Monday, May 26, 2008

China's aftershock Claudia Sonea

After the tragedy that hit Myanmar on May 3, China faced a 7, 8 earthquake on the Richter scale on May 12. The difference consists in the way the two countries approached the situations. Perhaps that due to the hosting of the Olympic Games, China become more malleable and treated the disaster in a new way, creating a bond between the government and the people, while protesters switched to raising funds and giving help. The official death toll was set on Friday just above 22000, but there are expectations for the number to increase as the help might not come in time for the 4.8 million survivors that are now homeless, living in tents or in the open air. According to President Hu Jintau and Premier Web Jiabo the priority is to find all the survivors. Yet, not long after on Friday they buried their dead, there was a 5.9 on Richter scale aftershock that hit Lixian creating more casualties. The 130000 troops mobilized are not sufficient, especially in the context of blocked roads and landslides and in consequence some villages like Houzhuang have to manage on their own. Like in the case of Myanmar, people worldwide offered to help and China accepted it. Rescue teams, from Japan, Russia, Taiwan, South Korea and Singapore got in Sichuan province to help, while the World Food Program sent ready-to-eat meals for 118,000 people. In addition, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said China will receive emergency funds of seven million dollars. As soon as more funds will be available China will receive them. On the other side, the earthquake hit Mianyang where it is located the main nuclear weapons research lab and other atomic sites. As it is, there is a general alert of radiation leaks. Also, there is a general outrage due the crumpling of school buildings. However, the Housing Ministry ordered an investigation as soon as things are settling down.
by Claudia Sonea
for PocketNews (

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