Monday, May 26, 2008

Post-cyclone Myanmar Claudia Sonea

After Myanmar was hit by a deathly cyclone on May 3, people worldwide stepped in to help. Yet, the junta dictatorship prevented them from helping, showing once more how much damage it can create. Beyond all political reasons, the junta should think at the people’s lives; not allowing any specialized help, they commit a crime against humanity due to the millions of lost lives. Being the monsoon season, Myanmar’s situation is worsening day by day with heavy rains that started Friday and could make it harder for relief efforts. The 2.5 million survivors cannot receive proper help as the country's military regime limited the aid workers possibilities by restricting access to Yangon and the Irrawaddy delta, refusing the help of the UN, Red Cross and other nongovernmental organizations specialized in crisis situations. It will get even more difficult in the absence of proper help for survivors in the context of insufficient aid workers, lack of food and clean water that could lead to disease outbreaks. According to the Red Cross the death toll raises to 128000, while Myanmar state television reported 77,738 deaths and 55,917 others missing. The United Nations is still assured by the junta that the situation is under control, but there are no proves and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says it is critical to know some figures and to allow international workers to help around, whereas Jean-Maurice Ripert, France's ambassador to the U.N., showed his discontent regarding the refusal of the French navy ship to deliver 1,500 tons of food, drugs and medication to the Irrawaddy delta. John Holmes, U.N. undersecretary-general for humanitarian affairs Bangkok, went to Myanmar to persuade the junta to give more visas to those who want to help. Thanks to the junta’s stubbornness, the situation of millions of people is dangerous. When will they realize that?

related story:;_ylt=AsNnIEXvJqzqmyPWCgam1C6s0NUE

by Claudia Sonea
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