Thursday, December 6, 2007

Teddy bear Mohammed calls for murder
by Romana Schlesingerova

British teacher, who let the kids at the elementary school in Sudan named their teddy bear Mohammed, insulted the prophet. The court sent her to the jail for 15 days and once she will be free again, she will have to leave the country. The people of Sudan are not very confident with the verdict. Thousands of Muslims call for her death in the streets of Khartoum. Gillian Gibbons (54) from Liverpool sacrificed her entire life to the work with children. She had started to teach in Khartoum this year in August. Her effort to explain the life of animals, finally cause massive demonstrations. The teacher asked the kids in class to choose a name for the bear. They picked up various, but the majority-23 suggested Mohammed. They created a notebook with the title "My name is Mohammed" and took turns in playing with the animal at home. They were supposed to write down everything they did with him over the weekend. The police arrested the teacher last Sunday, taking the notebook and auditing the little girl, who was the real owner of Mohammed. Some parent complained to the Ministry of Education about the serious insult of the prophet Mohammed. Gibbons had been supported by her Christian and Muslim colleagues from the school. They proofed, that it was a matter of the cultural misunderstanding. She was firstly convicted to 40 bumps with whip or a year of jail. Finally, the court sent her to the jail for only 15 days and deportation right afterwards. People of Sudan are not happy and called angrily for the death. Muslims entered the streets and asked the execution, burned her pictures and yelled: "Shame on Britain."

related story:;_ylt=As90GCr5JC5K9jd4Nv364Kas0NUE
by Romana Schlesingerova
for PocketNews (

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