Monday, October 4, 2010

Anti-terrorist warnings for U.S and British citizens
by Zivka Deleva

When you come from one less developed country like mine (Republic of Macedonia), or wherever but not those well developed and “highly” civilized countries from the central parts of Europe, then don’t you must be used to more checking and controls whenever you decide to travel somewhere. For the western world, you are a threat of a possible criminal, robbery man, terrorist. And, who are the most paranoid nations in the world today? One, two, three…I know you have guessed – off course, the Anglo-Saxons successors, British and American people. Whenever you hear about some terroristic act, than you know that it was “dedicated” to them. ! US government warned its citizens that al Qaeda might hurt people at airports, bus stations, trains… The same went to the British people as well. They specified the most for those Brits and US people that aim to travel in some European country. It is good that summer is over so tourists are less and less presented in all the interesting destinations, but still. How paranoid should one be, when your government tells you to watch out your back wherever you are, in no matter what country?!! I mean, how could I pay attention? What should one do to stay secure? Here’s how the warning sounded like: "The State Department alerts U.S. citizens to the potential for terrorist attacks in Europe" - it was written on its website. The officials say that the most dangerous destinations at the moment are Germany and France. The intelligence services came to the information that militant people from Pakistan are dispersed all over Europe.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

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