Twelve miners died in China
by Zivka Deleva
Whenever you mention miners, I have the feeling that the news is going to be bad. I wasn't wrong this time, too. Now, we are not talking about the Chile's case of 33 trapped miners that thanks God are alive and got through three months later. But, I am talking about dozens of Chinese miners that were killed in a flood in the southwestern part of the country. This industry is extremely dangerous and it is not rarely for it to be hit badly. What really happened? As Chinese Xinhua news agency reported, the accident happened when about 50 miners in the Machang town were working underground. The flood hasn't been deadly dangerous for all of them. Fortunately, 38 of them achiev! ed to save their heads. Now, who's fault is this, would be answered right after the police investigation is going to be finished. Mine industry is one with the biggest consequences in this country. Only in the last year, about 2.600 people were killed, not only in the mine industry, but all job-related accidents. This number is even higher. The last bigger accident happened just two weeks ago, when 37 people lost their lives in a gas outburst in the central part of the country. It is inevitable to notice that mines' security is one of the most important thing on which the science of this industry should be focused. Miners shouldn't be left only on the God's whish and on the message that stands on the top of the mines' entrances - Good luck! After such human disasters, who would actually think of being such a worker? Maybe the poor ones that doesn't really have a big choice.
by Zi! vka Dele va for Cantell TV ( |
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