Monday, August 4, 2008

EU enacts new security package
by Silvia Szarkova

European Union leaders enacted on Friday a new restriction package, which deals the vast problem of illegal immigrants, including the processes when entering the EU such as fingerprinting and screening. But people do not feel this could make their lives more safety. Is this just another restriction to our freedom?

The measures resemble to those ones already placed in the United States. Immediately after enacting, they were followed by the worrying of freedom. So although the security is in order as number one importance, as stated the leaders of EU, they could cause serious confusing about the people's privacy and can push back the rights of immigrants who are seeking to find shelter and refuge in EU.

In this declaration, EU parliament orders the membered countries to enact a legislative to protect the borders of Union and to match the main points of immigration and asylum policy by the 2010 as a key priority for citizens. EU also wants the countries to take this agreement as a primary political task.

The package would include fingerprinting and screening as a compulsory for everyone- not just for those nations needing a visa for entering the Union such as most African nations, but even for those ones who do not need a visa, such as the US. Then the satellite system would by used to avoid letting in illegal immigrants.

If this result of Friday's summit came really into the existence, it would mean the biggest revision of security arrangements for all 27 EU governments and, of course, would cost billions of Euro.

This treaty has to stand up for much criticism. One of the biggest opponents is Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan President. He declared if the EU nations applied the regulations, he would cut off the possibilities of investing in bar and oil to EU.

Slovenian Prime minister Janez Jansa who was in charge of the two-day summit said that Chavez's reaction was inappropriate and exaggerated and that he might not know what this really means.

Nicholas Sarkozy, French President who will take the presidency of EU next month after Slovenia, claimed that the issue of immigration will be put as the prime priority.

related story:;_ylt=Am4Aowm3KSoC0TGLkezLNv2s0NUE

by Silvia Szarkova
for PocketNews (

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