment, ktorý spája národ. Skromne by som doplnila – moment, ktorý spája ľudstvo. Pretože my všetci máme v žilách rovnakú krv a vždy sa to môže stať aj nám. V tomto svete nemáme nič viac, len ľudí...

related story (sgx18405):;_ylt=Ar8LP...
by Milota Sidorova
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The happiest day for Chile!
by Milota Sidorova

I won't lie. Yesterday I spend few hours glued on television and watching the end of Chilean drama. The story of 33 miners who spent about 69 days deep underground hit all world media during past two months. And yesterday was the day when the story ended and despite mostly negative reports in media, this time it had its happy ending. The capsule Phoenix went up and down and brought all 33 miners back to the surface, back to the light. The capsule was a primitive elevator, only about 50 cm wide going deep about 600 meters. One by one, miners went in and closed their eyes while being pulled up in this very narrow chimney. Try to imagine 15 minutes in a space wide just few cen! timeters more than half a meter, going up, feeling the nearing human society. You and the machine in the dark, narrow space. Heading for the light. Some compared the mine to the woman giving a birth to the child. All miners went up the chimney without any technical problems – the whole action took about 33-34 hours. When they got outside, they were all wearing sunglasses, protecting them from the sun, since they spent two months in the dark. But they brought also Chilean flag and some small stones with them. It was a happy day for the whole country. People stayed in crowds on the streets all around Chile, watching this rescue action on big screens, praying and smiling and crying at the same time. If there would be a historician, he/she would say – these were the moments joining the nations together. But I would only make one humble note– it brought all the people together , it brought all humans, since the same blood runs through our veins as well.
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by Milota Sidorova
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chile miners finally rescued!
by Barbora Misakova

THAT is incredible and attention-worthy! After 69 days (!!!) miners from Chilean earth were freed! Wednesday was the lucky day not only for miners themselves but also and mostly for their families. The whole rescue action started at midnight and by early afternoon, more than half the men had been rescued. The whole operation was strictly monitored by video on the way up for any sign of panic. Miners had oxygen masks, dark glasses to protect their eyes from unfamiliar daylight. Mario Sepulveda, the second miner who tasted freedom said: “I think I had extraordinary luck. I was with God and with the devil. And I reached out for God.” When the miners were buried by ! 700,000 tons of rock on August 5, no one dared to believe they would survive! For the first 17 days, no one even knew whether they were alive. But after more than three months they are out and alive, and some of them are even making fun of it – Sepulveda for instance shortly after being pulled out of buried mine, handed out souvenir rocks from the mine to laughing rescuers. After first eight miners were rescued, health minister Jaime Manalich told a news conference that all of them were in good health, even the diabetic among them. “This rescue operation has been so marvelous, so clean, so emotional that there was no reason not to allow the eyes of the world to see it.” said President Sebastian Pinera. All 33 miners, among whom the youngest is 19-year-old and the oldest 63-year-old, are OK!

related story (sgx18387):;_ylt=AiVMO...
by Barbora Misakova
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Zatrupanite rudari od Čile naskoro kje mu se pridružat na svetot
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Trieset i trojcata zatrupani rudari kje mu se pridružat na nadvorešniot svet naskoro spored ministerot za rudarstvo Lorens Golborn. Opremata za dupčenje vo momentov se postavuva za finalnata faza od naporite za spasuvanje. Rudarite bea zatrupani 700 metra pod zemja na 5 avgust koga kolabiraše rudnikot San Hoze. Inžinerite mora da bidat posebno vnimatelni vo finalnata faza od operaciite. "Postoi opasnost deka duri da vlezeme preku cvrstata karpa i koga kje ja skršime, nekoj može da se povredi" - reče Andre Sugare, inižinerot zadolžen za dupčenjeto. "Tokmu zatoa morame da ispratime kamera za da se osigurame deka nema da! ima opasnost". Namesto da se stigne do površinata, sekoj rudar kje ima okolu 20-minutno vozenje vo specijalno rotiračka kapsula. Kje dobijat par očila za sonce za da gi zaštitat nivnite oči otkako kje se odvojat od temninata. Vo momentov, rudarite se soočuvaat so golem mentalen pritisok, kako i da e, vednaš štom tie kje izlezat od nivniot podzemen zatvor tie kje mora da se soočat so drug vid predizvik so ogled na toa deka kje stanat centar na vnimanieto za celiot svet. Intervjua, pokani od vrvni reprezentacii itn. "Pred da stanat heroi, tie se žrtvi" - psihologot Serhio Gonzales od Univerzitetot od Santjago izjavi za "Asošiejted Pres". "Ovie lugje što kje izlezat od dnoto na rudnikot se različni lugje...i nivnite semejstva, isto taka." Nim kje im bide ponudena šestmesečna psihološka poddrška na sekoj od rudarite."Site tie kje kora da se soočat so mediumite i slava i kje bidat por! azlični od pred da bidat zatrupani", reče ministerot! za zdra vstvo Jaime Manalich. "Site tie kje pominuvaat niz mnogu teški situacii za da se adaptiraat."

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by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Monday, October 11, 2010

Ready to leave...
by Milota Sidorova

What happens if the land loses the ability to grow plants and bread? What happens if villages, houses turn into ghost areas full of toxic dust. If there is nobody to return, but still a careful observer would find traces and hints of recent human actions. What if houses would be dangerous even to touch and breathe the air within their walls? What if it were your house and you would suddenly became a refugee? These questions are not science-fiction, but the bleak reality for residents of several Hungarian villages. When the dam containing bauxit and aluminium residuals broke down, it made a history as the worst ecological and probably also human catastrophe. Thousands of tho! usands of liters flew out and flooded four villages leaving 7 deads and more than one hundred badly wounded people. Reactive hydroxide left the soil and all surfaces dangerous to even touch. MAL Rt, the owner of the alumina plant in Ajka said it was sorry for the damages and although it was willing to pay compensations, it didn't take the responsibility for the dam failure. And while EU sought to pressure the government to prevent the toxic mud and waste to enter Danube river, the case didn't seem to be finished. While dam released about a half of its content, another cracks have appeared on the northern wall of the reservoir. The dam could be torn apart again – that would be the worst case scenario for people of Kolontar, the government and ecosystems. Technicians talk about building a sarcopfagus for the dam, but it may take months. So far there is a red alert, sword of Damocles hangs above heads of roughly 6,000 residents, packed and ready to leave at any moment.! ..

related story (sgx18362):
by Milota Sidorova
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Trapped miners from Chile will soon join the outside world
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Thirty three trapped miners should rejoin the outside world soon according to the mining minister Laurence Golborne. The drilling equipment is currently being prepared for the final stage of the rescue efforts. The miners have been trapped 700 meters below the ground since 5 August when the San Jose mine collapsed. The engineers need to be extremely cautious in the final stage of the operations. "There are dangers - that we break through the hard rock, and when we break that, someone might get injured," said Andre Sougarret, the engineer in charge of the drilling. "That's why we need to send a camera down the shaft to make sure they're not going to be in danger." In order ! to get to the surface, each miner will take about 20-minute ride in a special rotating capsule. They will be given a pair of sunglasses to protect their eyes after emerging from the darkness. Currently, the miners face a great deal of mental pressure, however, once they are out of their underground prison they will have to deal with another kind of challenge as they will become center of the attention of the whole world. Interviews, invitations from top representatives, and so on. "Before being heroes, they are victims," University of Santiago psychologist Sergio Gonzalez told The Associated Press. "These people who are coming out of the bottom of the mine are different people ... and their families are too." Chile´s government has already pledged to offer six months psychological support to each of the miners. "All of them will have to confront the media and fame, and will encounter families that aren't the same as when they were trapped," Health Minister Jaime Manali! ch said. "All of them will live through very difficult situati! ons of a daptation."

related story (sgx18365):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
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One of three to take the power.
by Milota Sidorova

Theatrical parade, multimedia performance, military show up, thousands of people standing in lines cheering up. This was the picture of Sunday Pyongyang, North Korea. Since the current leader Kim Jong Il suffered heartattack in 2008, talks about his potential follower have taken place. Who would he be? Would he be one of his family members or some experienced general? As time went by the attention was paid to his third son Kim Jong Un. The young man whose date of birth is disputed (officially given and changed several times by North Korean government), but should be around his 27/28 yrs. Kim Jong Un attended Swiss school and even the name of the school is disputed –! while one source said it was English-language International School in Berne, some said it was Gumlingen International School or Liebefeld public school. He was studying under false name and identity – Kim Jong Un was meant to be a driver's son. Switzerland was chosen for its neutrality in conflicts between North and South Korea. There was always a kind of tabu around Kim Jong Un. While there are information about his language skills and sport preferences (like being a fan of Skiing and basketball), his photographs were censored and released only after official permission. Until 2010, there were only few pictures from mid-1990's. This fall he appeared on party conference where he was seated in front row, just two places from his fatner. First hints of North Korean successor fell on his older brother Kim Jong-nam. But back in 2001 the oldest son was caught attempting to enter Japan on fake passport and fell out of father's and party's favor. Another brother Jong-chul ! was according to Kenji Fujimoto, Kim Jong Il's former personal! chef al so out of selection, since he was regarded as too soft in character, while Kim Jong un would be exactly like his father – reluctant to fail and lose.

related story (sgx18366):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cant! ell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hungary drowned in sludge flood
by Zivka Deleva

The flood that overtook Hungary might put at risk dozens of other nations as well, warn the environmental groups from the European Union. That might cost huge aftermath for people, because the sludge flood has been toxic. The investigative agencies in this country already started the criminal research about who is guilty for this disaster. The experts are afraid that Danube might carry on with its flow the Hungarians problem too. What really happened? A sludge reservoir burst at the metals plants in Ajka, a town about 160 kilometers from Budapest. Some hundreds people had to leave their homes and find a better place to stay. But, not all of them were lucky. Four lost their! lives, one less is missing and about 120 people were injured. Cars flew, bridges were torn apart, and the waste “visited” others Hungarian towns as well. The officials still are not familiar to the reason that provoked this failure. They even say that only two weeks ago, the plant’s reservoir has been inspected and everything was just fine. But, the responsibility doesn’t end at this point. It is completely normal that the National Police had opened the case because it is possible that some guardians haven’t done their job well. It is still not known whether the disaster may not repeat again, so the emergency rate is at great level. The EU finds that this problem might become a bigger disaster for other countries where Danube circulates. According to Greenpeace International, this disaster is one of the top three that had happened in Europe in the last two or three decades.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Anti-terrorist warnings for U.S and British citizens
by Zivka Deleva

When you come from one less developed country like mine (Republic of Macedonia), or wherever but not those well developed and “highly” civilized countries from the central parts of Europe, then don’t you must be used to more checking and controls whenever you decide to travel somewhere. For the western world, you are a threat of a possible criminal, robbery man, terrorist. And, who are the most paranoid nations in the world today? One, two, three…I know you have guessed – off course, the Anglo-Saxons successors, British and American people. Whenever you hear about some terroristic act, than you know that it was “dedicated” to them. ! US government warned its citizens that al Qaeda might hurt people at airports, bus stations, trains… The same went to the British people as well. They specified the most for those Brits and US people that aim to travel in some European country. It is good that summer is over so tourists are less and less presented in all the interesting destinations, but still. How paranoid should one be, when your government tells you to watch out your back wherever you are, in no matter what country?!! I mean, how could I pay attention? What should one do to stay secure? Here’s how the warning sounded like: "The State Department alerts U.S. citizens to the potential for terrorist attacks in Europe" - it was written on its website. The officials say that the most dangerous destinations at the moment are Germany and France. The intelligence services came to the information that militant people from Pakistan are dispersed all over Europe.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

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U.S. sent thousands of alerts to Americans in Europe.
by Milota Sidorova

Warnings against upcoming terrorist attack in European metropolis. Mass produced e-mails and messages to hundreds of thousands of American citizens living and traveling around Europe. The content is clear – be aware of terrorist attack and avoid usual American hanging points in Europe. If you notice something dangerous in public space, better to get out and disappear. Well, that is what´s been done past week by nonprofit group IES after media announced potential plot of terrorist attack in Paris and London. Although nothing really happened and the U.S. government has refused to submit further data or evidence except of mentioning al-Qaida backgrond to the public! , American citizen have been alerted. Is this all a speculation? One has a reason to believe that. American media have already began discussion about potential threats for tourism in crisis and debt ridden Europe. And this buzz seems to take place over internet and press, despite the fact airlines and hotels don´t report any major change or decline. IES sent around 1,500 e-mails to college students in study abroad trips and also their parents – to send their children the same message twice by themselves. But according to the same media, the message didn´t have any major impact neither among students nor among travelers. Perhaps the decline would have been caused only if there was some specific warning. Eiffel Tower was evacuated two time during past two weeks – first there was a bomb hoax phone call and the second was also a terrorist attack that didn´t happen. The same measures were taken in several places in London including royal palace, Tr! afalgar Square and Victoria station.

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by Milota Sidorova
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