The happiest day for Chile!
by Milota Sidorova
I won't lie. Yesterday I spend few hours glued on television and watching the end of Chilean drama. The story of 33 miners who spent about 69 days deep underground hit all world media during past two months. And yesterday was the day when the story ended and despite mostly negative reports in media, this time it had its happy ending. The capsule Phoenix went up and down and brought all 33 miners back to the surface, back to the light. The capsule was a primitive elevator, only about 50 cm wide going deep about 600 meters. One by one, miners went in and closed their eyes while being pulled up in this very narrow chimney. Try to imagine 15 minutes in a space wide just few cen! timeters more than half a meter, going up, feeling the nearing human society. You and the machine in the dark, narrow space. Heading for the light. Some compared the mine to the woman giving a birth to the child. All miners went up the chimney without any technical problems – the whole action took about 33-34 hours. When they got outside, they were all wearing sunglasses, protecting them from the sun, since they spent two months in the dark. But they brought also Chilean flag and some small stones with them. It was a happy day for the whole country. People stayed in crowds on the streets all around Chile, watching this rescue action on big screens, praying and smiling and crying at the same time. If there would be a historician, he/she would say – these were the moments joining the nations together. But I would only make one humble note– it brought all the people together , it brought all humans, since the same blood runs through our veins as well.
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by Milota Sidorova for Cantell TV ( |
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