Thursday, September 30, 2010

Frenchmen spent a lot more that thez could afford
by Zivka Deleva

They laughed at their Euro zone compatriot Greece, but they forgot to look themselves in the mirror. I am talking about the French government, that gave so much advises and suggestions how Greek politicians to find solutions over their crises, and now we come to the moment when media announced that French country has looked into the pockets weight too often, forgetting to remember how much it really has to spend. Now, of course, something has to be done, for the governmental account to be improved and brought into some kind of “normal” situation. Nicolas Sarkozy’s friends from the centre-right government decided to take some measures, like control the civ! il service spending, decrease tax breaks and with that, create a better starting point for the 2011 budget. For the next year, as the statistics say, France total debt will reach 86.2 percent of the national output for that year. Everybody is aware that people don’t like austerity measures – some other countries have already proved that, like Greece, Spain, Britain. The situation in France hasn’t been pinky. Workers have protested for the decision of increasing the retirement age to 62 from 60, which is a certain trend in whole developed Europe. No matter what he does now, Sarkozy will certainly have consequences on the next elections, after two years. But, people don’t care for trends, they search for their rights. That reform is one of the blackest smudge for Sarkozy’s presidency. His ratings are getting worse as each day goes by. France still has a triple-A credit rating, which makes her an attracting country for making business.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

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