Monday, August 4, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses World News: A tragedy in Philippines- An inhibitors in Philippines have recently experienced another big ferry disaster

The first huge ferry disaster happened in Philippines in 1987, when ferry called Dona Paz sank and killed 4341 people on board. This was the biggest ferry catastrophe in the world. And nowadays they are witnesses of another disaster.
Ferry called The Princess of Stars got trapped into a massive and strong storm on Saturday. According to official reports, on the board of this ferry, there were 747 passengers, but some sources announced on Monday, that this ferry was carrying about 100 people more. On Sunday, 38 survivors have been found, some were in a life raft, some wore life jackets. On Sunday divers hammered on a hull of the ferry, but unfortunately, they had no response from those trapped in the ferry. But they are not going to give up. Two teams of resources are planning to dive underwater on Tuesday. If this mission fails, there is a last resort: cutting through a hull of ferry, but there is a big risk: a cargo of bunker oil can leak into into the sea and can cause an environmental catastrophe. This catastrophe was clearly visible on Monday, when this ferry was one end pocking out of the sea.
In connection with disaster, some questions are arising: Why was this ferry allowed to leave Manila on Friday in the evening, for a 20 hours lasting trip to Cebu, when the typhoon Fengshen was achieving the waters of Philippines? Why did the coast guard approved the departure of the ferry? In order to solve this questions and find an appropriate answers, the government ordered an company, which will conduct an investigation.
No matter how the results will be, it will not rescue the lives of many innocent victims. But it can serve as a prevention to such a tragedies.

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by Petra Kamenicka
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posted by Lucia Adamova

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