Thursday, June 19, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses World News: Sudanese plane bursts into flames, killing dozens
by Radka Konkolova

In Sudan capital Khartoum an accident happened late Tuesday. This one was connected with airlifting. The officials and reporters have thought this was another huge tragedy in Sudan caused by plane, because at first they reported about 100 people killed. But, fortunately, later this number decreased approximately to 30 deaths. As you can notice, there were some similar crashes in Sudan during last few years and there were plenty of useless deaths. Some people claim, that the reason why there are so many accidents in airlifting could be poor navigation systems. This very one crash could be the consequence of combination of poor navigation system and rough weather as well. The exact cause is not known yet, but it is already in the state of inquiry. This jetliner was carrying the passengers from Jordanian Amman to Khartoum making an intermediate landing in Syrian Damascus in order to refuel and board another passengers. So finally, there were 203 passengers, mainly Sudanese, and another 14 crew members aboard. Some experts claim that the cause of the crash was rough weather, because that time there blustered strength thunderstorm with heavy rain and sand-storm as well. The specialist from the Meteorology Center, providing private weather service, has said the wind reached about 20 mph there. So these could be the reason why the plane left the runway and was caught fire. According to Youssef Ibrahim, director of the Khartoum airport, the problem was not in the weather, but somewhere in technique, because as he said that the plane landed the runway safely (no matter the strong thunderstorm or drenched runway) and pilot was asking the tower for another instruction, but then something wrong happened. The right engine had caught fire which started to extend into the fuselage then. Most of fares, what means about 100 people, are safe, because the crew has probably kept cool and with help of the inflatable slide they were trying to evacuate people from the burning plane. But on the other hand, there is still neither exact amount of injured people, who have been carried to the hospitals, nor those, who have been killed there. But information about five sluggish is confirmed while rescuers have pulled 5 dead bodies from the wreckage. Officials opinions vary regarding this crash, but one thing is sure. Everyone is awaiting the issue which reports the official number of survivors, injured and those, who didn't last this crash...

related story:;_ylt=Aso3a7P4W6JKSue5YhYo.oms0NUE

by Radka Konkolova
for PocketNews (

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edited by: Lenka Macurakova

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